SEC-S6W2: I Am a Teacher | Teacher For Children

Steemit Engagement Challenge session 6 has entered its second week and on this occasion I again want to participate in the challenge held by the community Steem For Bangladesh. For friends who want to participate in challenges held by the community Steem For Bangladesh can see the post here Steem For Bangladesh.

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Cover Image With Canva

Whose teacher are you? Do you teach for a living?

Talking about teachers, not only teachers teach in schools, universities and other places of education. If people are married and have children, then they are teachers. As a parent who already has 2 children, of course I don't only have the responsibility to provide for the needs of the children.

However, as a parent, I have another role, namely educating children, both teaching ethics and teaching formal education. Indeed, for now our country has formal education and on average formal education in our country is free.


Teach children to pray

Before children study in formal education, I as a parent have an obligation to teach them first. So that later when they have joined formal education they don't have to start from scratch, but for the basis they already know it.

For now, I'm not a teacher in formal education, I'm just a part-time worker and ready to work at any time. Even though I am not a teacher, I am a teacher for children, be it a general teacher or a teacher of religious studies.

What challenges have you faced as a teacher?

All work is enveloped by various challenges, both big challenges and ordinary challenges. As a parent, of course I have challenges in teaching children. Because not all of what we do children want to listen to it.

Of course, as a parent, I have to be smart in getting around it so they want to learn. I do various ways, be it teaching children while playing or teaching them while eating. Parents must get around and see the behavior of children while learning. If the first learning theory doesn't work, then parents must have the next plan.


Teaching to drive a car

Never scold children while studying, because if we teach them with violence, then they don't want to learn again in the future. For the pattern of learning is in us alone.

How do you create a learning environment that is both stimulating and supportive?

In this digital age, of course, there are many ways to create supportive and stimulating ways of learning. When teaching children, you don't have to open reading books and teach them. In an all-digital world, we can take advantage of existing technology.

Whether it's teaching them by watching educational videos on Youtube or educational applications on gadgets. When we give gadgets to children, as parents, of course, we still control how children access gadgets. Because if misused it will be fatal.

What professional development opportunities have you pursued to improve your teaching practice?

To become a teacher for children, of course, I must have adequate knowledge, don't turn around. This means that it is not us who teach children, but children who will teach us. Therefore, we must know various basic knowledge before teaching children.

Even though I don't have an educational degree, and only finished high school, I have faith and will try my best to make children higher in getting educational knowledge and they don't have to follow in my footsteps and I will try for the children so that they get the highest level of knowledge. -his height.

To improve teaching practice for children, every day I continue to learn. And to study I don't have to study in formal education. With internet access, I can learn new things and after I feel capable, then I teach them to my children.

At present, higher education is very expensive. What is your opinion on this, or is there any alternative to it?

In my country, Indonesia, the cost of education is cheaper than other countries, only some educational centers require paying tuition fees. In fact, the government is currently prioritizing education costs for children who are currently studying. Various solutions are provided by the government, both by providing scholarships to students and providing free education.


Play while studying

Even though education costs must be paid in Indonesia, the amount is quite small compared to other countries. There are only a few majors that are expensive, the rest are relatively cheap. Maybe for expensive education costs including medical majors.

For me and if in the future the cost of education will be expensive in our country. So I will prioritize my child's education and not force my will as a parent. I will give freedom to my child by choosing what education major he wants and I, as his parent, will support his wish and try to find alternatives so that his education costs will be met later.

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For that I invite other friends to be able to participate in the Challenge held by Steem For Bangladesh. I invite @liasteem, @klen.civil, @irawandedy, @ridwant, @abialfatih, @harferri, @husaini, @jufrimj, @afrizalbinalka, @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @sofian88, @musdezal and other friends. Thank you admin and community moderators for the time and opportunity given and thank you to SC01 and SC02 for their support so far.


About me @amryksr

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 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @amryksr

You have shared very good thoughts about how you are teachers, and I agree with you on many points, because certainly, even though we have not studied a professional career as a Teacher, being parents is a very big responsibility, educating our children is a great challenge, and we must put 100% to give them the best, and educate in values ​​so that in the future they are good men and women.

You know that reading your publication I realized that for learning to be effective there are multiple activities and situations that can generate that environment of Trust and harmony so that what we transmit or want to teach arrives faster. The Internet is one of them, there are a thousand and one tools to ensure that the Learning is timely and highly supportive for those who receive it.

Educating is part of life, I wish you success, sir, in the competition and in your day-to-day teaching of your little children.

Not only a professional who has to be an educator, we as parents can only be good educators for our children.

 2 years ago 
Hola amigo, es un gusto saludarte, cómo señalas, la educación empieza en casa y es responsabilidad de los padres inculcar a los niños valores y buenas costumbres que le permitan insertarse en la sociedad de manera exitosa.

El enseñar son violencia es muy importante para que el niño aprecie lo que aprenda. Éxitos en el desafío.

Saludos y bendiciones.

Your post has been supported by @afrizalbinalka from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 30%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.


 2 years ago 
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Thanks verification @msharif

I learned a lot from you that you must have shared as a parent and teacher of his child and I think that is very important. Because a child will try to retain the education given by the parents. Therefore, parents should perform the duties of parents as well as the duties of a teacher. It will help all the children of the world to be beautiful and healthy.

We parents must educate our children well, so that later when they enter an official place of education, they already know the basics of education.

 2 years ago 

Indeed I wasn't wrong, so much value packed in one post. This is quite educative. You're a truly a teacher. Do keep it up. Thanks for sharing. I wish you the very best in this contest.

Thank you for the warm welcome. I am only a teacher of my children at home, I am not professional in educating. But I will do my best for their education.

 2 years ago 

It is good to see that you are into educating the younger ones as a part time teacher. Teaching is a very nice profession which comes with a lot blessings. You are doing very well in that aspect. Best of luck to you sir.

I teach children what I can do and try to teach them to understand what I teach.

 2 years ago 

Being a teacher, helps us gain more knowledge. This is one of the advantages even in the midst of challenges.
Nice post, you did well in this piece.

Even though I am not a teacher, I will make myself a teacher for children. And as much as possible I make them understand what I teach.

If the first learning theory doesn't work, then parents must have the next plan.

When teaching children, we need a number of action plans, if plan A should fail, we could switch to plan B or C till we find the style that allows our kids to learn more effectively.
It's good to know that you are taking the teaching of your children seriously, this will make them learn their school work easier and faster, please keep it up.

Every work we do is not only with one plan, but there must be several plans. What we say they apply it correctly.

 2 years ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

En la vida diariamente nos topamos con escenarios donde nos muestran un camino de aprendizajes y en ese trayecto, nos convertimos en grandes maestros. En su caso, usted ejerce este rol desde el ángulo de la docencia paterna y, con esta acción no necesita de un titulo profesional que lo acredite porque, su hijo se lo dio cuando nació.

Excelente publicación amigo... Muchas felicidades💚

De hecho, no tengo un título profesional en educación. Pero hago todo lo posible para parecer un profesional en la educación de los niños.

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