Contest // Topic of the week №47 // 2021 was for me.

Good morning to you All, hope everyone is doing good.
My special regards to @slon21veka for organizing this great contest.

Being alive from January to December iss not a joke .
Yaa Alla am for ever grateful.

2021 is almost over, we hope and pray that 2022 will be much more better.

In fact 2021 was really a tough year expecially to me.
Because my elder Sister was pregnant and was seriously sick as well.
To an extend that they had to incubate the baby but thank God Grace carries us through
and she delivered safely and was fully recovered.

The name of the baby is Khairat 😘, currently she is 7 months old.

The year 2021 was also the year I took my first online tests.
it was also the first time we started with E-learning and then things.
To be honest, it was a bit of a difficulty because we are used to doing physical exams .

But upon all those misfortunes , we cannot count all our blessings that the Almighty bestowed upon us.
We still hope and pray for better days ahead in the upcoming years.

Happy Merry Christmas and a Happy New year 🎄🙏😍.

Thank you All for reading.

 3 years ago 

Nice to read this article!!!

Thank you 😊

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