Steemit Engagement Challenge -S10W3 : Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year (edited)

SEC-S10W3 Teamwork Makes The Dream Work (1).png

Images created by canva

I want to start my post by thanking my team a lot. This time the topic given in the contest is actually very important for everyone. In every case, if we work as a team, then the most difficult tasks will become easier. The real proof of this is ourselves. My team members are @msharif , and @ripon0630 , @mdkamran99 , @enamul17 and me @mostofajaman . Let's go into the details of the post.

What does the phrase "Teamwork Makes the Dream Work" mean to you?

What I mean by teamwork is doing a specific task as a team according to a plan. Teamwork makes the hardest work easier. Many of us work in teams. We are not all experts in different subjects, each one is an expert in one subject. If you let him work on the subject that he is good at, he will work well on that subject. The team is a force that no one in the world has the power to defeat. If hard work can be done in a proper and honest way with the team then success will surely come. This is proof myself.My dream was to one day work with the administration team of this platform. Alhamdulillah I am now working with Bangladesh community. It has really come this far by working with the team and working as a team.

Do you have experience being involved in team-based work? Feel free to share your online and offline teamwork experiences.

Yes I have team working experience for more than two years. I am working with team online. Currently we have community admins and moderators, we have been working together as a team on this platform for two years. Since we started this community we have overcome many obstacles working as a team. At different times it was seen that we were experts in one subject, we used to divide the tasks focusing on those subjects. With all of our efforts and conviction we are currently running a community together and working with the steemit team. For a long time we always communicate with each other and try to solve various problems. Whatever big problems come before us, we all solve them together. Thus in our work there are many issues that we solve. We are managing the community beautifully with each one of our team's minds and opinions. Our greatest achievement is that we have been working together as a well-organized and strong team for a long time. Working with @msharif bhai and @ripon0630 bhai for more than two years and recently we joined with @mdkamran99 and @enamul17 bhai.

What obstacles did you face in working as a team?

Yes, while working as a team, we faced many small and big problems related to different types of posts. Since we are working as a team on this platform, it is not possible to solve the various problems of the users alone, so we checked and solved the problems as a team. I love my team and hope my team loves me too. From time to time we get involved in personal conversations with each other and we talk and talk about different things.

Is it possible that a person can achieve more by engaging in teamwork than individually? explain.

Yes, of course, individuals can achieve more if they work together as a team, I am a living proof of that. When I was working alone on this platform I didn't know anyone and didn't post properly. Once my team contacted me and we teamed up. Then we worked together to come this far. For this I thank my team from the bottom of my heart. Maybe if we did not work as a team, this progress would not have been possible. The biggest benefit of teamwork is that through everyone's input and hard work, we can bring forward the best and work on it. In this our time will be less wasted and the work will be completed quickly. By working in this way we can accomplish much more and bigger work. We are currently running an engagement challenge in our community. We collectively review these engagement challenge posts. It is a very big responsibility so it cannot be achieved by the combined efforts and hard work of all and it can never be handled and fulfilled by a single person. This is the biggest example.


I would like to give a small example. Lion king of forest and tiger. They are so strong yet they admit to team up for hunting. Accomplishing any task alone is difficult and takes extensive time. But it can be done quickly and with little effort if you work as a team. There is no doubt about it.

Thanks to everyone here is invitation @pelon53, @o1eh , @ahlawat , @inspiracion, @chant

With best regards,

Thank you all for reading my post. Stay well everyone. Hope you like my post.

my logo.gif

 last year 

Hello dear, @mostofajaman

  • Brother you are a very hard working person. Also agree with your point that working as a team along with hard work makes any difficult task easier. You are the pride of our Bangladesh because I have seen you helping everyone from new users to everyone. Solves various problems through online classes. Also we and your team members are always there for you. You talk a little nice brother, tigers and lions who hunt together are strong because they know that success can be achieved if they work together as a team. Best of luck to you in this competition.


 last year 

ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে সুন্দর মন্তব্য লিখেছেন। আপনি ঠিক বলেছেন আপনার সাথে আমি একমত।

 last year 

প্রিয় ভাই, @ripon0630, @msharif, @kamran99, @enamul17 এবং আপনি গ্রপ ওয়ার্ক কাজ করে steem4bangladesh কমিউনিটিকে আজ এই রকম একটা ভালো পর্যায়ে নিয়ে এসেছেন। এটা গ্রুপ ওয়ার্ক করা ছাড়া সম্ভব নয়। কমিউনিটির প্রতিটি সদস্য কে আপনারা ২৪ ঘন্টা হেল্প করে থাকেন। যে কোন সমস্যা আপনারা সবাই মিলে সমাধান দেন। মান্থলি হ্যাংআউট এবং সাপ্তাহিক মিটিংয়ের মাধ্যমে নতুন ইউজারদের হেল্প করে থাকেন। শুভকামনা রইলো আপনার এনগেজমেন্ট লেখার জন্য।

 last year 

জি আমরা আমাদের মুল্যবান সীমিত জ্ঞান আপনাদের সাথে ভাগাভাগি করি। সাপ্তাহিক মিটিং বা ক্লাসে।আমরা সবসময় ইউজারদের গুরুত্ব দেয়। ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে সুন্দর মন্তব্য করার জন্য।

 last year 

আপনাদের টিম ওয়ার্ক সুন্দর ও গোছান বলেই আমরা সাধারন মেম্বাররা কাজ করতে স্বাচ্ছন্দ বোধ করি। আপনাদের টিম টি অতি দক্ষ, আপনারা আপনাদের কাজ কে যথেষ্ঠ গুরত্ব দিয়ে থাকেন। শুভকামনা রইল ভাই।


 last year 

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর মন্তব্য করার জন্য।

 last year 

I know you and every member of your team. I know you have been working in the same team for a long time. You manage your work very efficiently. I wish the best for you and your team.

 last year 

Thanks for Your valuable comment.

 last year (edited)

Ningún ser humano puede en la actualidad ser experto en todas las áreas del conocimiento. Por ello es necesario, a la hora de enfrentarse a un proyecto determinado, conformar un equipo de trabajo para que las soluciones, los logros de los objetivos previstos, se ejecuten con mayor efectividad. El trabajo en grupo, por otra parte, lo podemos palpar en cualquier ámbito de nuestra existencia. En todas las instancias somos más rápidos y efectivos si contamos con un verdadero equipo de trabajo. Éxitos, amigo...

 last year 

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর মন্তব্য করার জন্য।

 last year 

It is certainly true that a person can get to achieve more when working with teams. Your definition have to the first question have clarified me on what it actually means. Thank you for such a good article.

 last year 

Thanks for your nice comment .

Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted by the curated account of the Steem of Animals community. A community where animal lovers express brilliant ideas about pets and wild animals.

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 last year 

Thanks for support.

 last year 

Greetings @mostofajaman sir
I think the best community in Bangladesh is Steem for Bangladesh and the best team in this community is the five of you. Steem for Bangladesh community is in a good position because of your successful teamwork.

All Bangladeshi users are getting correct guidelines through your teamwork. As a result of which many Bangladeshi users are successful today on the Steemit platform.

The Steam for Bangladesh community team is one of the most qualified teams on this platform. I wish all the best to this team.

 last year 

You have described it very well. Thank you for your nice comment.😊

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