SEC-S17W3: "National Festival"

in Steem For Bangladesh2 months ago

Hello Everyone, I am @abdul-rakib
From #Bangladesh


Assalamu Alaikum to all, the festival organized on a specific day every year is considered as a national festival to preserve the culture of each country and present it to the next generation. National festivals may be organized by various government and semi-government organizations and have a large participation of the general public. Independence Day, Victory Day, Pahela Boishakh, which are celebrated as national festivals of Bangladesh, are attended by all. I am going to participate in this national festival today with Pahela Boishakh as part of our culture. A few days ago, our national festival Pahela Boishakh was celebrated.


What is your country's national festival? How it started

Pahela Boishakh is a festival that holds the tradition of Bangladesh. This festival is celebrated in a big way with the participation of all the people in the festival where Bengali emotions are mixed.

Pahela Boishakh is a historical and cultural festival of Bangladesh in present day. It is recently celebrated in a big way in West Bengal, India, Bangladesh It is organized based on the Bengali calendar where the new Bengali year is ushered in by holding it on the last day of the Bengali year on Chaitra Sankranti and the next day on the first day of Boishakh. In Bangladesh it is also considered as a major religious festival of the tribals which is celebrated by Chakma, Marma and Garo communities. Adivasis enter the new year by completing the calculations of the old year among themselves. They distribute sweets on the occasion of this festival.

The fine arts department of Dhaka University of Bangladesh took the initiative to observe it in 1989 and since then it has been observed through Mangal Shobhayatra and Panta-Hilsha.


How is this festival celebrated? Are there any special rules for celebrating it?


To celebrate Pahela Boishakh, educational institutions across the country, including Dhaka University, perform Mangal Sobhayatra. This Mangal Sobhayatra consists of masks of different animals and idols of different animals. Bullock carts, horse carts are also present in this Mars procession. Cultural events and fairs are held at the root of Ramna, known as the Baisakhi Mela.


Do you have any special clothes or food to celebrate your national festival?


There are no special rules for celebrating Pahela Baisakh, but girls wear white sarees with red borders tied on their legs and tiaras made of flowers on their heads. Boys drum, tabla,
Kula, covered in white Punjabi reads. This dress of Pahela Boishakh is called Basanti dress.

Panta-hilsa with various bharta rice is arranged. Due to the current hilsa fish price increase and not enough fish, this meal is organized with different fillings. This dish expresses our Bengaliness.


Tell us about your favorite memory from your national festival celebrations.


When I was in primary school, a few schools in our neighborhood planned to organize a Mars procession rally. Mars procession will have buffalo carts. On the day of the festival, the buffaloes got tired as we were rallying for a long way to start the rally and there was a pond on the side of the road. I invite you @josepha @mini80 @wirngo to participate in this contest.


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well

 2 months ago 

So it is that most city festivals are organized by government officials, giving people the opportunity to be part of these festivals.

In your country Pahela Boishakh is celebrated, it is a historical and cultural festival of Bangladesh for all its grandeur, it is excellent that public institutions also join these festivities.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

 2 months ago 

Yes it is officially celebrated and every educational institution participates in it enthusiastically. Thanks for taking your valuable time to read and comment my post.

 2 months ago 

প্রিয় ভাই,
পহেলা বৈশাখ আমাদের দেশের জাতীয় উৎসব। আপনি পহেলা বৈশাখের পান্তা-ইলিশের খাবারের কথা উল্লেখ করেছেন। পহেলা বৈশাখে সবচেয়ে বেশী আনন্দ করেছি ছোট বেলায় মেলায় গিয়ে। খেলনা ক্রয় করার পাশাপাশি ঘুড়ি ক্রয় করে নিয়ে আসতাম। ছোট বড় বিভিন্ন রংয়ের ঘুড়ি মেলায় পাওয়া যায়। বাংলা ভাষায় কথা বলা মানুষের জন্য নববর্ষ আনন্দ বয়ে নিয়ে আসে। আপনার লেখা অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে। শুভকামনা রইলো আপনার জন্য।

 2 months ago 

এখন ইলিশের অনেক মুল্য ভাই , চাহিদার তুলনায় সাপ্লাই কম যার কারনের এই দাম বৃদ্ধি। পহেলা বৈশাখ বাঙ্গালীর একটি প্রিয় উৎসব । বৈশাখের মেলায় খেলনা ক্রয় করা এবং মাটির জিনিসপত্র আমাদের সোনালী অতীত । এখন আর আগের মত মেলা হয় না নেই বৈশাখের আমেজও। আপনার মূল্যবান মন্তব্যের জন্য কৃতজ্ঞতা।

Hey, I like the way you guys celebrate. Keep working and posting. Have a nice day.

 2 months ago 

Thanks dear for your words. 😊


Asslam-u-Alikum dear@abdul-rakib
First Bushakh is a traditional festival of Bangladesh.It includes people of all religions, colors and races.This popular festival of Bangladesh is also known as Happy New Year which started in the Mughal Empire.This festival of first Bashakh is not based on rules but still it is prepared with great enthusiasm.This is very interesting.You also enjoyed it with your friends.Thanks for sharing such a good host, best wishes to you.

 2 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments. Yes this Boishakh is the festival of our life where all people celebrate this festival together.

 2 months ago 

Every festival brings its own joys and different activities, whether it is an Islamic festival or a traditional festival, each one has its own fun and each one is celebrated and enjoyed in a different way. As you mentioned Baisakhi Milega is really interesting and worth watching and enjoying. I myself want to be part of this festival because I have never enjoyed it before and other Islamic festivals There is Eid-ul-Fitr in it, Eid-ul-Azha, they are on the side of Islam, they have different joys, they have a different peace, in this we share joys and also take joys, like going to each other's house, having fun and delicious dishes. Arranging and just like your traditional function includes fun traditional dishes like drum 🥁 dance etc.

 2 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments. Each festival, be it Baisakhi or Eid-ul-Fitr, offers unique joys and traditions. Baisakhi's vibrant celebrations and Eid's communal spirit create unforgettable moments. From drum dances to sharing delicious dishes, these festivities unite us in joy and tradition, enriching our cultural tapestry.

 2 months ago 
প্রিয় @abdul-rakib ভাই,,

পহেলা বৈশাখ আমাদের বাঙালি জাতির জন্য একটি আবেগের নাম।এটি বাঙালিদের ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যেকে বুকে ধারন করে আছে যুগের পর যুগ।এদিনকে স্মরণীয় করে রাখতে পুরো দেশব্যাপী বিভিন্ন উৎসব অনুষ্টানের আয়োজন করা হয়ে থাকে।যার মধ্যে মঙ্গল শোভাযাত্রা অন্যতম। তাছাড়া রমনার বটতলায় আয়োজিত উৎসবও কম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নয়।

দিনটিতে বাঙালি চেতনাকে বুকে ধারন করে এই দিনটিকে কেন্দ্র করে পান্তা ভাতের সাথে ইলিশ মাছ খাওয়া হয়। যা শুধুমাত্র আমাদেরকে ঐতিহ্যের স্মরন করায় না বরং এক অভুতপূর্ব স্বাদের সংস্পর্শে আনে আমাদেরকে।

 2 months ago 

নিঃসন্দেহে পহেলা বৈশাখ আমাদের আবেগের। এখন আর মানুষ মানুষ পান্তা ইলিস খেতে পারে না ভাই । আপনার মূল্যবান মন্তব্যের জন্য ধন্যাবাদ।

 2 months ago 

আর মানুষ মানুষ পান্তা ইলিস খেতে পারে না ভাই ।

মাঝে মাঝে এমন মিথ্যা কথা বলে মনকে সান্ত্বনা দেওয়া লাগে ভাই😁😁

 2 months ago 

আমাদের সান্তনা নেয়া ছাড়া উপায় নেয়।

 2 months ago 

কিছু করার নাই ভাই,,আমরা বাঙালি 🥺🥺

 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Hello @abdul-rakib! Your description of the Pahela Boishakh is very detailed and gives a good idea of the importance of this festival for Bengali culture and tradition. Explanations on its origin, its celebrations and its clothing and food traditions add richness to your article. In addition, your personal memory from childhood adds a personal and moving touch to your contribution. Thanks for sharing this experience with us and good luck for the competition!

 2 months ago 

I am glad that you found my description of Pahela Baisakh informative and interesting. It was important to me to share my personal memories. Thanks for your good wishes.

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