SEC-S17W1: "Season of My Country



Hello everyone here, welcome to blog, trust you are all doing great, nice to share my thought with you on this topic, season of my country.
Season to me means a period or time that the weather condition change into about four division such as summer, winter, spring, autumn etc. This is as a result of the earth rotation to the North hemisphere round the the sun. This weather changes bring about three outstanding seasons in my country which will be discussed in detail as we proceed further further by answering the contest questions.

How many seasons are in your country?Which one is your favorite and why?


As it was stated above in my country we have three seasons, namely, the summer (dry season) usually occur between the month of November -March. There is the winter season( raining season) from April -November with the break of rain in the month of August locally called August break, and the autumn which is the Harmattan season, Christmas period from December to February.

All the seasons carry with it a unique economic significance. The dry season brings about economic boom, rainy season farming and other agricultural productions, while the Harmattan season is for relaxation, vacation, ceremonies and festivals. These seasons are taken into consideration when making plans for any future goals.


Of all, my preferred season is the Harmattan because during this time the weather is very friendly, there' neither sun nor rain, though there could be a little cold in the early morning hours. It would definitely faded away at 9 am. I like this season because, I will just relax at home , visit friends and family members, attend festivals and ceremonies,cook varieties of food for my family and also share with others. I honestly used to feel very lively
in this season and always wish it to be there all the time.


If there's one season you wanted to skip forever, which one would it be? Explain the reason

It would be the the winter or rainy season. The reason is because this period always has heavy rainfall with so much erosion, flood. It stalls occasion, you want get any successful event during winter, the rain would spoil things for you. Every economic activities used to be on the hold or going on in retrogressive progression. And this affect demand and supply chain. There's also the prevalence of mosquitoes causing -malaria sickness, other infection like pnuemonia due to cold and flu. Additionally, the winter season is notorious of environmental disasters such as windy storm more like a typhoon, flooding , ground mud and thunderstorm.

Describe a traditional or special activity that people in your country do during a particular season

In the autumn which is the Harmattan season, there used to be different festivals and ceremonies such as Christmas celebration and new year celebration, people travel from far distance to visit love ones. During the season many cultural activities and Carnival like the Calabar Carnival take place and visitors from all over the world troop in to watch different display of arts and cultures.


Some traditionalist also display Ekpo and Ekpe Masquerade, the cultural enthusiasts wear different colourful costumes with dance by the maidens to showcase that the season is for relaxation, enjoyment and celebration.

Are there any special foods or drinks that people in your country enjoy most during certain seasons?If so, what is it and why?

Yes during the Harmattan or autumn season in my country, special food such as fried rice and chicken, pounded yam with white soup, slaughtering of cows and goats by the privileged families are cooked and shared among friends, family members and faith base organisations. People in the urban areas would travel to their home town to drink native palm wine, home made alcoholic drink locally called Kaikai. These types of food and drink are usually cooked, consumed and shared specially in lieu of the season for celebration of love and happiness.



We have have three important seasons in my country which range from the dry (summer), rainy (winter), and the harmattan (autumn)season. Different season carry with it a unique economic significance. The dry season brings about economic boom, rainy season is for farming and other agricultural activities while the harmattan season is for relaxation, vacation, ceremonies and festivals.


My most preferred season is the harmattan season because of the friendly weather condition including the domineering spirit of joy, happiness, celebration and enjoyment of the season

All unsourced cultural photos were taken from my social media page.

My Achievement1 post :Achievement 1: This is my introduction post, mentorship by @cryptokannon

I specially invite @goodybest, @okere-blessing, @edmund.nef to join me .

 5 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

First of all best of luck in your first post engagement challenge so I pray for your success and hope you win the engagement challenge this week. Well informed and liked about the seasons as you mentioned that there is heavy rain in rainy season which is also a disaster for our country with lot of slabs and crops. etc. are destroyed which is not a good practice for any country. You said you like every mutton. The season is here and you enjoy this season very well and enjoy it. Thanks for your kind words.

 5 months ago 

Dear @realitytrend
You presented a beautiful contest .Thank you so much for sharing a post by which I come to know about the seasons of your country.You have presented wonderfully the different seasons of your country with its characteristics.Every season has some own characteristics. One is different from other. Nature changes it look in every season. By reading you post I come to know that there are three seasons in your country. Some like most winter and some like other seasons but I nothing dislike because every seasons is important for us and the hottest season of your country is summer.The temperature is high in this time. Go ahead and best wishes for you.

Hi @realitytrend I have seen everything you wrote and I have enjoyed it. In different season the perform differently and I also realized that you and your family Members drink and eat different dishes in this different season. Wish you success

 5 months ago 

I guesss we are also on the same page concerning favourite season in Nigeria. I believe I prefer the Harmattan season also. Though the rainy season looks quite beneficial when we talk about rain because majorly farmers are able to profit from but the truth is I still prefer the Harmattan because it quite looks like the season is much more balanced during the Harmattan.
Nigeria is so much blessed with a whole lot of festival to participate in during the seasons and one of them I actually love though I haven't participated into is the yam festival. Yam festival is one of my favourite festival in Nigeria. Let me ask you what about you? What is your favourite season in Nigeria also. Thank you so much for Sharing this quality and informative post because I have actually been able to learn quite a lot from your post I must actually confess. So much to learn from actually

Thanks @mandate for stopping by and for reading through, your beautiful comment is uplifting, you really take your time to read through the various seasons we have and give out your input, that's how it supposed to be, bringing ideas together..I like the spirit..thanks Keep up and keep fit

 5 months ago 

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.

I also agree with you. When it rains too much, the water level in the rivers rises. Houses get filled with water, roads get flooded, drains overflow with water. This is also a home for diseases.

Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .

Thank you very much @mmmmkkkk311 for your voting support, I really appreciate you.👋👋

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