"Wk 19: The Diary Game and Your Health | My activities while maintaining health

in Healthy Steem3 months ago
Hi stemians On this occasion I would like to take part in the contest held by @aaliarubab in @hive-168205 and also invite @suryanitj @imadear and @blessingogah-1 to participate in this contest.

This morning was my third day of work before enjoying time off. Before leaving for work, I did my usual routine activities during the month of Ramadan, such as enjoying food first at 4 am before fasting the next day. The food that I enjoyed was chicken penyet rice and a glass of water. I chose to drink a glass of water because water is very good for health for the body and water is the right choice to maintain health. When I had enjoyed the food, I waited for dawn to arrive. When dawn comes, I immediately do the morning prayer first.

After performing morning prayers, I immediately sat for a while while playing with my cell phone to read notifications on Steemit and other social media, but while playing with my cell phone, I felt sleepy again and finally I immediately rested for a moment while waiting for the time to go to work.

After resting for a while, at 8 am I finally got out of bed to get ready to go to work. After arriving at work, the first thing I did was leave my cell phone with the security guard because this was a mandatory regulation from the company. After leaving the cellphone, I finally started working as usual.


When 9 pm arrived, it was finally time to go home from work. Before going home, I took back the cell phone that had previously been left at the security guard. When I returned home, I decided to take a short walk while enjoying the night view around my place. However, while in the middle of the trip, my motorbike started to run out of fuel, so I ended up immediately refueling at a refueling station.

After finishing refueling, I continued my journey to just take a walk to enjoy the night view, I stood on the bridge on the side of the road to see the traffic from a distance, I saw that there were so many vehicles passing by, I sat on the edge of this bridge not only alone, but there were several other people doing the same thing as me, namely enjoying the night view.


After enjoying the view for a while, I finally rushed home, when I got home I went straight to bed to rest so that my body remained healthy and could carry out tomorrow's activities smoothly.

That's the story of my activities today, thank you for visiting and reading my post and happy to be able to contribute to this contest, see you again in another contest stemian..

Best Regards

Achievement 1

 3 months ago 

Your day really went well dear, I like you start your day with prayers.

Thank you my friend for a wise comment.
Wish you the best

 3 months ago 

Hola amigo, tal como dices el agua es bastante beneficiosa para la salud, me alegra que hayas despertado temprano para realizar tus actividades acostumbradas entre esto orar.


Me gustó mucho la fotografía en la motocicleta. Qué bueno pudiste disfrutar de la vista camino a casa y que pudieses recargar el combustible, nada como descansar luego de un largo día de trabajo.

Fue un gusto visitar tu diario, saludos y bendiciones.

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