SEC- S15W1 : The Wonder Of SciencesteemCreated with Sketch.

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Hello everyone and welcome to the great SEC -S15W1 in this great community. I am really happy to rub minds on this great subject of discuss, which is staring us in the face today. Here is mine own contribution.

Science has helped build a great civilization. What is you opinion on the matter

Science is the building block of civilization. It is the breathe of fresh air which embraced the world and supplied a life line to man's existence. From the stone age to our jet age the science has been instrumental in the life changing process in the world. It has made life easier and stress free for us as humans.

Moreso, science made us smile while looking into the skies knowing that the great day would be productive in various aspects. It brought the option if healing and drugs to our doorstep. Who would have believed that malaria or other chronic diseases would ever have a cure. COVID 19 was also a major success to science and shows how science can save the world from destruction.

However, science has also gone further to build civilization, we once sewed clothes from twigs and leaves as historians put it but but today we have made great fabric owing to science and development in our world today. We could never walk on water, we don't have super powers but science smiled at us, giving us hope as the bridges and flyovers made it possible for us to cross the waters unharmed. We could also sail using boats, ships on water while staying afloat, science is a fragrance to the world.

giammarco-boscaro-zeH-ljawHtg-unsplash.jpgsourcescience is a breathe of fresh air to us
How do you think our lives would be if there was no science?

This is a really an interesting one, as our lives would have been more than worthless, how could you have survived without science, there would be no hope as living in a home without electricity to power the home would be living in a cave in total darkness. How would we treat if loved ones without the hospital diagnosing the right form of ailment. We would all remain in the dark without hope of great success. Today we can take drugs when sick and get healthy almost immediately, it's a wonder and I must remain thankful to science.

Furthermore, we could use natural resources to aid the life we want. Who would have believed that we would use water to generate electricity, through the water dams and scientific calculations. It's a mystery how the sunlight could be trapped with the aid of science to generate electricity too as an alternative means too for countries with less water supply, through the use of solar panels. This has been a major success today all thanks to science.

Interestingly, we must also know that the motor engines has helped us too, we would have had difficulty travelling for distances and covering more grounds at a shorter period if we didn't have the aircrafts and speed cars today. The aircrafts and fly birds makes it easiest for us to get to our destination without stress and in a short time. Science is a life saver to the world at large bringing civilization and rewarding us with good life.

connor-wang-3ttFTqPQs5A-unsplash.jpgsourcescience gave humanity a good life!
If you could ask a famous scientist one question, who would it be and what would you ask?

I am so anxious to know the root behind the mystery in the pleasure of flying an aircraft. Seeing an aircraft ascend us so much as a beauty and it's crescendo when the wheels emerges from the airplane before landing gives me a goose pimples! It's a delight to watch, it looks to me as though it's magic but I believe it's practical science.

Therefore, I would love to question Abbas Ibn Firnas and The Wright Brothers the systemic journey through building such an art, their challenges the feeling of success after having the first flight to and fro. I would love to know how they came about with such amazing idea, what really inspired the and how long it took them to achieve the project.

Who would have believed that an aircraft would fly successfully. That's my curiosity, I guess after getting answers to these questions I'll feel happy and fufiled too. Shaking hands with such great scientist or sharing moments with them would mean the world to me, locking eyes with them and hearing them share wisdom while unraveling the mystery before my eyes would be an iconic adventure.

Share three amazing science discoveries that make our lives easier

I would be frank with you, I admire science and would love to share some amazing discoveries that make our lives easier.

Aeroplane & Motor Engines

Prior to the invention of aeroplane and motor engine, it was out beast of burden that would carry people and goods, most of the time these animals could be tired, weak or farmished, scorched by the sun, but the advent of motor engines and airplanes gave us a breathe of fresh air no more scorching sun as we stay under the shelter of cool and comfort, that remains a great successful discovery.

aeroplane-4347341_1280.jpgsourceaeroplane is a beauty of science!
Telephone & Modern Communication

We were once in the dark as we all had to write letters, ship those letters for days, weeks or even months before they get delivered and then taking extra time for feedback to be gotten too. Today our telephone makes it easy for us at the snap of our fingers to talk with anyone around the globe, it only gets better as the modern means of communication makes us to reach anyone at anytime too no matter the location or time frame. This is yet another beauty of science.

Electricity & Power Supply

The electricity is the bedrock of our modern technology. It birthed lots of success in today's science, we could charge our phones, devices and home appliances through electricity, the beauty in the streets decorated with street lights makes our world more appealing too. We could move up the elevator in skyscrapers using electricity, our electrical appliances can be used due to electricity too. The LED lights make our events look like haven on earth. I'm glad we had it in our world today.


The science is a hope for all, we all live our lives in real pleasure as we can smile due to science making our lives easier and stress free. I'm glad to be a beneficiary and would always be grateful to science for such success. Science has done great wonders in our world today.


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About Me

 9 months ago 

Greetings dear friend

We are enjoying a lot of benefits due to the scientific discovery, as you mentioned when covid 19 came in our time, but in our time the medicine is made by the scientist and the vaccine is made, but if this disease was ancient then it would not have been possible. Surely Allah is like thatNot given the situation.

And you mention some of the discoveries made by scientific discoveries, among them the most interesting is the airplane. In ancient times there was no such thing, but now we are greatly benefited by science, we can travel from one country to another, stay well, good luck to you

Thanks so much for your well articulated comment. I appreciate your efforts to participate and leave such meaningful feedback on my entry, cheers to you my friend

 9 months ago 

Science introduced us to modern civilization. Whenever we are in such great danger, science has benefited us with its inventions. If it were not for science, we would have joined the death march in an epidemic like Corona, or Etur was not supposed to come, we would have lived in those primitive caves. Many inventions of science are our daily necessities which we use regularly and we cannot live without them. Good luck to you.

Thanks so much, science has done us so great wonders, without science I guess the human race would indeed have been wiped out. I'm so happy that you stopped by, the Corona virus would have swallowed the whole populace if not science came in for our rescue. Thanks so much for your thoughts and succes in the challenge my friend

Thank you for inviting me on this topic

Pleasures are all mine, I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on the great topic, you would definitely see me in your article shortly!

Hello dear, greetings to you. I hope you are enjoying the sweet moments of your life.

You said, science is the building block of human civilization. Further you added that from the stone age to our jet age the science has been instrumental in the life changing process in the world. That's quite true and authentic statement.

You want ask question from Abbas Ibn Firnas and The Wright Brothers. You appreciate their work of making air crafts.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

Thanks so much my dear friend for studying my entry and leaving such valuable comment. I really want to meet these great scientist a and rub minds with them getting to know their ideology and ways of being must advnaced in knowledge too

 9 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

Dear, if you meet Abbas Ibn Firnas and the Wright Brothers, ask a question. Find out how the idea of ​​making airplanes came about. Airplane making is a major contribution to science. We can travel from one country to another in a very short time. You wrote about three wonderful discoveries. Invention of electricity, mobile communication and aircraft. Science has made it easier for us in every field. Especially medical science has protected us for ages by discovering vaccines. If it were not for science, we would have to live like primitive people fighting. Your writing about science is very beautiful. Good luck to you.

Thanks so much for your contribution to my article I'm really grateful that you took out time to study my entry and leave such valuable feedback for my article too. Cheers to you and I'm indeed grateful to science for putting a smile on our faces today.

 9 months ago 

Es bastante grande la fascinación que tiene por los aviones. Es muy lógico leer que quieras conocer a los creadores de estos sorprendentes aparatos, al fina los puede admirar mucho por su creación.

Definitivamente sin la ciencia la humanidad no hubiese evolucionado mas allá de la prehistoria. tendríamos como vestimenta pieles de animales y en nuestras manos un gran mazo de madera como arma.

debemos ser agradecido por la ciencia y por quienes la usan para crear maravillas que nos ayuda en nuestra vida.

Hasta la próxima...

Thanks so much for your singular act of studying my entry and dropping such valuable comment on my post. It's really a very appreciative act and I am here showing gratification my dear friend. Cheers to you

Hello there! 🚀

Your enthusiasm for the wonders of science is truly contagious! I couldn't agree more with your perspective on how science has been the driving force behind the progress of civilization. From the revolutionary advancements in medicine, like conquering diseases such as malaria and finding solutions for global health crises like COVID-19, to the transformative impact on everyday life, science has indeed been a game-changer.

Your thoughts on how our lives would be without science paint a vivid picture of the indispensable role it plays. The availability of electricity, advancements in healthcare, and the ability to harness natural resources for our benefit—all thanks to science—have truly transformed our existence.

I share your curiosity about the pioneers of aviation like Abbas Ibn Firnas and The Wright Brothers. The magic of flight is a testament to human ingenuity, and their journey in achieving the first successful flights must be a fascinating story. Imagining the joy and fulfillment of shaking hands with these great minds is truly inspiring.

The three amazing science discoveries you highlighted—Aeroplane & Motor Engines, Telephone & Modern Communication, and Electricity & Power Supply—are indeed pillars of modern life. The way they have made our lives easier and more connected is nothing short of remarkable.

Thank you for taking us on a journey through the marvels of science, and for bringing a smile to our faces with your engaging writing! 😄 Keep shining your light on Steemit! 🌟✈️💡

Thanks so much for the act of studying my entry and giving a short epistle on the main insight you received. It's applaudable and I believe see would look back memory lane and appreciate the great benefit of science in your society and the world at large. Cheers and here to say thanks once again.

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