Contest // Topic of the week №23 // Is there friendship between a man and a woman? @fariasrouse

Hello my beautiful people of Steemit 💚 welcome to another chapter of my fantastic blog.

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The Steem-BRU Community promotes the contest with an interesting topic promoted by the Steemians @slon21veka, he always brings super interesting topics and this one is not far behind. Topic of the Week N° 23 Is there friendship between a man and a woman?

In reference to the question that always brings controversy, I believe that there is and can be true friendship between a man and a woman. I can tell you that some time ago I had a very special group of 4 boys and myself.

Two of us studied in one section and the others in others. Besides that, we were neighbors and we were always together everywhere we went, it was very special. It was and still is a true friendship.
Now each one of us has gone our separate ways, but in spite of the time and the distance we have been apart, we are still friends and the friendship lasts forever.
I can tell you that we had an endless number of wonderful anecdotes, but there is one that comes to mind. At that time there was a group that was in fashion and they were promoting a concert. We did not have money to go and the boys invented to ask for money to the exit of the high school a collaboration we managed to gather a part and the others we asked our parents to complete the tickets and we could buy the tickets, arrived the moment we went and one of us (franco) left his ticket at home of the emotion he was left we had to pass it cut to the concert of the candies of cianuros it was all a madness from beginning to end, but that yes we had a super incredible time.
  • Photo taken from the internet.

  • I used Deepl translator for the translation.


Спасибо за пост!

Muy buena tu consideración 🤗👌

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