"Wk 27: The Diary Game and Your Health |17-05-24|My healthy food on the day"

in Healthy Steemlast month


My Dear Friends,
I am @shahid76 from Bangladesh.

Steemit friends, how are you all? Hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Healthy Steem brought by the Honorable Admin@aaliarubab. The name of the contest is "Wk27 : The Diary Game and Your Health ||17-05-24||"My Diary Healthy Food on the Day" Thank you Healthy Steem for bringing this beautiful contest to us.

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∞🔸∞Health is wealth. We constantly make various efforts to maintain health. Among them, the thing that we give more importance to is balanced food or healthy food. In today's The Diary Game and Your Health Contest, I am presenting a list of some of the healthy foods that I took on that day to maintain my health on 17-05-24. Let's move to the main discussion and see what foods I consume for my health.

✅Water: -

Another name for life is water. Without water, we cannot move at all. I wake up every day and drink two glasses of water. Water plays many important roles in the health of our body. For example: -

  • Water is essential for maintaining the structure and function of cells.
  • Water helps regulate our body temperature.
  • Water helps our body digest food.
  • Water is required for many metabolic processes in the body, including energy production.
  • Water moves the kidneys from the blood through the urine to maintain proper muscle function, and proper hydration plays an important role in muscle function.


✅Mixed Vegetables: -

I usually eat roti in the morning for breakfast. Roti is a mixed item of potatoes and pulses. This food is very tasty and healthy. This food contains many nutrients which are very useful for physical health. Such as: -
Potato is a versatile and nutritious food. It contains-

  • Carbohydrates
  • Starch
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C, Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • and Phosphorus fixation
    All these ingredients are very helpful in keeping our body healthy.
    Lentils are a very nutritious food. This food contains:-
  • Protein – fulfills our protein needs.
  • Complex carbohydrates that provide our body with sustained energy.
  • Fiber helps in the digestion of our food and helps in maintaining the sugar level
  • There are also various materials including vitamin B, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese. The combination of all these ingredients keeps our body healthy.


✅Watermelon: -

Watermelon is a seasonal fruit. This food is also rich in nutrients which play an important role in our health. The nutrients in this food are: -

  • Watermelon contains 90% water which plays a special role in our hydration.
  • Sugar: - Watermelon contains natural sugars, which give it a sweet taste.
  • It contains fiber which helps digestion. Watermelon contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
  • Watermelon is rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of certain cancers and diseases while keeping the skin healthy.


✅Chicken: -

Today I had lunch with chicken kalabhuna. It is a healthy and tasty dish. Kala bhuna plays a special role in any guest entertainment It also fills our nutritional deficiency. The nutrients in the chicken are:

  • Chicken is a source of high-quality protein which is essential for muscle growth repair and overall body function. Also contains vitamin B, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, omega-3, and omega-6.
  • Besides, chicken meat is an important ingredient for increasing the taste of the mouth.


✅Polao Rice: -

Polau rice is a delicious and nutritious dish. Polau rice is not paired when serving guests. This dish also has many nutrients. Like-

  • It contains a lot of carbohydrates which are the main source of energy for our body.
  • It contains fiber which helps in the digestion of food.
  • Besides, there is a collection of various vitamins. All these ingredients play a special role in keeping us healthy.


✅Milk: -

I try to include milk in my daily diet even if it is small. We all know that milk is essential to stay healthy. It contains: -
It contains high-quality protein that we absolutely need.

  • Milk contains carbohydrates that generate energy in the body. It also contains
  • Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine,
  • If I want strong bones then I have to drink milk.
  • Milk should be consumed to remove calcium deficiency.
  • Thus, milk plays a very important role in our health.


I would like to invite three of my friends @cryptoloover @absil20 @yahnel
Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my healthy dairy food. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.


 last month 

You have taken healthy things today that have a good nutritional value.Good luck for the contest.



We invite you to continue publishing quality content. In this way you could have the option of being selected in the weekly Top of our curation team.

 last month 

@mesola mam, thank you so much for selecting my article to give your valuable upvote. This selection will help me to improve me my writing skills.

 last month 

You are welcome

Ah, Ayam Kalabhuna itu kelihatannya lezat, bumbu-bumbu apa saja yang dipakai untuk membuatnya?

 last month 

@fajrularifst, Thank you so much for seeing my recipe of chicken kalabhuna. Separate spices for making kalavuna are available in the market. I bought a ready-made masala of kalavuna from the market. And it's really delicious. you can try it in your home.I believe you will enjoy it.

Hi @shahid76

You have shared your very good healthy routine and practice. You also prefer to drink water first. Water is very good. If you wake up in the morning and drink water, then it is very beneficial for the your body.
After that you have mixed vegetable of our recipe share push vegetable roti that is very issue like winters have many benefits if you eat vegetables it is very good and very beneficial for your body. It is healthy.
Watermelon which keeps you full for a long time and also fulfills your hydration level. Love it. Chicken is very good for you. Chicken fulfills the needs of your body. If you add milk or milk to it, I think that milk makes you very strong because it is very good for us for our health.

Best regards

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