Not so seriously about the most disgusting stuffs

in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)3 years ago (edited)

Not so seriously about the most disgusting stuffs



I hope it will be forgiven to me that I treated the subject half-serious and created the very subjective list of ten things that disgust me the most. I won't be writing about the politics, rapes, murders because it's all very obvious and too dark for my mood today. Instead, I would like to offer you a bit of fun and a deeper view into @papi.mati's mind:

10. Toilet paper upside-down

One of my relationships almost collapsed because of that :) Toilet paper has to be hung in the way that the paper to reach is from the top, not the bottom! It seems to be so obvious to me and yet, half of the people think differently... scandalous. If you don't agree with me, google "Seth Wheeler". That guy invited toilet paper and probably predicted how controversial the product it will be because he also left the instruction on how should it be hung. Long story short - he was thinking exactly like me ;)

9. Socks and sandals

Every time someone wears white socks and sandals, Gucci in heaven feels like he is shot in the chest again. For me there is nothing less stylish - you could wear the rubbish bin on the head and pajamas and yet you would look more decent than wearing sandals and socks. I may feel it more than others though, I pay special attention to the feet, so that view hurts me more, but I'm pretty sure almost everyone will agree with me that it's the total opposite of sexiness or style, am I right?

8. Garlic kiss

If both (or more) kissing people were eating the garlic before, no problem. Call it Transylvania night and go for it - everyone has some fantasies. But when I was not eating garlic and I suppose to kiss someone who was, it's a big "no" from me. I mean, brush your teeth before please, but twenty times at least. In some way, the garlic smell is more disturbing for me than cigarettes (maybe because I'm still smoking, even though in the last week I managed to limit smoked cigarettes by 50% - yay!).

7. The sound of rubbing polystyrene

The worst sound that gives me goose skin. I feel I should not tell you that, but torture me with the rubbing polystyrene sound for 5 minutes, and I will agree to tell you all my secrets and probably gratis will donate you part of my liver for free. Another thing is that my liver is in a very bad condition and you probably won't manage to sell it on the black market, but I assume you get my point.

6. Disco Polo

Right after the polystyrene, the worst sounds you can imagine. Disco Polo is a kind of polish style music, listened usually to by the least educated part of society. It characterizes with very simple music notes (almost MIDI, usually played on CASIO), and the words are almost always full of sexism and dirty jokes. Singers sound like they have blocked noses, they are almost always shiny, with plastic gold jewelry and white suits. Videoclips are dull of the disco lights and half naked women because sexism in the text is not enough for them and it has to be included in the pictures as well... 100% DO NOT recommend.

you are watching on your own responsibility. You may have the nightmares after that horrible music

5. Pizza with Anchovy

I know, I know. Most people would say Pineapple pizza instead, but I'm a weirdo - I adore pineapple on the pizza. Anchovy disgusts me and I'm so sensitive to the smell that I can even tell you when my neighbors order it. Some of my boys love it, so we have a deal - they tell me the day before that they are going to eat it and I'm simply moving out for that day, visiting my other boyfriends. I couldn't stand that smell, it reminds me of the garbage dump near some seaside resort ;)

4. Pink Flamingos

I'm not talking about the animals, I'm talking about the movie from the '70s. That's actually a little bit different kind of disgust. Even the director called it "the most disgusting movie ever made", and I agree with him, although at the same time it's very funny and cute. It disgusts me, but also it makes me want to see it again. Confused? Then you have to see it to understand my feelings ;)

3. Dog poop on the sidewalk

I mean, having a dog is great. I do have a dog in my family too and it's my best friend. But if grabbing the sh*t from the sidewalk is too much work for you, maybe you should think about the fish in the aquarium instead. I am always wondering how do people who never clean after their pets live? Do they flush the toilet at home or is it also too much work for them?

2. The trash in the nature

Imagine you are going to collect some mushrooms for the soup and in the forest, you find the empty beer cans instead. It's very common, unfortunately, and it disgusts me a lot. We are destroying this planet so fast... we cannot find five minutes to stop and think about our behavior. I am wondering where is the common responsibility? If those people do not care about the fauna and flora, they could at least selfishly think about their own kids and grandkids.
The saddest picture I have ever seen was when I went for the trip to the Amazonian Jungle in Bolivia. In the middle of the Jungle, so far away from civilization, the monkey on the tree was playing with the plastic bottle found somewhere around...

1. Despising another person

I mean if you judge the other person before meeting them, you are nobody and I don't want to have anything in common with you. It doesn't matter what motivates your hate or antipathy - if it's the nationality, skin tone, sexual orientation, religion (or atheism), gender, age, the accent of the person, social status, it's all the same for me. Despising causes violence, cause crimes, also makes despised people feel endangered, depressed, scared. And no, tolerance for people who do not tolerate others is not a thing. At least not if you have more than three cells in your brain.
It amazes me how limited the human mind is. We are living in a world that experienced slavery, apartheid, holocaust, national purges, in a world where women did not have the right to vote until the XXth century, and still, so many people are choosing to limit the freedom of others...

  • If you feel hate for another person just because their skin is too dark if you are dreaming about bombarding solariums and free solar protectors to every human in the world - you are not a good person

  • If you believe that two peanuts and a snake between the legs are making you better than women, that because of that reason you have the right to earn more for the same work or to control other people - you are not a good person

  • If you believe that not understanding someone's sexual preferences is enough to discriminate, think that probably many people do not understand how someone could possibly be interested in being interested in you and they do not use your face as the excuse for violence. You simply are not a good person.

  • If you think that there is no place for elder people in society - study biology. I will share the secret with you: someday you will be elder too. You are foolish (and obviously not a good person)

  • If you believe that Allah wants to kill Jewish people, Yahweh would like to murder Christians and Jesus wants the blood of Muslims, you are not a good person. It's not the rock-scissors-paper man, it's just the religion...

I could continue that, but I guess you've already got it.



Muy buen trabajo, aunque creo que sigo volteando el papel higiénico y a veces me pongo medias blancas con sandalias jajaja, lo se, Gucci estará aterrado en el cielo y tu aqui en la tierra al leer esto.

ayy, creo que estoy teniendo un ataque al corazón 🤣🤣 nah, bromeando, esos dos son dañinos, podría perdonarte eso 🤠

¡Gracias por tu comentario!

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