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RE: SEC-S15W3: My Favorite Book: "When Breath becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi

How lovely of your co worker to gift you the book, and it's good you took time for yourself to read, just a shame you were poorly.

Working in those environments does make you realise and appreciate how precious life is, and that none of us are invincible. I work in a nursing home and those are things that stick with me, as well as it being a rewarding role and making a difference in the lives we care for, big or small. Hats off to you for doing such an amazing job, I am sure your team are very happy to have you, patients too I'm sure 😊

My mum has had many surgeries due to illness and when visiting her in the hospital it's always reassuring when meeting the medical team and health care workers as I know those are the people that would be looking after her, so it was nice to see how they interacted with her etc. I'm sure you know from experience that family/friends always like to know what's going on, asking questions about procedures, risks, recovery time etc, and paying particular attention to those who are working in the aftercare on the wards. In my case, I kind of go into "work mode" when visiting mum, just making sure she has everything she needs, is comfortable etc, and of course it comes from a place of love and care.

I can imagine that book to be a very humbling read, and I will have to keep an eye out for it myself. Thank you for sharing, I always like to know about good books! :)

Have a wonderful day/evening!

 5 months ago 

Hi Lauren, it was indeed a nice surprise to have this present, once I got it I immediately wanted to read and it was good time for me to get over the time being in bed.

I can imagine working in nursing home might be not only physical work but also every resident requires a little time for small talk and just moment to listen to them. We also notice when nursing home residents admitted to hospital, we try to stay a bit longer while clerking them but also chatting a bit.

We often have a thank you card and it is nice to read some good feedback and also their experience. We have a good nursing staff team, they are our connection between doctors and nurses they alert us if we need to get back to families for update. I find it is important to keep families updated.

I am sure you mum is grateful for you to be there and being a caring daughter.

I hope you find time to get a book and will enjoy it :)

How wonderful that you receive thank you cards, you are all obviously doing a fantastic job! :) Team work and good communication is what it's all about hey.

Yes it's always lovely chatting to the residents, although I do wish we had more time to spend with them casually like that, as you probably know, it's always busy. But yes, I do enjoy talking to them and there families too. I love hearing there stories that they tell, some are very interesting.

Thank you, yes, mum is pleased I am here and taking care of her :)

Thank you, I have a few books here that I am planning to read, they're mainly
Philosophy books as I enjoy those, as well as crime :)

Wishing you a lovely weekend!

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