Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W2 - Write a letter to your five-year-old self, telling him/her what you have learned so far by @chant

in India Speaks2 years ago


Hello to all my friends and family in the Steem India community, accept warm steem greetings from @chant, and welcome to week 2 of the engagement challenge season 3. This week's challenge is some sort of reflection for me and I hope anyone reading through will pick out one or two points to reflect on😊.

My Image Edited on Pixelcut

This week’s challenge demands I write a letter to my 5 years old self, talking about lessons learned along the way, the things that made me gain insights, my vulnerabilities, and advice to others. Below is my letter to my 5 years old self.

Dear 5 years old self,

Accept warm greetings from @chant and I hope this letter meets you in good health and will be a guide for you while growing up to adulthood. I will begin by explaining the lessons I have learned in Life.

Lessons I have learned Along the Way.

Life to some people is a mystery, to others it is fantastic and to some, it is a game. To me, I have learned that life is what you decided it to be.

Today, I’m gonna tell you that life is what you decided it to be🤩. If you want it to become a mystery, then be visionless, or do not set goals, then everything in your life will look impossible to explain or understand. If you wanna make it fantastic, then have visions, and set goals and the result will be a fantastic life.

Always remember this formula in life :

Life = Vision + Goals = Solutions to ALL Problems of Life.

When you have a vision, you are determined to set goals and worked towards achieving them. Do not claim to work harder but rather work SMART because when you focus more energy on doing something that is goalless, no matter your hard work, the result will discourage you from doing it again.

Along the way in life, I have learned that all human beings are hypocrites in one way or the other. Remember we as humans have a mind that has different specialized activities and works together. So the moment there is a breakdown of any of the activities in the mind, we started having contradictory thoughts.

No human being is perfect in life, we all make mistakes but let your mistakes be a turning point in your success story. Your mistakes should never demoralize you but rather makes you stronger to move on and perfect them. This way, you will never give up but work smart to correct your mistakes.

Lastly, I have learned that no matter how good you are to people, people must talk about you either negatively or positively. But the good thing I will assure you is that when you ignore them and focus on your goals, you will make it big in life.

The Insights I have Gained in Life.

Wow!!! the time has come for me to tell you some of the insights of my life that if you follow, you will become successful in life. I will explain the insights below 👇 👇 👇.

  • Nobody will come to rescue you: Oooh yes my darling 5 years old self, everyone has his or her problems to handle. Do not seat and expect others to abandon their problems to rescue you. Life is not a rescue mission. Try to handle your problems without depending on someone for rescue. You are fully responsible for your problems, so deal with them without waiting on your uncle, Aunty, sister/brother, cousin, etc to rescue you.
  • Life is determined by our Choices: You have the responsibility to make choices either good or bad. These choices will directly or indirectly contribute to your success or failure story. Therefore, make wise choices and do not blame others when you make wrong choices.
  • The type of people you Surround yourself with: There is a saying that “…show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. You will always build your life based on the thoughts, behaviors, and values of those who surround you.

D6A647A7-76B0-4638-82E9-C228C5EA110C.jpeg I chose friends wisely especially at work place. This is me and my friend and colleague

  • Your truth Might be relevant to you but false to another person: In life, not everyone will accept your ideas or thoughts. We all have different ways of reasoning and you might do your analysis and think it is true but another person will reason it out to be false. Human beings can never think the same else everyone will have the same conclusions.

What I was thinking was different from what she was thinking but it does not mean I should force her to accept my thoughts

  • You can Become who you want to be in Life: Remember I earlier said, life is what you decided it to be. One of the insights I have gained is that in this world, you can become anything you want to become. If you want to be a successful blogger on steemit, then act like one with some seriousness, post daily, engage and be consistent, etc.
  • Never say I can’t: Many of us failed in life because of the usage of the word “can’t”. When you use this word, it blocks your reasoning and you do not think beyond that word or you start seeing everything as impossible to achieve. When I checked each time in my life I used the word “can’t”, there has never been any progress. So, instead of using “can’t”, I started using “I do not think”… this gave me the possibility to think and create a solution.

What are my Vulnerabilities in Life?

I have two vulnerabilities I have faced in life and I will like to share them with you so that when growing up, you should not risk going through them.

The first vulnerability was sharing some of my personal life stories with someone which I would have kept to myself 😔😔. You risk yourself being attacked in the future based on what you dish out to people. So, be careful of the things you share with people because there are something’s you need to hold to yourself to keep your dignity safe and your security in the future.

The last vulnerability was that I always tell people my mind when they upset me. But the truth be told, human beings as I said think differently. What I thought is upsetting might not be the same thought by another person. So, when you tell them your mind, you risk being attacked. Ignore them and keep your calm, after all the two of you can never reason out the same.

My Advice to others.

The advice I will tell others is that life has challenges and those challenges are there to strengthen you to work smarter.

Always think positively because there is power in thinking positively. Do not say I can’t write a post per day on steemit but rather say I do not know how to create a post per day on steemit. This way, you allow yourself to think and bring out solutions to steem effectively.

Giving up should never be an option in life because quitting only exposes you more to failures.

Make friends with those who discuss ideas and not those who discuss other people’s life. Such friends are a bag of trouble, they will never discuss ideas that will influence your growth.

Lastly, Work smart and not harder because when you work smart, you set goals, you check if the work you have done is in progress or regression, you will check if your goals are being achieved, and you will set deadlines that will motivate you to work objectively, etc.

I hope after reading this letter, you will have a different perspective of life while you are growing up. I will like to invite @ijebest, @samuel20, @wase1234, and @monjuapollonia to share their letters to 5 years old self.


Oooh yes my darling 5 years old self, everyone has his or her problems to handle.

Oh waouh! That's true, no one can do that, except a man who has hlbeen helped by God. Your writings are an inspiration. Let no one force you to be who you are not.

Indeed at work always choose your friends wisely. The friends you keep shows who you are truly 😅. Thanks for those letter and i must confess that you really look like you in your 5 years old self in that picture

Thank you for appreciating my letter to my 5 years old self. The image is my 5 years old daughter 🤩🥰

Yeah yeah i wised she was the one. She really looks like you

Woohoo!! My friend @chant🤣🤣 this letter is so interesting and very inspiring, what an awesome letter you have here. You just told your 5 year old self the concrete truth about life and it's vulnerabilities, thank you so much for inviting me I'm excited to read your thoughtful letter ✉️✉️.

I appreciate you accepting my invite. Thank you for reading through my entry.

Thank you so much too, you are doing very well my friend. Good night.

Good night 😘

Thanks very much, good night too see you tomorrow 👍

This letter is worth keeping safe... very inspiring

Thank you for appreciating.

 2 years ago 

The power of positive thinking and never giving up. I don't know about others but it works all the time. If you see it believe it... that's what I always tell myself.

Last last we are in a world that we learn from everyday. We meet different kinds of people but the main thing is to stay true to ourselves and our values.

Your daughter is so beautiful 😍. She's your twinny.

Thank you for reading through my post. Thank you for the compliment about my daughter.

What a letter to your 5 year old self,

The mathematical aspect of this is what got me, so mission plus goal equals life, there are a lot of words in this piece which you have highlighted for your younger self and I believe that she will adhere to

Thanks for sharing
Congratulations on your position as CR

I hope my 5 years old self adhere to the lessons, insights, vulnerabilities and advice I have given in the letter.

Thank you 🙏🏽.

I am certain she will
You are welcome

 2 years ago 

that life is what you decided it to be.

You are right . People may claim that some hardships are inevitable but still coming out of anything is possible to a willing heart . As you rightly pointed that

Life = Vision + Goals = Solutions to ALL Problems of Life.

Sincere efforts with above philsophy is all that's needed to succeed in life.

is a saying that “…show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”.

That's very true . It is also said that a man is known by the company he keeps .

instead of using “can’t”, I started using “I do not think”… this gave me the possibility to think and create a solution.

You are right . Some people say i can't because they are not willing to work that hard through which** can't changes to can** and some people have poor self image psychology.


Wow I’m happy you found my article worth reading. Thank you for your support.

Giving up should never be an option in life because quitting only exposes you more to failures.

If one is a quitter they never achieve anything in life.
Life is full of failures but what matters is to keep pushing regardless.

The 5 year old in you is proud and ready to take on the world with the advise you have given.

All the best,friend!

Thank you and I hope she adhere to the advice.

 2 years ago 

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 2 years ago 

What a beautiful post @chant. This advice is not only for you for all childrens who where at the young age.

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