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RE: Steem Inspiration Contest | STORY CHALLENGE N05

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Many blessings for your Mother Miriam because she is a Great Woman, we spend our lives looking outside for someone to admire and it turns out that she is inside your own family. 🤗 It is beautiful very sweet ri Post. Congratulations and many Blessings 😊🙏 @nunubozcanem

Muchas bendiciones para tu Madre Miriam pues es una Gran Mujer, pasamos la vida buscando afuera a quien admirar y resulta wue está adentro en tú propia familia. 🤗 Es hermoso muy dulce ri Post. Felicitaciones y muchas Bendiciones 😊🙏


@teretiti am so greatful I really appreciate all you said it’s true mother’s are always like they are Gold send to us from God

I love that being so young you VALUE YOUR MOTHER In that way🤗 God bless you 🙏 @nunubozcanem

Me encanta que siendo tan joven VALORES A TU MADRE De esa manera🤗 Dios los bendiga 🙏 @nunubozcanem

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