Steemit Philippines - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 (Week 5) || FG Girls, My SuperherosteemCreated with Sketch.

The theme of this contest is interesting. It reminded me of some of the great films ever produced by the Marvel production company. I want to try to imagine, then put it in the form of fiction writing that tells about a female superhero who will change the world.


What is your Superhero name?

FG Girl, that's my superhero name. Behind this naming, there is a myriad of hidden philosophies. In general, humans hate poverty, presence will help eradicate poverty that occurs in various parts of the world. FG Girl stands for Full of love and generous girl.

What superpowers do you possess?

FG Girls is like any other superhero. She has the privilege of eradicating poverty. She can see a person's hidden skill and awaken it. Then, she taught her in a flash. And that person will be able to immediately master it.

For example, She saw a beggar, then met him. She spoke gently with him. Her gaze focused on the target's eyes. Then in an instant, She knew what the hidden skill in him was. She shook his hand and created the person's strength to be able to make a living with the skills she possessed.

Why did you choose these powers?

The pandemic has spawned many unemployed due to layoffs in various parts of the world. And the influence has not fully recovered. There are still much unemployment and poverty detected in various corners of the country.

In general, superheroes eradicate crime. However, it is slightly different from the FG girls, she is here to eradicate poverty and create jobs.

What do you aim to accomplish with the superpowers you have?

FG Girls wants to make all the inhabitants of the earth live in peace and prosperity with skills that are passed down to everyone who needs them. Most of the factors behind the crime are due to unfulfilled finances. Its presence will make the economy in all corners of the earth grow well.


Thus my participation post for the contest Steemit Philippines - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 (Week 5) || "What if you are a Superhero?" I invite @franyeligonzalez, @dexsyluz, and @nahela to participate in this contest. Thanks to the Steemit team and Steemian Friends who always support me. I appreciate it.

 last year 

Date Evaluated: March 29, 2023

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No. Of words379 Words
Support #burnsteem25


Thank you for creating quality content in the 5th Week of our Steemit Philippines Engagement Challenge. Please don't forget to do engagement by replying to the comments in your posts and do comments on other posts too.



Thanks for the review and support. It make me more exited to publish more and more quality post in the community.

@nadiaturrina friend I love your superhero, someone who has the power and ability to lift people out of poverty is a person or superhero to be admired.

FG Girls will succeed in eradicating poverty and unemployment in the world.

In this way, a large part of the violence and crime on our planet would be eradicated, since people, to be prosperous, will not have to go out and commit crimes.

From now on Besides Spiderman and Superman FG Girls is my favorite superhero.

I say goodbye wishing you success in the contest.

I am really glad to hear that
Thanks for reading my post and support

 last year 

Saya pikir kak nadia juga sukak sama karakter hero spiderman😁, Sukses selalu kak Salam @miswarofficiall😊

Terimakasih atas kunjungannya. Saya mencoba berimajinasi dan menciptkan hero baru.

 last year 

Heheh siap kak nadia😁

Everyone can give their best for life in this world if they have super powers,
The beauty of life if we always feel peace and serenity,
Good luck for you ,
Good luck in this contest too .

Thanks for reading my post and support

Yes you're welcome .

Kemisikinan benar-benar hal yang sangat menyakitkan dan menyedihkan, semoga saja negara kita bisa membuka lebih banyak lapangan kerja supaya generasi muda bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak.

Semoga Allah mudahkan segala urusan hamba-Nya. Terimakasih atas kunjungannya.

Sama-sama kak.

Muchas gracias por la invitación querida, estoy segura de que FG Girl será de mucha ayuda para la humanidad erradicando la pobreza de todos los confines de la tierra.

Aunque siempre e pensado que lo mejor es brindarles oportunidades para superarse a las personas que tienen bajos recursos, para que de esta forma no dependan de otra persona o gobierno que siempre los ayude

Bendiciones y éxitos!

Thanks for reading my post and support, dear

I really like your superhero name. The activities are very clear. Very nicely written all the best for your contest.

She is in charge of making the world prosperous evenly.Thanks for stopping by on my post.

Your choice of your superhero reflects your beautiful personality that aims to help the poor, an idea that always revolves in your mind. I wish it really would eradicate poverty completely in the whole world.

Thanks alot for reading my post and support

Amiga I loved the powers of FC girls to eradicate poverty and create jobs, Fc girls I need you because my husband lost his job in the pandemic I hope that with your super powers you can help him. I loved your participation my friend

Wah.. Super hero yang luar biasa, saya harap akan segera rilis tayang 🤭😆, saya menunggu untuk itu.
Pencapaian yang ingin Anda lakukan sangat menginspirasi.. Salut 🙏

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