Steem Inspiration Contest - My Entry

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Hello, fellow Steemit users. As per the rules of the contest, I will now begin with my entry.


I had just moved into my new house. We were still unboxing some stuff. This part of the town was pretty new to me. Earlier I used to stay in quite a crowded part of the town. There were some factories near my house, so there was often a lot of noise to be tolerated there. I was very glad that we moved into this neighborhood. When I came to this place, I had noticed on my way that there were a lot of stray dogs here. Some even followed the car for a distance.

As I was taking out the boxes, I felt someone pull my shirt. I turned back to notice that it was a little girl. She was poor and was asking for something to eat in a small bowl in her hand. I immediately went to the house and brought some food for her. She smiled delightfully upon receiving it and then sat down at the corner of our house and began eating it. I noticed that a lot of dogs had also gathered around her. I was about to ward them off but then I noticed that she was feeding them as well. I was deeply touched by the affection with which she fed the dogs.

As days passed by, the girl would often come to some houses in the neighborhood asking for food and as her routine, she would always feed the stray dogs with whatever food she got. I also noticed that the other neighbors were not so kind towards the dog. They would often beat them and never provided them with food. Even when I used to feed the dogs sometimes by myself, they used to give me a lot of nasty looks. But the little girl was different from them, she was fond of the dogs and they were fond of her.


One day I asked my mother about the girl, and she replied that the girl was not from this neighborhood. She actually had no place of her own and would sleep wherever she found a place. I really felt bad for her. Though she was poor, she was always kind towards those stray dogs, and she would daily feed them even if she got very little to eat. I couldn't sleep that night and while struggling with sleep I made up my mind to help her in some way. I couldn't decide at the moment how but I had made up my mind about it.

The next few days it was raining tremendously. There was an early monsoon. The rains had almost flooded the streets. I had not seen the girl at all for those days. I wondered how she would be. The rains did not seem to stop at all. Finally, after two more days, the rains finally came to an end. I waited eagerly for the girl that day as well, but she did not come. I fed the dogs in her place then.

then, the next day, my mother asked me to get some groceries. As I was on my way to the market. I noticed that there was a lot of commotion just a few blocks away. I went there and I saw that many people had gathered around a tree. I noticed my neighbor Kamal standing there. I approached him and asked him regarding the commotion. With a deep sigh, Kamal told me that the little girl who used to come to our neighborhood had died under the tree. She had no place to shelter herself and so she died from fever and cold by being soaked in the rain.


I could not believe what I had just heard. I even could not go ahead and take a look at the girl's body. I was shivering. I did not notice but tears had welled up in my eyes. I blamed myself and the world for that incident. Even I could not help her. From that day onwards, I always feed the stray dogs in my locality as well as help any needy person I come across in whatever way I can. That little stranger had taught me a lesson that I don't believe anyone ever could.

Lastly, I would like to thank @supo1 for organizing this contest.

Thank You.


We should use every opportunity we have to help the needy because we might not have that opportunity again. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for the visit.

Bella historia te felicito !! Exitos en el concurso 💞

Thank you for the visit.

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