Contest // Topic of the week №22 // Movies that I will always watch! //

'Guy gets the girl and they lived happily ever after' is the typical ending of most of the romantic movies I have watched. That is why I gave up on watching romantic movies for a long time. But a very special movie I watched 3 months ago, showed me what the true love is.


First of all, the movie 'The Danish Girl' is based on a true story and you will also become amazed after knowing the fact that this kind of a love has existed on this earth and will also think this story should be praised as much as the 'Romeo and Juliet'.

Lili( a male) and Greda(a female) are a really happy couple like two best friends and both of them are painters. Lili paints landscape sights while Greda on the other hand is a painter who paints portraits. One day Greda make Lili to wear a gown and appear before her as a model so that Greda can paint a portrait of a beautiful woman looking at him.


On that moment a hidden thought of Lili starts to emerge. Yes from then on, he loves to wear gowns and have a little makeup. His desire to be a woman which he had since childhood comes to an action like that.

Can you imagine what will be the feeling of a wife after knowing that her husband wants be a woman? Greda also became shocked and sad so much but the noble woman finally managed to console herself and help her husband to achieve what he wants. She even found the childhood crush of her husband who is a man and made them meet eachother. I mean who can do that kind of sacrifice?


After meeting few doctors, the perfect doctor to do the transgender surgery was found by them together but unfortunately Lily dies after the surgery as it was harsh for him. Untill his death Greda was always with him from the begining and her love is the purest I have ever seen in a movie.


This is the first story of Lili Elbies who is the first transgender woman in the world and all the actors have done their best in the movie. That is why I watched this like 4 or 5 times and never got tired. I recommend you all to watch this and see how beautiful this movie really is.

How have I ever deserved such love?

Those were the final words of Lili to Greda.



It's time to download 'The Danish Girl' 😉

You will love it for sure🤗.

Going to watch it tomorrow 👍


A great movie. I discovered this amazing actor due to it. I call him Danish Girl when I can't remember his name :) He is one from Fantastic Beasts.

I know right. He has a talent spread over a wide range. He also acts in the movie'The theory of everything'. Another amazing actor.✌️

Stephen Hawking's story... I heard about this work of Redmayne but I have never watched it. Maybe I should.

Yeah give it a try. You will love it. It's also beautiful and 'feel good' movie like this one.🤗

Отлично! Спасибо за пост!

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