Contest: "Beauty products Vs Natural remedies

in Healthy Steemlast month

ComfyUI_00078_ Kopie.jpg

Digital Art by @myskye



Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to take part in the challenge running by @suboohi if you got interested please visit this link:


Beaty: natural vs acquired


Beauty is something that humanity is researching for very long time. It is and in the past it was a powerful gift of mother nature. We all know that people who have beauty that is given by nature from their birth have it easy to go throughout their life. People can argue with that but in reality it is proven that this is something that happening and often we unconsciously willing to help the people who are beautiful, we are smiling more to those people and also we have a feeling of satisfaction when we receive any attention from those people:

So the conclusion is Beauty is Power

Even in ancient time women knew about that and used everything to gain that Power over their slaves, their folks, their solders and kings. One of the best example is Cleopatra, we all know that she was the most beautiful women to her time and no matter if we did not see her but women all envy her beauty and if they compared to Cleopatra they are very proud and happy.

There is then always a question what can I do to be beautiful?


Natural way to keep your beauty


ComfyUI_00079_ Kopie.jpg

Digital Art by @myskye


Healthy skin is the best way to keep our natural beauty for a long time, is there anything we can do for it? Yes, there are very simple tips that we can follow and our skin will be grateful for that:

  • Not smoking: nicotine is one of the enemies of beautiful skin, the reason behind is nicotine causing contraction of the muscles of blood vessels, the cells of skin receive not enough blood but also Oxygen that is important for life. Less Oxygen causes skin to look grey, be cause oxygen is bond by Red blood cells when we have enough of them that gives our skin healthy pink colour. Less red blood cells skin looks grey and really suffer, it stops regeneration and becomes old quicker

  • Not drinking excess of alcohol: there are two reasons alcohol causes loss of water from skin cells they get wrinkly very quickly. The other reason long term may damage our liver and this is a detoxification organ that get rid of all toxin, if it fails to do its job we have all garbage concentrated in our skin, it may look grey too

  • too much sugar we often see the effect of it on young people in teen age it is Acne, which of worse in those who eat too much sugar, in later age it causes loss of elastane of skin, fatty skin, long term early wrinkles

-too much salt that is also as bad as sugar, salt causes withdrawing of water from cells and that cause dry skin, again wrinkles, dry, easy breaking skin

To summarise we only need to avoid these factors to help our body to keep our skin healthy and beautiful. Healthy skin is smooth, nice pink colour, clean from fat and acne but also there is no swelling or oedema. Maybe like this young women has beautiful skin.


ComfyUI_00076_ Kopie.jpg

Digital Art by @myskye


How we can help our body and skin be healthy


If you are already doing everything correctly you can enjoy your healthy skin and natural beauty. When I was young my grandma was criticising young women who used make up saying wait when you are over 50 then you can use cosmetic products, I did not listen and did not believe her. But now I definitely support this advise. Only after 50 years of age we need to help our skin to look healthier and beautiful with some tricks:

  • Sunblocker when you go out use sun blocker, no matter how strong is sun but Ultraviolet is not good for skin, so protect your skin and prolong the age of your skin

  • Moisteriser our skin has exposure to wind, water, chemical 12 hours a day, starting with morning wash and regular having contact with water. Use moisturiser you will see how your skin becomes fresh and healthy

  • Make up Remover With time we use make up and often forget to remove it over night, if you do it just occasionally it is okay but long term is not , so please take time and remove all that to give your skin time to refresh and recover


Plastic Surgery: is that a solution to beauty?


Being a surgeon I often see people who had some surgeries and come to us, acute service with different complications and side effects, early post-operative or later after their surgery.

Commonly people do facial surgeries:

  • Rhinoplasty or people call it "nose job": often people have bad shape of nose, too large, too wide nasal bone or maybe a women just wanted a small nose with tip up turned. Some people may develop difficulties to breath after or fell back. Few surgeries one after another can also affect the whole structure of nose and destroy it

  • Lip fuller that can distort the whole appearance of your face and to make you look unnatural

  • Lid job too much removal of skin may cause problem to close our eyes

  • Different implants: buts, cheeks, chin, "6-pack muscle", breasts. People should be aware that any implant may cause rejection by your body, excessive scarring but also any implants needs to be replaced depending on art of implants in about 10 years. Skin is usually stretched by implant and after removal will be looking very stretched and wrinkly.

After all the surgeries your body definitely not get better but worse, therefore, we all should be think:

  • Is it really good to try artificially to improve what the nature created?

All digital Art is kindly created by my hubby @myskye specially for this article


I would like to invite @lusciouslucy, @maryemolinet and @jes88 to this contest


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  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.



 last month 

You look absolutely beautiful even without the use of digital art. I really appreciate this beauty, taking good care of ourselves by not drinking excess alcohol is my much interest because alot of citizens around my world keeps dying of health issues as a result of excess intake of alcohol. Success friend!

Thank you, I am glad that you like it, there is a little that we can help our natural strength and in time when we young it is reversible but later on is too late :)


Hi @suboohi, you could leave the vote of 1% of SC07 0ff rather then give it, I thought that it was good written :)

 last month (edited)

Sorry dear I see your comment now , i don't know what happened i curated your post with 40% ,at that day my network was not properly working. May be this mistake due to network.
Definitely your post is very good and should be in winners.
Once again sorry for late reply.

 last month 

Amazing portraits..

Thank you I am please your like them :)

 last month 

Hola querida

Es verdad todo lo que dices, de nada vale querer una piel perfecta y saludable cuando por dentro no cuidamos de nuestro cuerpo, no recordaba ese efecto que se produce en la piel al fumar, creo que si todas las mujeres supieran eso dejarian de fumar progresivamente

Nada como la belleza natura, pero además de esos retratos que muestras, la belleza natura también implica aceptar las arrugas y canas cuando llegan, aceptar esos rollitos o flacidez del cuerpo cuando llega, cuidar lo mejor posible de nuestro cuerpo que es ese es nuestro mejor tesoro


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 last month 

This is really beautiful 😍 ma, some people don't use the beauty they have, they want extra ones, and from this extra ones facial surgeries will come in...

From this your post I have learn manythings and we should always appreciate any beauty given to us by God because he knows what and what that will fit us.

Wishing you all the best in this contest ma.

 last month 

You have mentioned some very beautiful and important tips about beauty and beauty. They are very necessary and especially I need these very important tips. I liked the post a lot and I like your post very well about duty and what kind of makeup we should be after 50 years everything you mentioned here for you

 last month 

Wow, first of all, I congratulate you for a huge SP and your SP is a motivation for me to post, upvote and comment on others.

  • You have discussed the points very beautifully and it contains a lot of information.
  • Staying away from alcohol, more sugar, fats and salt.
  • Due to bad food your skin will have problems, like pimples and rashes.
  • Surgeries variates your natural beauty and gives you problems, like noise job gives you breathing problems.

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