My plans for 2022 | club75

in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)3 years ago

My plans for 2022

In the last few publications I was summarizing the previous year, talking a lot about my wishes for myself and for others in the following year, and now, participating in the last contest related to the new year, I will share with you shortly my most important plans about the nearest 365 days. I hope you will enjoy it!


I would like to become an orca in the greatest 12 months. I'm pretty sure it's achievable - I'm already in #club75 and now I'm heading towards #club100, although it will take me some time to get in there. Anyway, I am powering up a lot and that won't change soon, so my chances to grow rapidly are high. Besides the personal goal, I would also like to contribute more to the Steemit platform by developing my community and increasing its SP, maybe advertising Steemit outside in a smart way (spamming and low-quality advertisement is actually making more harm than helps so I'm thinking about something more professional) and, possibly, fighting with plagiarism. The last thing is not a one-man task though so I would have to be sure I have the Steemit community behind me. For now I don't see that anyone is willing to spend some extra time and effort to do it, so it may not work out.


The last two years I have spent in my city which is a tragic thing for such a traveler like me. Luckily, in 2022 visiting other places should be at least a bit easier than before. I have already planned and paid for the trip to Bariloche, Argentina, I also am going to visit Buenos Aires and Mendoza, and I should connect with the trip to Chile if the covid restrictions won't be very strict. Besides that, my plans include visiting Europe for two months and going to Holland, Belgium, Poland and... fourth country which I didn't decide on yet. Most likely Italy, Greece, or Cyprus, but it may also be Spain.


I am going to learn Spanish (for now I am a beginner) and maybe invest in the stock market. Besides that, I am continuing to educate others by sharing the permaculture lessons (I'm still learning some stuff as well - I believe it's impossible to know everything about permaculture) and making the interviews about gender studies, polyamory, etc.


I wish to quit smoking. I am talking about it a lot and I mastered declaring quitting, but all that's after the declaration is a bit more difficult for me. Besides that, I'm on a diet (a bit forced by my doctors) so I would like to lose 4-5 kg and I am willing to find a way to stress less. Maybe I could achieve it with meditating or a long bicycle trip, maybe I just have to leave everything and go to live in the forest for a week or two, as I used to a long time ago. I will figure it out and find a way to chill out.


That's basically all my plans. Some of you may think it's not so much, but from my experience, it's more than can be achieved, and most likely I will have to drop one or two plans to be able to achieve the others (I bet it will be quitting cigarettes what I will drop). No matter what I will manage to achieve and whatnot, I'm sure that 2022 will be equally or even more exciting than 2021. I mean, "good exciting", not like a new virus or "zombie apocalypse" exciting, although after the last few years of living in the science fiction movie, I would believe in everything and I may not be surprised seeing the zombie in my garden :D


Muchos planes para una persona en tan corto tiempo, pero con lo dedicado que se ve que es usted podrá lograrlos y espero poder leer al cabo de 359 días con la lista de lo que si pudo lograr y si mis cálculos no me fallan puede que lea la lista completa .

Saludos y muchos éxitos

I pray God grant you the Grace to quit smoking

Thanks, every support will be helpful. That's the nasty habit which is challenging to quit.

If any kids read us - don't smoke, folks! I started as the teenager and regret it constantly since 15 years 😅

Quitting smoking is not easy but through the help of God and determination, you can put an end to it. Happy New Year dear friend.

Me encantó estos planes @papi.mati jeje. Similares a los míos, excepto FUMARRRRR... eso si noooooooooooo. Si decides dejar de fumar te aseguro lo lograras. Todo lo podemos lograr si somos decididos, mas cuando se trata de salud. Buena publicación.

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