STEEM INSPIRATION CONTEST | The Stranger i won't forget @elvis101

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Great contest @supo1


Not too many people possessed such strength as I had while growing up. I would bully my mates because I thought it was my right to exercise. I made jokes to which everyone around me had to laugh or risk the trouble of getting kicked out of the ‘Big boys’ clique at best or get some bruised flesh at worst. “Life is good” I thought. I grew up having a very inflated ego which fed on the misery of others. It actually did get nourished and fatter as the years went by. When reported to my teachers, i would lie my way through, being a very cunning and outspoken person. My Parents, though wary of my character thought I was just being a child but I was actually growing into a monster. “I can get anything I want” I thought to myself. On sept,4, 2010 while walking through the school garden on what seem to be a good day, my eyes caught the back view of a particular young man I thought was every bully’s recommendation. As I hungrily approached this meal of mine, he saw me and tried to run away, but it was already too late. I had gotten close enough. Holding him by the waist belt, I asked him why he had the guts to go to the same school as I did. “Don’t you think you should be at a farm now?” I asked him. He actually nodded his head in affirmation. I wanted to ask him another silly question when a hand tapped my back. “Excuse me dear, you shouldn’t be doing that” so I heard. As I turned to see who would have the guts to question my skill, I saw a very beautiful young girl. I thought she was an angel. I tried to scare her away with feigned angry looks but she didn’t flinch. She asked my "why are you doing this?" Before I could make any comment, she said something like “Can we talk? ”. I wanted to look strong because some of my friends had paused to watch us but jeez at that young age, for the first time I experienced what I call confident beauty. She was no sissy. She took me by the hand and led mw out of the view of onlookers when she saw I was getting uneasy by their looks. I actually followed her as a sheep to the slaughter. I was like someone who had been hypnotized. Her hands felt cold. It felt like I had known her since birth. “You are better than this” she said to me. "You should love people because God loves you". “Try caring for others and you will feel good about it” she further said. At this point I became oblivious of every other activity happening on the face of the earth. I was like one sitting upon many waters and not sinking. She then had to go as she was done driving her point into my arrogant skull but she didn’t leave without a smile which was almost tangible. Something in me had changed. I just couldn’t place my hands on it yet. Maybe it was a feeling of fulfillment, peace or even love, I can’t really tell. I stayed in bed that night, unable to sleep. My eyes were closed but my heart was awake. It thought about Inuata.

Yes her name is Inuata; the beautiful girl from my school. All that she said to me began sinking in as I lay motionless on my bed at night. I realized I would not wake up tomorrow to the bully I was yesterday. I was done being a bully. I had a new sense of responsibility. ”Angels really do roam the earth” I thought to myself. I got to school the next day with high hopes of seeing inuata again. At the assembly ground, a teacher came on board to give announcements which was a usual routine. I thought he was done with the announcement just when he said something about a girl in the school who passed away last night as a result of a terminal disease she has been battling with since birth. He called her name but I had to ask those close to me the name of the girl the teacher called in order to confirm that I heard right. “Inuata is her name” a fellow student told me. It could be another student by the name ‘Inuata’ I thought to myself but the description said otherwise. I died. Yes I died for some seconds. I raised my heads up because tears had formed a pool in my eyes and I didn’t want anyone to notice that the mighty kali was actually crying.

I thought there was an eclipse of the sun that day in school. Inuata is a memory that I think went on to form an extra grey matter in my brain. She is a lady I would never forget because she gave me a gift, which is the opportunity to become a better person.


Farewell Inuata.

Forgive me if you get to see #fiction in my tags


Thanks for sharing

Wow...This is so captivating. You did a very good job. Kudos

Thank you sir

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