SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging👩" | Looking young even in old age, is it possible?

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

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Hello steemit friends all who have visited this post, let's participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge - | SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging contest which has been organized by the Healthy Steem

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

# 👨‍🔬 The Science of Aging

Our topic of discussion this time talks about the science of aging, of course we have seen people whose faces look young even though they are old. But there is also the opposite, we see people who have old faces even though they are young. In this contest let's discuss the science of aging, hopefully we can all maintain our health and stay looking young every day.

👩 What medical processes are behind aging and at what age does it actually start?

Every day we age, that means every day we experience the aging process. So it's not just when we reach a certain age, but every day that we go through is a process that ages us and makes us look older.

I don't really know about the medical processes that can cause aging, but I believe that people who overuse face creams or those that contain mercury can make their face older. That's why I really avoid using drugs that are not clear about their legality.

Although many people are interested in using facial products that can produce white skin instantly, I don't want to use them, because something that is instant is definitely not going to be good for the skin.

👩 Are you afraid of getting old and if so, what are the challenges of aging that make you afraid of getting old?

Why am I scared of getting old, if I was scared I probably wouldn't be living and breathing anymore. As I argued in the beginning, every day that we go through is a process towards aging. But there are times when people who are old but their faces still look young.

The secret of my grandmother's longevity is that she eats a good and healthy diet. Her parents used to grow their own vegetables, chilies, onions, tomatoes, corn, cassava. They also had several plots of rice fields, which they cultivated themselves and ate from. Unlike us who buy everything, the danger is that we always eat from products that contain chemical fertilizers?

Smiling is believed to reverse aging

Do you want to know what the secret is to keep looking young even as we get older? Smile, give a beautiful smile every day to all your friends, the more smiles the better. When you smile often and are always happy, your body responds to release neurotransmitter compounds known as endorphins. These compounds provide a calming effect, improve mood and reduce pain. Therefore, let's smile more, think less about unnecessary things that can cause stress.

👩 List three nutrients that can prevent aging?

I regularly consume fresh fruits and take vitamins to prevent aging.

  • To prevent aging, you should consume all natural foods, don't consume a lot of chemical products or instant foods because they contain a lot of harm to the body.

  • Fish, fish also contains many benefits for the body and contains many vitamins. I myself always consume fish every day, you need to be aware of foods such as slaughtered chicken because it is very dangerous for the body.

  • Fruit, fruit is very good for the health of the body, consumption of fruit every day can eliminate aging because in the content of fruit is rich in vitamins and nutrients.

👩 Write down three exercises that can make you look young even in old age?

I believe that the more exercise you do, the better it is for your body, your body will be healthier, your heart will pump blood more stably, and finally a healthy body will make your face look more youthful. Of course there is a difference in the faces of people who diligently exercise with people who never exercise, so exercise is important and very good for the health of the body.

In order to keep your body young, you can do any sport, but I really like swimming and running. Swimming can train your breathing, train all the nervous muscles, this swimming sport will not sweat but it is quite good for health, besides that swimming can move all limbs so it is very good for health.

Then the second sport is running, running is cheap and free. You can run anywhere, on the side of the road, on the edge of the rice fields, just don't run down the aisle with someone else's partner because the official partner can be chased. Hehe. The best running for health is running in the morning, while running in the afternoon is beneficial for burning fat in the body.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @radjasalman, @fantvwiki, @solaymann @fadia

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky


Then the second sport is running, running is cheap and free. You can run anywhere, on the side of the road, on the edge of the rice fields, just don't run down the aisle with someone else's partner because the official partner can be chased. Hehe. The best running for health is running in the morning, while running in the afternoon is beneficial for burning fat in the body.Running is indeed a fantastic and accessible sport! Morning runs can set a positive tone for the day, while afternoon runs can help burn some extra calories. Just make sure to respect personal boundaries and avoid running down the aisle with someone else's partner—that could lead to some unintended sprints!💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

Terimakasih telah mengunjungi postingan ini, kata-kata saya ketika berbicara menghindari berlari dengan pasangan orang lain itu hanya candaan, jangan terlalu dianggap serius apalagi dipraktikkan itu bisa berbahaya.

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Upvoted and good luck in the contest.

 4 months ago 

Hello @miftahulrizky hope you are having a good day.Your post about the science of aging is interesting.I agree that staying healthy and happy plays a big role in looking young. Your grandma's diet is like a great example to follow. And I couldn't agree more about the importance of exercise for staying youthful. Let's keep smiling and staying active to embrace aging gracefully,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Halo terima kasih atas kehadiran kamu pada postinganku semoga kamu mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari membaca postingan ini, mari berpartisipasi pada konteks yang sama aku menunggu tulisan mu.

Aging is a natural and inescapable phenomenon that happens to people who are advanced in age. It's true that using cream which has a concentration of mercury can quicken aging. And the secret of healthy aging is consuming a good diet and having people who care about you. The happiness derived from the latter reason can make an aged person look younger. Eating fruits and exercising the body can slow down the rate of aging. Good luck on your post.

Hello dear I appreciate seeing your quality written article that is very good for the steam blockchain.

I don't really know about the medical processes that can cause aging, but I believe that people who overuse face creams or those that contain mercury can make their face older. That's why I really avoid using drugs that are not clear about their legality.

To be sincere you are very right because this creams we use and made up of harmful chemicals that when you use for a long period of time can cause harm to the skin if care is not taken and also accelerate aging of the skin.

Thank you so much for sharing such quality article, wishing you the best. Please 🙏 also engage on my entry through the link below 👇

Terimakasih telah membaca postingan ini saya sangat menghargainya, baik saya nanti akan mengunjungi postingan anda dan memeriksa ide-ide menarik tentang penuaan.

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