The Awaken India Movement Meet Last Evening

in India Speaks2 years ago

Yesterday was the annual meet of our association Awaken India Movement. This association was started 1.5 years ago by my Son and a small group of people with an aim to fight against the tyrannical orders of Covid, including the mandatory Vaccines. Rather this was the main agenda. It has been a long way since then that this association has grown and challenged so many unlawful practices that are being followed.

When the association started, they had many setbacks, there was hardly any support, and they were barely seeing any results of their work being done. But then in the last 6 months they had one of the best lawyers of Mumbai city joining them in their movement and he has made a lot of difference, since then quite a few developments have happened and they have now started seeing positive results for their hard work that has been going on since the last 1.5 years. Before that also they had a very small team which my son Yohan was leading. But the way things are going there is a bigger revolution needed. Nevertheless that was the ground work and if that was not done then this also would have not happened.

Yesterday in the meet, he was a star. He got felicitated for his work. It was a proud moment for me. Everyone was congratulating me as well. The hall was full with almost 700 to 800 people. Everyone wanted to click pictures with him. He has been working on it day and night, and he deserves every bit of this recognition. From last so many months he daily goes to the Court room, supporting the main lawyer. Yohan has been on this journey since the last 7 years, he has been doing his research work, doing talk shows, videos to spread awareness. This is not his full time occupation though. He studies Functional Nutrition and also works with one of the clinics. Lately he has been spending a lot of time in the association work as that's the need of the hour.

That's my son Yohan getting felicitated.

When they initially started filing PILs in the court the Judges were not even looking at their PILs outright dismissing them. But now the tables have turned. The Judges have started questioning the state about on what grounds were all those irrational decisions taken during Covid which destroyed livelihoods of so many people. In the recent hearing the Judges were very upset with the State authorities and they clearly mentioned them that the Court cannot rely on any statements that they are making because they are manipulating.

In the recent hearings the Court passed an order that the state cannot make any discrimination on the public based on their Vaccine status and all such orders should be immediately revoked. In the city, the civic authorities have been going around on the roads collecting fines from people who are not wearing masks, the Court also passed an order that these are wrong practices and they should be stopped immediately.

They have cases going on in the Court against Vaccine discrimination, Asymptomatic forced testing, vaccine victims and many more such issues. They have also filed a case on Lockdown compensations from the state which is in progress. The another issue they addressed was the most important. The Schools were forcing Vaccines for children to continue with their schooling. The team sent letters to school letting them know that these were illegal practices and if made compulsory they could face severe legal implications. A lot of time and efforts was invested in this activity, as it was not an easy task. There were many setbacks, the school authorities in the beginning gave a deaf hear, but as the team started their legal proceedings eventually the Schools had to let their guards down.

It's not an easy task fighting against the State but now the Team is growing and getting stronger, they have started receiving support from more and more Doctors and Lawyers, we can see some good results coming up. It is a long way for the Association but the first steps have been taken. A lot of people are thinking that India is sleeping over these matters and that people here do not have the courage to stand up for their rights, then it's not the case. The only thing is that yes we are not getting out on the roads much in protest, as in the past we have seen that it has not yield much of results. Our Lawyers have been sending notices to WHO as well, and there have been progress on that front as well. There is a lot of work happening and more and more people are joining the movement.

It was a very emotional moment for all of us to see the turn out yesterday in support. Look at this participation. The hall is full and there are slogans of Freedom being said repeatedly. It reminds me of those scenes in movies where India was fighting for it's freedom from the Britishers.


He is Dr. Biswaroop Chowdhary. One must know about him. He has never been given any light in India for the very reason that they do not want effective successful treatments on Covid to be popular, else their whole Vaccine business will crumple down. If you google on his you will not read good things, he has been heavily criticized but that's what Google does right, anyone that goes against their narratives need to be shunned down. He has treated thousands of Covid patients in the most effective way with natural therapies absolutely without any casualties.

He is Advocate Nilesh Ojha, a man of total respect. Since years he has been fighting for awareness and protection of fundamental human rights.

She is Advocate Dipali Ojha, his wife, who is equally fearless. She has been sending notices to all the top people involved in this game in India and others as well including WHO.

That's my Son Yohan doing his speech. Everyone says I must be a proud mother, and yes I am.

The core team was called on the stage for a big applaud. Some real Heroes of real life.

I wish our team loads of success and that we are able to achieve all that we want to.

The path is never going to be easy, but it cannot be left half way nor can we change paths. We have to do what is right and this is just not about us. It is also about our future generations, what type of life do we want to give them. A life of slavery or freedom.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Congratulations to Yohan for the great acchivement.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your good wishes @deepak94

 2 years ago 

Pls convey my Congratulations to Yohan, certainly his action is admirable. It's not easy to carry social work as well as study simultaneously, would like to appreciate your art of nurturing the gratitude to your son who created Yohan😊

I know Dr.Biswaroop and attached to his WhatsApp group. He has showed natural way to cure lifestyle deseases and COVID too.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your good wishes @rkorganic. He is a very hard working boy and understands his moral responsibility.
Dr. Biswaroop has some very amazing and simple techniques to deal with the most complexed health issues. He has been condemned too much but his work speaks

 2 years ago 

Yes, Ma'am Dr.B is facing a lot of resistance from drug lobby.
Thanks and regards

 2 years ago 

Congratulations to the whole team, Great achievement.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your good wishes

 2 years ago 

Hi @nainaztengra,
Continue to share such quality content within the community. Also, make sure that your article is not less than 250 words.

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Thanks for sharing in the Steemindiaa community.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

Excellent performance of you
Wonderful post

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your good wishes @khang572

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