SEC-S13/W3 | "Bare Feet 🐾"

in Healthy Steem9 months ago (edited)

Hello my steemian/ healthysteem Ladies and Gentlemen friends Namskar.

Today I am very much happy to participate in the contest Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S13/W3 | "Bare Feet 🐾"?"organised by @hive-168205 In Healthy Steem

When man was born on this earth, his feet were bare, then he was made to walk without shoes for a long time so that he could learn to walk properly. Then gradually as he grows up, he starts wearing shoes, slippers, sandals, boots, etc. on his feet.

Do you like walking barefoot? Explain your reasons.

Yes, I sometimes like to walk barefoot, especially in summer, when I come home from outside, the first thing I do is change my clothes and take off my shoes.

And I walk barefoot on the cold floor for some time, this gives me great relief, and it removes almost all my tiredness. The sages of our country also say that one should walk barefoot.

Apart from this, in summer evenings when light dew falls, going to a grassy park and walking on the grass covered with dew gives great relief to the feet, which also gives peace to the heart and mind. Apart from this, walking barefoot on dewy grass also improves eyesight. I noticed that many people enjoy walking barefoot in parks in such weather.

How important is taking care of your feet?

Taking care of our feet is very important, because because of our feet we do many things in this world, if a person does not have feet then that poor person becomes dependent on others. And without legs he is unable to do many of his tasks on his own. We should clean our feet regularly, as fungus starts growing in them, and the feet of those who wear socks a lot start having an unbearable smell.

If a person who does not clean his feet properly, takes off his socks in a public place, then it becomes difficult for other people sitting there to live.

To strengthen the feet, they should be regularly exercised lightly and massaged occasionally. In case of severe pain in the feet, one should soak one's feet in lukewarm water with salt in a tub for some time, this provides great relief from the pain.
Our feet are very useful and integral part of our life.

What do you think about the saying “Don't walk barefoot, parasites can get in”?

There is no doubt that continuously walking barefoot in unsafe places can introduce parasites into the body through the feet. That is why we are taught since childhood not to walk barefoot. In fact, millions of invisible parasites roam on the ground which are harmful for the human body.

That is why we should always keep our feet clean and wear well-socked shoes while going out of the house, this protects our feet and the entire body. After returning home, we should clean our feet with soap and if possible, add a few drops of any antiseptic to water while cleaning the feet.

By doing this, the germs and bacteria that cause harm to our feet and body will die.

What do you think about a world without shoes?

In today's modern world, it would not be easy to imagine a human being without shoes. Many hundreds of years ago, humans used to live without clothes and shoes. But in this polluted modern world, life of a human being without shoes will become very difficult. Anyway, shoes have become a jewel of a person, they add beauty to one's beauty. Our elders say that a person is judged not by his clothes but by his shoes. That's why even if your clothes are not very expensive, your shoes should be good and stylish. The person in front always looks at our shoes first. And it is through these shoes that a person's gait, character and class are revealed.

Since I was a high-ranking official and always had to follow a dress code, throughout my life I always wore tightly laced, clean, or well-polished shoes before leaving the house. Was coming out from. This gave me a different feeling and also increased my confidence.

I also wants to invite my friends to join this ::

My achievement one link::

Thanks for reading my experiences.


 9 months ago 

Hi @sur-riti
We know that the foot is a part of the human body, if any part of the body gets hurt, then the foot is all over the body. It is our responsibility to protect the feet because it is a part of our body. Bare feet does not go away. But you can walk barefoot, otherwise, if you walk barefoot on the road etc., then your feet will get damaged and you will suffer a lot, so you should take care of all these things and this nature It is a blessing given by , one should take special care of it

 9 months ago 

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post, I also completely agree with all your points.

 9 months ago 

I never knew walking barefoot helps ease stress, wow, I have learnt something new. I walk barefoot but never knew this, although I don't walk barefoot on cold floor.

Our feet should be taken care of as it is one important part of the body. Imagine not being able to walk because of one infection, this can be very demanding as we cannot be able to do so many things by ourselves.

Thank you for sharing you idea. Best wishes....

 9 months ago 

Hello my dear,
Thank you very much for giving such a beautiful comment.

 9 months ago 

Hola amigo, que bueno que te guste caminar descalzo, he escuchado que es bueno porque fortalece los músculos de los pies.

A mi no me gusta caminar descalza, me siento rara jeje y no sé por qué, debe ser cuestión de costumbre. Aunque hay un lugar que me apasiona recorrerlo descalza y ese lugar es la playa. Tener ese contacto con la arena es lo mas sabroso y relajante que existe

 9 months ago 

hello friend,
You are right, one has his own likes and dislikes. Many girls do not like to walk barefoot, this is necessary for their beautiful feet.

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