SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Assalamoalaikum how are you steemians I hope everyone is fine.Today for the first time I'm going to participate in a contest held in community #healthy steem by @hive-168205.


👩‍⚕️ What do you understand by the Word "Environment"?

Environment is the natural and man made components that surround a living thing, whether it is a person, community or organism. Air, water, soil, plants, animals and human influences like pollution and infrastructure are all included. It is assential to protect the enviroment in order to maintain life and protect the welfare of all living things.

👩‍⚕️ How do our surroundings impact our well-being?

Physical, mental as well as emotional health are all effected by our environment which has a dominant impact on our overall wellbeing. our well-being can be improved by my factors such as the quality of the air, water, the availability of green areas,noise level and social support. In contrast to negative settings can worsen stress, anxiety and health issues while positive factors encourage social interaction, relaxation and stress reduction.

👩‍⚕️ What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our health?


Both air pollution and water pollution can be harmful to anyone's health.Air pollution give rises to risk of respiratory illnesses such asthma, lung cancer and can impair cognitive function.In addition to gastrointestinal ailments and skin issues, prolonged exposure to water pollution can result in organ damage, diarrhea, stomach problems and neurological abnormalities.In addition to increasing health risks through extreme weather events and the spread of infectious diseases both these types of pollution contribute to climate change also.

👩‍⚕️ What are some simple actions you take every day to promote environmental health?

Using eco-friendly transportations lfor example walking, biking, supporting sustainable businesses and products, fixing leaks and replacing inefficient appliances with water-efficient and minimizing energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use & educating friends and family about the value of environmental protective measures are all simple ways to promote environmental health.

👩‍⚕️How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?

A Promoting environmental health requires education and awareness because it enables people to take action and make strong decisions.peoples are encouraged to adopt sustainable behaviors by increasing public awareness of environmental issues including pollution, climate chang and habitat destruction.This make people more aware of their impact on the environment.By providing information about biodiversity and conservation technique education enables communities to support law's and programs that save the environment for the coming generations.

My Introduction Post

I'll invite


 4 months ago 

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.

I completely agree with you. The main reason for all the diseases that are happening nowadays is air pollution or water pollution. You have made people aware by talking about the diseases caused by both pollutions.

I enjoyed reading your post. Wish you good may you always achieve whatever you aim for yourself in life and make the best journey .Greetings from me Have a beautiful.

Thank you for your lovely message! I'm glad to know that you found the info shared about the impact of pollution on health useful. I appreciate your support. Wishing you peace, success, and fulfillment in all your endeavors. Have a beautiful journey ahead, and warm greetings back to you!

Hi friend as a newbies, you have really explain everything in details, our environment need to be cleaned always because if it's not clean we may face the consequences. By going to school, we can gain more knowledge on how to care for our surrounding. Wish you success boss

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad my explanations were helpful.

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Like you said it clear
Air pollution and water can be harmful and toxic to the health,air pollution like smoke can cause respiratory diseases,can also cause asthma. It is good to keep our environment clean.

 4 months ago 

Our mental and physical health is affected by our environment. We should maintain good hygiene,keep our environment clean and healthy, this will make us to avoid some certain health diseases.

You're absolutely right! Our mental and physical well-being are significantly impacted by our environment.

 4 months ago 


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