SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?"

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year (edited)


I won’t say I am happy to participate in this contest this morning. But I want to use this as a way of pouring out my grief, perhaps, this could help me feel a little better. However, topics like this are essential for humankind because we all have one thing that we always wish we can delete if only we have the power to do that.

And as for me if I have the power to delete one thing from Planet Earth, that would be death.

I will permanently delete the sting of death. The only thing that rips you off your joy, brings you tears, makes you devasted, brings untold suffering, unexplained depression, and psychological trauma, breaks one into pieces and cuts deep inside your heart.

An adult cries like a baby as a result, the kids are sometimes orphans and the likes.

It's just so painful leaving here with all the good plans we had😭

Three days ago, I lost a friend in the cold hands of death and he is to be buried today, but I can’t attain it live because his state/province is very far from mine. It’s about a 17-hour drive from my state/province. Though I will later join through a Zoom conference call in two hours' time.

At the cemetery this morning

Five hours ago I just returned from the cemetery to bury a kid of seven days old. He was my neighbour's son. The wife just put to birth last week Thursday, and it was a celebration season, but unfortunately, the boy felt sick due to abnormal breathing.

He was referred to another hospital that would have helped rescue the boy because they have all the necessary equipment there, but it is a shame that this hospital was on strike at that time. To cut the story short, many other private hospitals were tried and all possible medical options were also carried out, but unfortunately, the boy still died last night.

I wouldn't wish anyone to lose a loved one in death. I'd remove it if I had the power because I'd love to see the beautiful smiles on each person's face.

Death is known as man’s last enemy, just having death in the world has spoilt so many things. I have lost so many things in life because of death, I wouldn’t want to go into details, I don’t feel comfortable doing that. If only I have the power to remove it, I would quickly delete it from planet Earth.

It'll reduce to a degree some level of emotional pain and traumas like what I am feeling now and the families of these dead ones.

It will decrease crime rates: Imagine some homeless orphans with no one to give them the necessary training, the next available opportunity they find is to engage in one crime or another, most of them are arrested, and some are shot dead whereas, if their parents and guardians were to be alive to provide them with necessity, just maybe there would have been a different person useful to the society.

It will bring happiness: Imagine knowing you will never have to die again, think about the joy you would feel.

What I will quickly mention here is good health. If there is good health, then there would be no fear of death.

Taking proper care of both our mental and physical health is very important. This is a good way to prove that we appreciate life in the first place. I don’t have the power to delete death from planet Earth, but I can take care of myself, same as you.

But I have a strong belief that very soon, God who created humans will delete death forever, but until then, I am still hoping for such a great time.

I will like to invite @irawandedy, @skinnyblack and @mikitaly to share what they would have loved to delete from this world.

My body needs rest now, thank you for reading.

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I'm very sorry for this bad moment you are going through.
It's an immense pain to lose someone.
I can't imagine the pain of that poor mother who had to let go of her baby who had just come into the world.

I wish we could erase death, at least until a certain age, then when we are very old, after living a full life and the body is so tired that it can't take it anymore, then death is more acceptable.

 last year 

Saludos amigo.

Lamento muchísimo su pérdida

Es cierto que la muerte, es devastadora, es algo que no debería existir. Es triste saber que la vida de las personas que tanto amamos se pierden sin poder hacer nada.

Solo Dios puede darle consuelo en estos momentos a quienes pasan por este terrible dolor.
Hace unos días mi hijo tuvo un terrible accidente y cuando recibí la noticia pensé lo peor y fue terrible la sensación. Por eso no deseo que ningun padre pasa por la perdida de sus hijos.

Ojalá pudiéramos Eliminar la Muerte.

Le abrazo en la distancia. Y espero encuentre la fortaleza necesaria para superar está terrible perdida de su amigo.

It is just so disheartening!

Unfortunately, we humans cannot eliminate death, but I have a strong hope in God who has made a promise to remove death forever soon on planet Earth.

Thank you so much friend for your valuable comment, they are comforting.

It's painful the trauma caused after a loved one is dead. I understand your plight. Sorry about your friend and your neighbor's child. Deepest condolences!!!

I wish you success in the challenge

 last year 

Hola amigo 👋

Lamento mucho tu perdida. Definitivamente, es el dolor más grande que podemos tener en la vida perder a personas que amamos por eso sería excelente eliminar la muerte.

Éxitos en el concurso 🤗

 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Siento mucho tu perdida... Que Dios reconforte tu corazón y el de tu familia por esta perdida tan irreparable.

La muerte es el ciclo de la vida pero, considero que es algo no agradable visto que, no acepto que en algún momento, la vida culmine porque, así como todo en la Tierra continua su ciclo, debería ser con la vida y aunque existen miles de dolores lamentables, el que ocasiona la muerte, no tiene reparación.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 last year (edited)

Death is no man friend 😭😭😭😭 imagine a baby of 7 days old chai!! Once death is removed so many things will take place. May their families be console, may Jehovah comfort them and help them bear their losses.

I wish you success

 last year 

If, instead of dying, people just faded away... would there still be tears ?

Well, the thoughts of not seeing the person again..., not hearing their sweet voice again, not laughing again with them, not doing anything with them again.... and just missing them a lot is tremendous and can still bring tears.

I think it's almost the same thing.

That was deep!

 last year 

Greetings Sir
I have understand that you want to delete death. But indeed if we are born then we have to taste death. In my opinion we should prepare for our life that will come after the death that. You know that the life after death will be immortal there we should enjoy every moment in the jannah. We should spend our present life according to Allah Almighty's commandments then he will reward us with jannah.
By the way it is wonderful publication from your side. I wish you very good luck 🤞.
Regards @abdullahw2

 last year 

Which you explained very nicely. But if we are born, we have to die, that is, our death is certain. So live healthy and beautiful as long as you live. May I be able to give you some beautiful moments in this world.

Thank you for your caring words..

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