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RE: SEC-S16/W6| "The Science of Aging"

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

old age brings many ailments,

You know what? I know of plenty of young people who have more aches and ailments than me. The youth of today!

Those two "old darlings" of yours stole my heart! Keep on loving them and building memories with them.

It is wonderful that your mom is still so active at her age. Tell her I salute her!

Best wishes for this great post of yours! 🎕

 2 months ago 

Amiga si es muy cierto los jóvenes de ahora están más achacosos que los viejitos.

Y bueno yo amo a todos mi viejitos amigos y conocidos y mi madre si todavía tiene fuerza y vitalidad le daré tus saludos.

Que bueno me hayas leído

 2 months ago 

Reading your posts is always nice! 🎕

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