Steem Plants Contest Week 13 - A Joy Forever

Hello Plant Lovers. I am happy to participate every week in this challenging contest called the Steem Plants Contest, hosted by the lovely @knopka145. Do read up about this Contest. Simply click on the link here and come on and join the fun.

The rules of the contest are really simple. Participants must write a post about a plant that they have at home, or with their friends, or at work, or have seen once on vacation. It can be written in any language. Only original works qualify and participants must leave a link of the post in the comments section of the contest post (link already provided in the paragraph above). Also, participants must subscribe and write their entry under the Steem BRU (BY-RU-UA) Community and use the #steemplantscontest tag.

For this week I would like to feature a plant I saw while attending Good Friday services at the Holy Spirit Adoration Convent, more popularly known here in our city as the Pink Sisters Convent. The nuns here wear pink habits that is why they are called the Pink Sisters. After the service, as we were heading out to the car, I spotted these flowers hanging from a big tree right in the parking lot.


Yes, you guessed it. Those are orchids. Pink orchids. Just like the nuns who are clustered inside the convent whom we fondly call the Pink Sisters. So cool to have these hanging beside the Convent.


Here's a couple of close ups of the orchids.


Excuse the quality of the pictures. I only had a cell phone to use and the orchids were dangling quite a little bit high so the zoom sort of affected the clarity.

I appreciate and love orchids. But that doesn't mean I know a lot about them. Not true. So I Googled and found out that this particular orchid is called a Dendrobium Parishii. Here's what Google said about it:

Dendrobium Parishii is a beautiful, tropical orchid from the family Orchidaceae. These Den Parishii plants are sometimes known as “hand orchids” because of the way their canes grow out, resembling fingers. These plants are colorful when they bloom and grow in the form of canes and vines, meaning that they hang down. Despite its tropical origins, these plants can grow very well in indoor settings. This is why houseplant enthusiasts love this species. These orchids not only make a beautiful addition to their collection, but they are also easy to grow in regular indoor environments.

This particular orchid is called Dendrobium Parishii Dark Pink Variety.

The tree where the orchids hang from is called in our country a Talisay tree or terminalia cattapa or Indian Almond tree. I also like the fern beside the orchid. The big green one with the dangling fronds. It is called a Staghorn Fern because its fronds resembles the shape of the horns of a stag.


What a sight to behold. The lush green foliage in the background served to highlight the pinkness of the orchids. Innocence and beauty. Life and eternity. A thing of beauty is indeed a joy, forever.


And that's it for this week. I hope you like it. Many thanks to our sponsors @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemitblog, @booming01 and @booming04 and I do hope that they continue to support this Contest especially now that the number of entries are growing every week. More power to you guys!

(All photos are mine.)


What beautiful orchids!

Thank you. Indeed they are very beautiful. They said they also smell good but I could not smell them because they were too high. Thanks for the visit.

Tsada kaayo na orchids pink pa gyod.

By the way im so happy my latest post was voted by big curator, try ta sa ila community sir basin maswertehan ta, writing and reviews na community.

Salamat bro.

Sulayan nako ning writing and reviews community. Thanks for the tip.

Welcome sir! Good luck sa ato tanan dako na raba kaayo ang value sa sbd

Hey! I'm a little behind schedule this week. :) but I will definitely read all the posts! The orchids look very impressive, but my attention was immediately drawn to a fern with these huge strange leaves. Thanks for participating!;)

Really nice fern. I featured this in your Steem Plant Contest Week 6. Link is provided below.

They don't have the same effect if the tree you attach them to is small. They grow really big and they have to up there to be seen. Unfortunately I have only Temple Trees to attach them to. They're not too big for the fern.

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