Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W2 - Write a letter to your five-year-old self, telling him/her what you have learned so far by @patjewell

in India Speaks2 years ago (edited)

Dad, mom and you

Dear @patjewell, my favorite little sister!

Guess what? Today is Friday!

You don’t have to go to school tomorrow! Whoop whoop!
If mom allows us we can go to the 🏖 tomorrow. They said last night on the TV that it is going to be a sunny day.

I almost forgot. I just love the drawing of the 🌹 you left for me on my bed this morning! It is beautiful. I also love you! 😻

pic me.png

I cannot believe that you are getting big so quickly. Just the other day you were that little baby everybody loved to cuddle. Mommy always made you the most beautiful dresses.

As for dad, I can remember how he always made 🎶 so that you could dance. He always said that you could dance before you could walk.

Before you get too big I want to share something with you today. Are you ready to listen? 👂 I will be like your teacher today and tell you to put your finger on your mouth.

Okay, ready?

You asked me so many questions the other day. Today I am going to answer the most important ones.

Why am I rich?

My dear sister, I am not rich. I might have things that makes me look rich but I can assure you that I worked hard for it. Remember when mom asked you this morning to pack the dishes away and you were too lazy? Well, that was wrong. You should never be lazy. If you work hard things will come your way.

No, you are not going to get 🍬 🍬 for ever and ever if you work. See, I know your little mind. You've been my sister for long enough.

If you want to get somewhere in life you have to work hard. I remember how I had 3 different jobs at the same. All I wanted was to make enough money so that I could start my own business. And I can tell you, I did it! I worked hard.

You must just remember one thing. To be rich is not to have beautiful things around you. It is what you carry in that beautiful 💖 of yours that matters.

Why do I know so much?

Ah ha! Of all the questions you have asked this was my favorite one. Dad made us read the newspaper every day. I always thought it was stupid. Then one day my teacher asked a question and I was the only one that could answer it.
What you 📘 and what 👀 and what you 👂 nobody can take away from you.

I worked hard at school. Can you remember those nights when I kissed you good night but kept the bedside lamp burning on my side? Yip, those were the nights that I studied long after you had fallen asleep.
Always read everything and study hard! 📚

Why am I no longer married to my first husband anymore?

Umh. I never expected you to ask this question but no problem, I will answer it.

Just like you I also had dreams about a prince on a white 🎠.
I then also married my prince but somehow we started to drift away from each other. What we did, our work, our friends and what we liked was just no longer the same. No, don’t feel sorry! Somehow I think it was my mistake by putting my work first. Something we women should never do.

I was just so lucky that I found another 🤴. This time not on a white horse but a golden one!

Keep on dreaming and hug them tight. Dreams do come true.

Why the yawn? You are not getting tired? So soon?

One last answer then you can go to bed.🛏

If I have one wish what would it be?

Our precious family

Why do you had to ask such a difficult question? I had to think hard about this one. I had a happy and healthy life and I am so grateful for that. GRATEFUL! Not grapefruit. 🤣

I also think we must always say thank you for what we have and never wish for better.

I can remember my one birthday when a friend of mine gave me a 🧸 for my birthday. It was all dirty and the one ear was torn. I was so upset when I got it but then mommy took me and told me how poor they were in what they have but how rich they were as a family in their values.

Only later did I hear it was her favorite toy. I couldn’t help crying. Yes, that is the teddy, then one I still have. The one who has that special spot on my bookshelf.

My little sis, never wish for better. Go on your knees every night and say that prayer we were taught when we were tiny tots. 🙏

Fast asleep… I knew it! 😴

Love you forever and ever!

Your big sis!

I invite:

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wow wow wow. now I know just who to contact to help me with lines in a movie character . I enjoy this post and reading it was like a Cinderella story.nice job ma'am @patjewell. Good luck in the contest.

 2 years ago 

Haha! Thank you! I’ve always wanted to write a script. Maybe we should consider a Steemit movie. 😊

Great post👍 Reshared on @southernafrica

A carefully crafted piece for our lil 5year old with so much lessons to learn from

 2 years ago 

Thank you my friend! I appreciate your visit to my post and your engagement 🌼

Wow 😲😳😲, how I love this post, you have really dealt with it and it's very real thank you very much I enjoyed the post. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Awh! Such beautiful words! Thank you for always supporting me. 🌼

Thanks ma'am, you are doing very well.

Oh my goodness!
As I read through your post, it was so real that I couldn't imagined how intelligent your five year old self was but as you rightly said, what you read, listen and see can't be taken away from you! Ohh yes! That's the power of our most important senses.

Working hard and being grateful to what we have is a life contentment everyone should be happy at🥰, I teach my kids about this though because money is Never enough.

I miss such write ups but my phone is dying as it's sickness keeps increasing by the day😔
Soon I will be right back! Thanks for the thoughts and mentioned 🌹
Best of wishes

 2 years ago 

I’ve been missing your hence the invite my friend. I hope you get your phone sorted🤞🏻
Thank you for reading and engaging by marking my post once again with your great reply. 🌼


Hello friend, you made a very nice letter and also with many learnings that you have had. Work hard, read, study, don't want more than you have, be grateful... I've written it down, sister.

Thanks for sharing 🤗🌼

 2 years ago 

Hello! Thank you for your kind words🌼
Yes, I am grateful and not “grapefruit” 😊I had a full and happy life.
Wishing you an awesome weekend!

Grear post,dear your way of delevering your letter is amazing.Thanks for sharing with us.
Best of luck for contest.

 2 years ago 

Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and engagement with my post ☕️

In fact, I don't know what to type
All I could do was smile as I read,

Thanks for sharing, this I one of the bat publication I have read on this contest topic, very unique.

 2 years ago 

Thanks my friend!
Your reply always warms my heart and then melts my feet 👏🏻


You as 5year old person is already proud and clapping for you.your hard work has paid off and you have inspired many of us.
She is smilling all the way.

Love you paty

 2 years ago 

Awh! If I could I would have given you those sweeties for ever and ever 🍭
Thank you for your kind words.
In Thailand they say. “I love you big time!”

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