SEC-S15W1: The Wonder of Science

in Steem For Bangladesh8 months ago
SEC S15-W1"Steem For Bangladesh" The Wonder of Science
Editing and credit image by Canva Apps

Seiring dengan perubahan waktu, kehidupan dan peradaban ummat manusia tidak lagi menganut pola-pola lama yang cendrung primitif serta ketinggalan zaman. Dulu, kita hanya menganut kehidupan sosial budaya berdasarkan garis keturunan secara turun-temurun. Pengetahuan dan peradaban hanya bertumpu pada keyakinan yang bersumber dari tabiat alam, atau kebiasaan yang terjadi

Dan kini semua pemikiran, pengetahuan dan peradaban dalam kehidupan masyarakat cendrung berubah. Lahirnya para pemikir dengan tingkat akuratif ilmu pengetahuan yang berdasarkan keakuratan dalam berpikir, bertindak dan menciptakan inovasi-inovasi nyata dalam kehidupan manusia. Ya, sain telah merubah setiap sisi kehidupan

✔ Sains telah membantu membangun peradaban besar. - Apa pendapat Anda mengenai hal ini?

Lahirnya era digitalisasi modernisasi dengan mengedepankan ilmu pengetahuan, mampu merubah perlakuan dan peradaban manusia ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi, bahkan bukan tidak mungkin beberapa tahun kedepan akan lahir kembali para pemikir inovatif yang berevolusi dengan temuan-tenuan modern

Ketika jauh-jauh hari sebelum masyarakat mengenal peradaban modern, manusia hanya terbiasa dengan sosial budaya dan kulturisasi yang mengedepankan sisi orisinilitas dan manualisasi di segala bidang kehidupan

Berkat penemuan-penemuan mutakhir, kini umat manusia seakan telah dimanjakan dengan berbagai kemudahan, mulai dari berkomunikasi hingga berinteraksi sesama

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✔ Menurut Anda bagaimana jadinya hidup kita jika tidak ada sains?

Sulit dibayangkan bila kita hidup di zaman yang serba kekurangan, hidup terasa di hutan belantara. Saat siang hari orang-orang hanya mengandalkan cangkul untuk mengais rejeki, sementara malam hari harus rela tidur dan bergerak di kegelapan dengan suara nyamuk

Begitu dari segi pendidikan, kulturisasi dan kehidupan sosial budaya dalam masyarakat nya, saat satu penyakit atau virus menyerang, bagi mareka yang tidak memiliki kekebalan tubuh akan tersungkur dan mati perlahan

Dalam berinteraksi, mareka harus berjalan kaki hingga puluhan kilometer untuk bertemu dengan sesama keluarga maupun anggota komunitasnya. Intinya sangat sulit dibayangkan dengan nalar kehidupan pra sains dan pasca perubahan dan peradaban

✔ Jika Anda dapat mengajukan satu pertanyaan kepada ilmuwan terkenal, siapakah orang itu, dan apa yang akan Anda tanyakan?

Adalah Nikolas tesla seorang ilmuan yang menemukan beberapa alat elektronik dengan mentransformasi jaringan nirkabel. Dia adalah sosok ilmuan yang berdarah Serbia-Amerika. Banyak kalangan menyebut dia adalah penemu yang terkenal di eranya dan mampu membuat jaringan tranmisi serta mampu men transmisikan jaringan nirkabel

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Kalau saya Mendapatkan kesempatan itu, saya akan menanyakan beberapa hal Apa yang melatarbelakangi anda Merevolusi penemuan anda apakah kehidupan dan peradaban masyarakat saat itu, apakah anda merasa puas telah memberikan dedikasi tinggi kepada kehidupan ummat manusia?

✔ Bagikan tiga penemuan sains menakjubkan yang membuat hidup kita lebih mudah

Sains telah mampu merubah kehidupan manusia jauh melebihi kapasitas hidup dibanding sebelumnya. Saat ini, ketergantungan kualitas dan kuantitatif kehihupan manusia bener-benar bergantung pada kemajuan pengetahuan di segala sisi

Tanpa itu semua, kehidupan manusia terasa monoton dan hanya berjalan di tempat. Kita patut mengapresiasi jasa para penemu sains dalam kehidupan kita, tanpa mareka pengetahuan dan peradaban manusia jauh tertinggal di angka yang memprihatinkan

Tanpa Internet Listrik serta Alat transportasi kita akan merasa kesulitan dalam mengembangkan kualitas manusia dalam menuju peradaban serta kehidupan sehari-hari. Semua akan terlihat aneh, manusia dan kota-kota mati di sekitar kita. Sekian, 🙏🙏

My invite @patjewell @ngoenyi @emsonic @radjasalman @chefdanie terimakasih


Vote for Witness @pennsif

Tentang Saya


You said that science lead to the birth of the of digitalization, modernization and all the facilities. It is able to change human behavior and civilization to a higher level. You are very true in that. Completely agree with you.

You want to meet Nikolas Tesla. He was a scientist who invented several electronic devices by transforming wireless networks.

Have a blessed day dear friend.Good luck in the contest.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 months ago 

Yes if the days are passing and people are becoming modern. People are addicted to discovery. Every innovation is being discovered. These discoveries are possible only because of science.

Today there is no aspect of development where science is not used. The role of science in every field is immense.

 8 months ago 

Modernization in all fields and aspects of human life illustrates that discoveries from the past until now have given birth to new innovations in every aspect of human life. This kind of treatment illustrates that innovation will still be born in the future, as the Indonesian saying goes, as the Indonesian saying goes, fractures grow and change. This means that even though these scientists are gone, other scientists will be born as time changes. Thank you for being here, friend

 8 months ago 

I really liked your Indonesian proverb. It's not just about scientists. In the case of all people, even if people are lost, their workplaces remain on the earth. And people learn from it and try to do better than it. Rain is new technology. new discovery Maybe in 2050 we will see a new form on Earth.

 8 months ago 

Dear, you ask scientist Tesla a question when you get a chance. A very nice question, is he satisfied with his discovery? Then you say three discoveries are wonderful. Internet, electricity and vehicles are amazing inventions you have seen. Every discovery in science is amazing. Updated day by day to save people. But medical science seems to me a wonderful discovery. After the start of the corona virus epidemic in 2019, everyone has seen the desire of people to survive. Then medical science created wonders by discovering our vaccine. Without science, we would die for lack of medicine. I did not understand civilization. Lived by hunting animals in the forest. Your writing about science is very beautiful. Good luck to you.

 8 months ago 

You are right my friend, thank you for adding some beautiful sentences to complete this article. It is true, almost every aspect of human life cannot be separated from science. Medical science also has quite a big influence on human life, especially now that we have to admit that everyone is very dependent on the value of health

 8 months ago 

Greetings my dear friend

The latest facilities are the development of communication systems. I think this facility is the most important for us, at one time we had to use different methods to get messages from one place to another, some by sending messages, some by pigeons and some by flying. Some were through people, but now online opportunities have come, through various online platforms, messages can be delivered.

Not only this communication system has given us such an opportunity, that now we can go from one place to another by means of vehicles on wheels, very nice to read your post, be well, be healthy, all the best to you.

 8 months ago 

Various state-of-the-art facilities were born and developed drastically. life is increasingly developing with all the conveniences that are born thanks to discoveries that are in synergy with all aspects of human life. I really agree with the additions you provide. Thank you friend, you really understand about all this🙏🙏

 8 months ago 

Science has improved us and introduced us to modern civilization. We are simplifying our lives. Without science, we would still be in that darkness and we would have an inhuman life. You have mentioned three great inventions of the present time which are closely related to our lives. Wish you success.

 8 months ago 

Hi @abdul-rakib, thank you for providing the same view on science. Everyone feels comfortable with today's modern life and civilization. whether we realize it or not, we should appreciate the various discoveries of thinkers, dependence on modernized life today has been able to make big changes in everyone's lives.

Science in our modem society and world acts like an innovative knowledge giver. This knowledge is being harness by man to solve his new and existing problem. Electricity as a factor can't be exempted in our world because of its immense value. It is worthy to note that majority of the profession in the world uses electricity as their working base. Good luck

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