What do you think is the most disgusting in the world?

in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)3 years ago (edited)

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Good day to everyone in this wonderful community and thanks to @slon21veka for this wonderful contest.

Definitely the things that are disgusting are human actions. Why do I say this? We humans can just in a short time make certain animals go extinct just because we believe their bones, horns or tusks can heal us or serve as artifacts and possessions so we do everything possible just to obtain them.

We even kill some animals only because we like to have their fins in our soup to make it delicious or just to say or make people see and say we have tasted the flesh of this particular animal.

Through our actions, we destroy the Mother Nature by throwing large amounts of plastics, oil sewage and other almost undegradable stuff in nature.

We speed up the rate of greenhouse effect ie climate change, by releasing large amounts of Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) into the atmosphere and even sometime then deny that we are causing it when we all know all these happens through some of our actions and careless mistakes.

As we all know, currently the rate of climate change has increased but we still play a deaf ear to what is happening and still go about our actions and even making everything worst by involving our selves in deforestation while not encouraging afforestation for the trees that are chopped down.

We as human cannot control our population, so we will eventually one day run out of space on earth, for ourselves as well as for our food supply. Why do I say we will run out of food supply? As the rate of climate change is increasing and we are still involved in deforesting the forest, so through these actions of ours, the land is left exposed to direct sun rays thereby making it lose its fertility for crop production. Eventually when most of the lands becomes infertile , it’s leaves us with no option than to produce little amount of food produces and eventually also increasing the rate of hunger in the world.

However, we have some various small groups of our people that are try their possible best to warn us about our actions and even try to teach us how to make things right.

This makes me believe that people do not necessarily need to be so arrogant to do the things I mentioned above.

It seems to me like the largest part of the 7 billion people on earth does not necessarily seem to care or worry about all these problems and to find fast solutions to these problems but are rather trying to let the next generation experience this burden and to solve our problems.

I sometimes feel like we do not want a good future for their grandchildren and the generation to come after.

We definitely do not want my (grand)children to grow up in a world where elephants, rhinos and other great animals are extinct or even in an environment which is uninhabitable to humans, just because we were too arrogant enough and threw a deaf ear to how to prevent and to solve our raising greenhouse effect problems to the next generation.

When we pay serious attention to these actions of ours, I believe the world will/can become a better place for us and the generations to come.

I invite @piini and @five5 to this contest

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