Protected by a friend

in Tales & stories2 years ago

The photo reminds me of an old nursery rhyme. A song that toddlers and preschoolers sing or is sung to them. It's about the gnome called 'Spillebeen'. If you have spindle legs, that means you have skinny legs. Nothing is said about the size of the mushroom or the gnome. Was it a young or old gnome who was hopping on that red mushroom with white dots? I can imagine that a mushroom is nice, but don't think that 'Spillebeen' was a gnome, maybe it was an elf or some kind of thumb line?
I don't believe I've ever seen this mushroom in real life. Are they extinct because too many gnomes destroy them by sitting on them? How did 'Spillebeen' become so famous? Was he a trendsetter?


He was tiny, not tall rather skinny and way too small, Spillebeen was his name.
No, he wasn't a dwarf and how could a creature like him be a gnome?
That red mushroom with it's red dots called his name, again, and again, and again.
The colour of love is what the little guy saw and adored.
"You look so soft," he whispered, "you brighten up the area it's not easy to ignore your beauty."
He loved to sit underneath and use is for an umbrella. He could hardly hear the raindrops. The mushroom turned out to be a great friend, protected him. No one dared to get near. All those in the wide area avoided it because as they said it's poisoned.
One day as Spillebeen visited his friend it lay down broken next to it was a huge print. He had no idea what it was.
A voice whispered: Spillebeen broke the red mushroom with the white dots! The news spread fast as the gossiping started. Someone had to be blamed.
Poor little man, he never sat or hopped on his beloved friend. They didn't ask how a tiny person could have climbed on top of it just threw the stones and rocks for their own comfort. It broke the tiny figure his heart and he died. The forest covered him up and each year on the top of where his body made a hill the red mushroom with the white dots shows again to protect the grave of the skinny man who was his friend.

Host #pic1000 @freewritehouse


Pictureprompt @freewritehouse

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