SEC-S17W1: "Season of My Country"

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago (edited)

Canva Edits

Morning comes with sunrise, morning comes with rainfall and sometimes with harmattan, it's called "Season" and this happens in all the countries. It's SEC-S17W1 with the topic "Season of My Country". Now, let's embark on a delightful exploration of the seasons that shape the rhythm of life in this beautiful country (Nigeria).

Join me as i delve deeper into the wonders of Nigeria's seasons, and discover the countless stories and traditions that are woven into the fabric of this extraordinary country.

How many seasons in your country? Which one is your favorite and why?

In my dear country Nigeria, we have three main seasons which are; Rainy season, dry season and Harmattan season. These three seasons in my country has its own characteristics, experiences and its span.

Rainy season span from April to October every year. This is the month of April, so that simply means that we're currently in a rainy season now, off course we experience a heavy rainfall this evening. This shows truly that nature don't lie.

Dry season span from November to march every year. This is the season that comes with minimal rainfall and this causes heat and raise dust into the air. If you're a Nigerian reading this post, go back to last month. Can you remember the intense heat we all went through during the dry season which was March? The heat was too much till it got to the internet, it was one of the trends on Twitter. That's dry season for you in Nigeria.

Harmattan season span from late November to Feburary joining forces with the dry season. This season raises dusty winds from the Sahara desert, despite that this season falls between the dry season, it creates hazy conditions and produces cooler temperature. Individuals living in Nigeria mostly go out with their coat to reduce the cold that comes during the harmattan season.

Among all, my favorite is the rainy season because this is the season that brings good fortune both for the rich and poor. I'm not rich, so i choose Rainy season as my favorite because I'll lack nothing to eat.

If there was one season you wanted to skip forever, which one would it be? Explain the reason.

It's hard to answer this because all seasons has its own unique characteristics. Okay, if there was one season i wanted to skip forever it will be dry season. Here are my reasons;


People suffer, the same goes to our plantations. Life on earth or let me say in Nigeria is always difficult during the dry season because of the high cost of living. Even when you have the money to buy foodstuff, you'll only get a small quantity compared to when it's rainy season where all plants will be greenish, animals healthy and multiplied.

Let me bring in this small illustration why I would skip dry season forever if I'm given a chance to do that. A family of four can cook a nourishable pot of soup with as low as 5,000 naira during the rainy season because water leaf and other vegetables will be available in the market at a low cost. But during the dry season, 5,000 naira can cook that type of soup because waterleaf and other vegetables will be scarce in the farm talkless of market.

Describe a traditional or special activity that people in your country do during a particular season.
1712791993703.jpgMe and my family participating in a farming festival during the rainy season.

Let me talk about the Rainy season as my favorite. During the rainy season, people in my country participate in a farming festival activity. It's this season you'll see rich people put some stems of cassava inside their Hilux and head to the farm to engage in the farming festival activity. There's this festival that is widely celebrated among different ethnic groups in Nigeria, including the Igbo, Yoruba, and Efik people, it's called "The new yam festival".

This new yam festival span between July and October depending on the region. It's always a of gratitude to the ancestors for a successful plantation and hope for a fruitful harvest. This special activity symbolises prosperity, fertility, and abundance.


During the dry season too, people in my country mostly engage themselves in a poultry farm business, because during the rainy season they incur looses due to the cold that affect the fowl. The build multiple poultry in one farm land with the aim to recover their losses during the rainy season.

Are there any special foods or drinks that people in your country enjoy most during certain seasons? If so, what is it and why?


There's this traditional alcoholic drink that people in my country enjoy most during dry season, it's called "Palmwine". When the saps flows more freely during the dry season that's when the palmwine will be tapped. Palm wine is cherished for its sweetness in my dear country Nigeria, it's mostly used in occasions like marriage, naming ceremony, burials and the likes of them.

Most people fix their occasions mostly during the dry season, not just to avoid the rain but to experience the sweetness of plamwine when tapped during that season. In addition to the traditional alcoholic beverage (palmwine), we have some special fruits my people in my country do enjoy most during the dry season.


We can't escape the seasons we have in our countries because it's God made not man-made. We should all embrace and face the challenges together with the sweetness that comes with these seasons. Remember, we have good and bad times, so as the seasons we have do yield good and bad conditions, it's nature and it's natural.

All pictures are captured from my device (Tecno Camon20)

My invitees are.... @josepha @mesola @mhizta


 3 months ago 

Hello @alli001

my favorite is the rainy season because this is the season that brings good fortune both for the rich and poor. I'm not rich, so i choose Rainy season as my favorite because I'll lack nothing to eat.

  • Nigeria is a very beautiful and loving country. You mentioned that it has three seasons, but I am very happy to hear that you like the rainy season. It is clear that this thinking is found in few people .I really appreciate your thoughts and your likes.

Thank you @mona01 for your comment on this post. Rainy season is my favorite because it rains fortune.

 3 months ago 

Hello dear @alli001

Your exploration of Nigeria's seasons beautifully captures the essence of each period, from the blessings of the rainy season to the challenges faced during the dry season. The description of traditional activities like the new yam festival and engaging in poultry farming adds depth to the cultural significance of each season. The mention of palm wine and seasonal fruits further enriches the narrative, showcasing the diversity of experiences in Nigeria throughout the year. Overall, your portrayal paints a vivid picture of Nigeria's seasonal rhythm, highlighting both its joys and hardships.

Thank you so much for your valuable comment. I wish you best of luck.

Exploring the diverse seasons in Nigeria allows us to appreciate the natural cycles that shape our lives. From the rainy season bringing abundance, to the dry season challenging our resilience, and the cool harmattan season offering relief, each season has its own story to tell. Traditional activities like the new yam festival in the rainy season and enjoying palm wine in the dry season bring communities together. The rich traditions and flavors of each season highlight the beauty and complexity of Nigeria's cultural tapestry.

Thank you @mesola, i really appreciate seeing your comment on my post. Goodluck 🥰


@alli001 Your vivid descriptions brought back fond memories of rainy days and bustling farm festivals. I resonate with your love for the rainy season it truly does bring blessings to all. Your insights into the challenges of the dry season are spot on. Wishing you the best of luck in the contest

Thank you for your. Comments and adding value to my post.

One of the things I have actually noticed in Nigeria is the fact that things get less expensive during rainy season and more expensive during dry season actually

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