SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

My Dear steemies
I am @saravanan-n from Tamilnadu
Today is Wednesday, 20/03/2024

First of all I would like to thank you very much for conducting this wonderful Engagement challenge of SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️
through the community of #Steem4Bloggers.


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Contest Tips

👩‍⚕️ What do you understand by the Word "Environment"?

👩‍⚕️ How do our surroundings impact our well-being?

👩‍⚕️ What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our health?

👩‍⚕️ What are some simple actions you take every day to promote environmental health?

👩‍⚕️How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?


What do you understand by the Word "Environment"?

The wordEnvironment all the physical surrounding is called environment. All the things which are growing by naturally or mannual we should save them. But we are destroying them. Environment is very very important we should not affect them we have to save them.


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How do our surroundings impact our well-being?

In our day to day life we are polluting the environment by Knowingly or unknowingly. But I am sure that we are doing them. Like air polution, land polluting, sound pollution , radio active pollution, etc..,


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For example: we all are going from one place to another place by using vehicles and carrying some plastic bags with us also while traveling we are hearing songs in high sound and using horn. In the meantime we all using mobile phone.


What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our health?

Mostly industry is the main reason for creating so many polution like air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution, etc. and also the vehicles and plastic are polluting the environment.

In our living surrounding area we have a cement factory in that they are producing a cement for that they are using some kind of sand by mining it in the nearest mines. It pollution the land and air, and the. They are transport them to factory by using vehicles it is also polluting the air. then in factory they are burning them and doing some process and convert them in cement. And also textile industries it takes so much of water and then they will mixed them into the river or pound it is also polluting the water and land.


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Then the main one is mobile phone it is also polluting the environment. By using mobile phone we had surrounding by some rays and it will affect the birds reproduction systems and also killed the birds.

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What are some simple actions you take every day to promote environmental health?

Now a days we are facing so many pollution so that I had trying to control some of them by using the public transport like buses and trains for transporting from one place to another place. It will reduce the air polution and noise pollution. If I had used a own vehicle means I can go as fast as possible. But it will polluting the environment.


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Then whenever I went out from my home I will have a cotton bags with me because some time I will get a call from my home and they told me to buy some things so that I will have it. If I don't have means they will give a plastic bag 🛍️ to carry them from shop to home. If I had used the plastic means it will definitely pollute the land when I had put it in the ground or it will pollute the air when I had burnt it. Also trying to reducing the usage of internet and mobile phone.


How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?

It really helps the people to get a knowledge about how environment is important to us. We should not pollute them. It show how we can save the environment from getting pollution.


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We have to save or protect our world from the polution and maintain all resources by consuming them in low level and give them to our future generation. "Save trees, Save world"

Thanks for giving this wonderful opportunity to take a participate in this contest and also I had like to invite my friends @letssittt @fart-girl @theentertainer @lavanyalakshman @dirapa to join in this contest.

My Achievement one

Reward by



@saravanan-n I appreciate your insightful reflections on the environment and its impact on our wellbeing. Your efforts to minimize pollution by using public transport and carrying cotton bags demonstrate a genuine commitment to environmental health. Keep spreading awareness and inspiring others to protect our planet. Best of luck in the contest

Thanks for sharing this wonderful thoughts about for my post


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