Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

in Healthy Steem10 months ago

Hello Everyone. I am @msharif
From #Bangladesh

Hello friends how are you all? Hope everyone is well. I am very well with all your prayers. Today I am back again to participate in another contest of Engagement Challenge. Where I will share a few things about sugar. I found this a very interesting contest so I would like to thank Healthy Steem for organizing such a contest.

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👩⚕️ Do you know how much sugar you consume per day?

In fact, sugar is a food item that is as harmful to our body as we like to eat it. Most of our food now contains sugar. Especially since I drink regular tea two times a day and therefore have to take two spoonfuls of my sugar.

I have to make a habit of drinking tea because of which I have to eat sugar even if I don't want to. Because I don't like it without sugar. Although I know it is bad for his body so I try to eat sugar now and then but it makes my body feel better so I eat it.

👩⚕️ Do you have a family member who has problems with diabetes?

I have two members in my family namely my parents who have diabetes. Actually I can't say for sure whether sugary food or outside food is behind their diabetes.

Because I have seen since birth that my parents didn't eat much outside food and also didn't eat much sugary food and their health is not that high. But they still have diabetes. Although now they completely abstain from sugary foods. Does not eat any sweet food. So now they are very healthy and diabetes is under control. I would like to tell everyone who is suffering from diabetes if you stay away from sugary foods then you can stay healthy. Besides, those who are not suffering from this disease can keep themselves healthy by staying away from sugary foods if they want.

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👩⚕️ Have you had a problem with sugar?

No I have no problem with sugary foods. I love to eat all kinds of food even though I know how bad it is for my body. Because sugar is a food that does more damage to our body than we can ever believe.

I have been trying to stay away from sugary foods lately, only drinking tea all day long and no sugary foods. I will tell everyone that you should also eat less food made with sugar, it is possible to avoid many types of diseases.

👩⚕️ What do you think about sugar as the worst enemy?

I believe that sugar is the worst enemy that we always take as a friend. Because it is not possible to make any sweet food without sugar in any event. So we can't keep ourselves away from these sugary foods. And we don't know that this sugar is our big enemy which is slowly causing great damage to our body.

I think we should all ban this enemy now. Avoid all sugary foods as much as possible. Because in order to be healthy, we must give up something and if it is sugar, then it is very good for our body. Because to face the enemy you must be tough and think about yourself.

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I invite @shohana1 @crismenia @anroja to participate in this contest.

Here is the contest link - Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

Stay Safe, Stay Happy


 10 months ago 

Es complicado saber exactamente qué cantidad de azúcar estamos consumiendo al día, pero es bueno que tengas en claro que el azúcar es dañina para nuestro cuerpo si abusamos de su consumo, como ya tienes en tu familia personas que padecen de diabetes, eres más cuidadoso con los alimentos azucarados, pero como dices como hacemos un dulce sin agregarle azúcar, que bueno que tus padres ya no consumen alimentos que contenga azúcar así tendrán una mejor vida mucha suerte en tu participación amigo

 10 months ago 

Senang mengetahui anda tidak bermasalah dengan gula, dan anda juga telah berusaha untuk menjauhi makanan yang mengandung banyak gula. Tentu ini bukan pekerjaan mudah mengingat gula telah menjadi sahabat dalam segala aktivitas manusia yang berhubungan dengan minuman dan makanan.
Semoga sukses..


Am happy to hear that you don't have any sugar related problems. A truly health body should not have problems with sugar but I still advice that we use it with moderation.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : <@solaymann>

 10 months ago 

Hi dear friend
Sugar is ofcourse harmful. It causes a dangerous diseases such as diabetes. I have witness the diabetes patient life. It's so hard. My grandma is a diabetic patient too.
Good luck for contest 🤞😀

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