Contest // Topic of the week №47 // 2021 was for me...

Hello everyone, hope we are all doing well. I will to start by thanking our best man @ slon21veka for all what he has been giving, all the opportunities, thrilling contests and including this one, to share our views and experiences to each other every week after week. This is my presentation on this weeks on the topic, 2021 was for me. Getting to the end of the year 2021, everyone must be so glad and looking forward for the next year, but how has this year been to us, how has it been to you, how has 2021 been to me! Was 2021 better for us, you and me?

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2021 wasn’t like any other year I have experienced and I don’t think it was a year anyone too has experience. I experienced some really good moments and also some sideways moments that were inevitable, but all thanks to God for He has always been in control.

To start with one of the glorious moments that I encountered was being introduced to Steemit. I must say this has been one of the best gifts I have had in years. Starting this journey and making new friends and knowing a whole lot more about different parts of the world and cultures has truly been a gift that Steemit gave me and I couldn’t be much grateful.

Another fact that I am ought to be grateful for this year are all the wonderful friends that I have made. Truly one’s life without company and companionship to share it with would be a melancholy experienced. And I am grateful that I have now meet this wonderful people in my life to share my life with.

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I had flaws this year, a lot actually. But we are humans, we are bond to make mistakes and flaws, and these are supposed to lessons to us. Something to prepare us for the next year and many more to come. 2021 was great, I have no regrets for anything, I just embrace and grieve all that was lost. I think being healthy and alive to this point, 2021 was really for me, and to anyone who has also made this far.

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I invite @realib1 @luwawudeen and @yaqubbilqis to this contest.

A big thank to everyone for reading, and a bigger one to @slon21veka

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