in Healthy Steem6 months ago (edited)

Edited on pixellap


Hello everyone, greetings to you all, this time am honour to participate on this contest concerning our health issues which is pain, because as a human it's affected everyone of us. Greeting to you @hive-168205.

Is pain a disease or symptom in the body?

Pain is absolutely a symptom. sometimes it's may just be a minor pain lasted for like 10 to 20 minutes. When I research about this topic, Pain, I realised that there are pains that lasted for months to years and it's called chronic pain. According to the research, it's subjective, meaning that only the person experiencing it can identify and describe it.

Tell us about pain that you have last time?Was that pain systemic or musculoskeletal?

Musculoskeletal pain has to do with pain in muscles, bones, joints and ligaments.
The last pain I experience was hurt because it's was something I didn't really know about. One faithful day, I went to my shop as usual, but I could some pain on my leg, I didn't take it serious because I thought it's a normal pain because I hit my leg on stone.

After one week, my leg start swelling bit by bit. Some people said it's because of cold or rain water that it will go and they prescribed some medication to use. I did but not positive results untill when it gotten to the point that I couldn't put my leg on the ground. it's was painful, and the worst part of it is that, I couldn't be able to sleep at night, just lying down with my leg up. it's was terrible which I don't wish it even to my enemy.

My boss has to take me to hospital to know what's exactly is wrong with me. I did a test, and the result came to be titanous (infection). So they recommend a treatment immediately, I was given several antibiotics but the pain were even more than before.

Ladies and gentlemen, instead of reducing,the pain keep increasing until I notice something like a close wound beneath my toe, so I inform the doctor, that is when we realise that, there's something (likely glass or pin) so it got infected, that is what causes the swooning. The material was removed and within few day, I felt relief.

What you do in home for pain relief?(Tell a remedy or any medication that you do at that time)

Like I said, the first thing I have in mind was maybe it's because of cold or rain water so I use red palm oil to rub on it. I also use hot water and salt to massage it, sometimes ice block,but when I later know the cause, Antibiotics was the last bus stop because it's will help the body to fight t infection.

I was given Savlon which is an antiseptic.

IMG_20240121_143025_593.jpg savlonIMG_20240121_142526_912.jpg Savlon

It's a germs killers. It's for cleaning wound and to avoid wound being contaminated.

To make it heal faster, I use Wosan also.

IMG_20240121_142503_609.jpg Wosan ointmentIMG_20240121_142422_332.jpg Wosan ointment

it's an ointment, antiseptic for treatment of contaminated wounds or any kind of wound and other things like virus, yeast, fungi and bacteria.


Pain is a symptom, so we need to take it seriously, we should avoid self medication.I have leaned from my experience, if I had visit the doctor immediately i started feeling the pain, its wouldn't have gotten infected.

I'll like to invite you @abdullahw2 @abdul-rakib and @rubina203 to participate.

My verification link

CC: @hive-168205

Thanks for reading❣️

 6 months ago 

Sorry brother for the pains. I understand how it feels to be in that critical condition. Your boss is a caring type I guess, I hope you're feeling better now? Goodluck in the contest. Visit my entry to see my medications too.

Am alright now, anyway thanks for stopping by...

 6 months ago 

Seeking advice and possible way out from a professional hands is alway the best step and abhorb from self medication.

You said it all, it's the best thing to do, thanks for your comment.

 6 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum, I hope you will be well, so you have given your participation in this contest, which is very good, and you have written it very well. can explain and you have made a big mistake that you did not check the doctor and did not give serious to your pain in the leg, no matter how small the pain is, it should be taken seriously. And as soon as possible, you should get checked by a doctor so that your disease does not get worse

I have learned from my experience. Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate.

 6 months ago 

Your most welcome 🤗


Greetings! friend, as per my insight, pain itself is a disease and also a sign of the body expressing that: Pay attention because there’s a problem here. I have read your post, and it's quite interesting. Like you say, pain can also be a symptom of other illnesses. In this post, I read that your leg was hit by a stone. I think you are okay now. Take the necessary medicines, and take care of yourself for the rest of the time. I wish you great success and the best of luck.

Thank you so much, and also for reading.

With pleasure.

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