Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - The worst enemy, Sugar.

in Healthy Steem10 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum. The HealthySteem Community has appeared in Season 11 Week 2 of the Between Us steemit Engagement Challenge about the harmful effects of sugar.. In this wonderful engagement challenge we learn about the harmful effects of sugar and how it is harmful to our body and is the main source of diabetes.. So I am ready to answer my questions on this matter.

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Everyone keep reading and enjoy steemit Engagement Challenge Season 11 Week 2. Topic:The worst enemy, Sugar."

❓Do you know how much sugar you consume per day❓

We use and consume sugar in almost all situations. Although we don't eat direct sugar every day, we enjoy eating foods made with sugar.



Chocolate ice cream and different types of sweet cakes are in our list of favorite foods. Although we don't eat processed sugar, many sweet foods are our favorite and we eat them. But we have had enough of how much sugar we consume on a daily basis.But we cannot deny that we eat sugar with almost every meal.

❓Do you have a family member who has problems with diabetes❓

Alhamdulillah. God's infinite mercy. No one in my family is diabetic.



But I have a neighbor grandmother who is diabetic. Being this diabetic he has to follow different rules and live life constantly. Especially he is a very fat person and he has a lot of interest in sweet food. For this he has to wake up early in the morning and exercise on an empty stomach. But one thing is good that no one in my family is diabetic and for that I am eternally grateful to the creator and would like to thank the creator.

❓Have you had a problem with sugar❓

I am a health conscious person. I am well aware of the harmful side of sugar and how it can harm our body. As I am a health conscious person, I always do what I need to do to stay healthy.



As a child I ate a lot of sugar. Especially I used to eat sarabat made with bread or water.. But as my knowledge gradually increased and I learned to read and learn, I realized who is not at all beneficial to our body.. Rather, sugar does various harm to our body. So after learning about the harmful effects of sugar, I have almost given up sugar.

But Alhamdulillah I have no sugar problem.

❓What do you think about sugar as the worst enemy❓



Sugar is the opposite side of our body. That is the fact that if you eat too much sugar your body will get sick and you will get sick.

Especially sugar is not good for our body at all. Although many of us love to eat sweets, this choice can cause a huge deterioration in our health at some point in time. Sugar is constantly harming our body.

Eating sugar in particular can increase your body's sugar levels and make you diabetic. And I think it is better not to have a diabetic than to be alive in this world.

Since sugar is an unhealthy and harmful food for our body, it is important for us to avoid it. And sugar makes our body develop and grow diabetes and therefore sugar is a very harmful food and we must avoid it.


Sugar is a harmful food and is very harmful to our body. So if you are a health conscious person then you must avoid all sugar processed and sugar made food. Although sugar may be one of your favorite foods. But to keep your body healthy and if you want to stay healthy then you must avoid sugar and reduce sugar consumption to get rid of various diseases.

I would like to invite several of my friends to the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 11w2. I hope they will support and encourage my post. And along with that, they will participate in this wonderful engagement challenge S11w2 .I invite you to participate. @aaliarubab @chant @rasel72 @emonv @o1eh @malikusman1

Thanks for visiting
This is @steem-for-future from #Bangladesh
It's 100% #steemexclusive and AI free content.




Achievement 1


 10 months ago 

Hola @steem-for-future, un placer leer tu publicación.

Muchos de nuestros alimentos contienen azúcar y peuden dañar neustro organismo.

Que bueno que nadie en tu familia tiene diabetes. Pero la abuela vecina, necesita un estilo de vida diferente.

Saludos y bendiciones

 10 months ago 

Heartfelt thanks for the prayers for the family and best wishes for all. But of course my grandmother needed some lifestyle changes. I will definitely be aware of this.

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