SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

in Healthy Steem4 months ago (edited)

Good day everyone, right from the beginning, our environment plays a major role I determining how healthy we are, so in a very clear term, I would say we solely depend on the provisions of our surroundings to have a healthy life. I will be sharing how our environment influences our health.

What Do You Understand By The Word "Environment"?


To the best of my knowledge, I see environment to be a total sum of both living and non-living elements as well as their effects on human life. This clearly means the ambiance, settings and surroundings that makes up the atmosphere or background against which someone or something is seen.

Also, It is the physical surroundings in which we can see, feel and touch, so everything that makes up our surroundings that are visible to the eyes can be seen to be our Environment.

How Do Our Surroundings Impact Our Well-being?


The impact our surroundings have on us can vary depending on how we treat our environment, so it could have a positive or negative impact. Firstly, the positive impact of our environment cuts across giving us a good and favourable atmosphere to living down to providing basic life elements such as air and water for a healthy living.

However, if we don't treat our environment with so much care and respect, we will suffer the consequences, ofcourse it has been made viable to us through the air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution we are experiencing day by day, this has also caused different health compactions and deaths on worst scenarios.

What Are Some Ways Pollution, Like Air Or Water Pollution, Can Affect Our Health?


Different activities of men has altered the default settings of our environment therefore making our environment cruel to us and we can see it is evident in a lot of ways which I am about to mention here;

• Air Pollution introduces Carbon dioxide into human systems thereby causing alot of medical complications, however by default we were supposed to breath in oxygen and respirate carbon dioxide but today in some big cities, the reverse is the case.

• Water Pollution has killed a lot of aquatic animals, the exploitation of oil rigs in large sea bodies has sent some species of aquatic being on extinct.

• Water Pollution has also rendered some of our clean drinkable springs undrinkable and this is really disturbing to see.

• Air pollution has exposed humans to the Ultra Violet Ray (UVR) from sunlight by peeling off the ozone layer and causing different skin related diseases including cancer.

How Can Education And Awareness Play A Role In Promoting Environmental Health?


Education has overtime been a tool for enlightenment, so bringing up education which will help keep our environment save will be a very good idea for me because most of these pollution we see today might be out of ignorance, people might not really know the extent to which this activities damages our environment.

Creating awareness should also be encouraged especially to people living in the rural areas, awareness and campaigns against incessant burning of bushes and cutting down of trees will help maintain an eco-friendly environment safe for living.

I am inviting @unyime23, @bossj23 and @etiluv to participate in this contest.

This is my introduction post


Thanks for reading 💕

 4 months ago 

The ways air and water pollution has affected our well being and the weird thing is that These things are caused by many, for instance water pollution is caused by throwing dirty substance to the water whereas Air pollution is caused by contaminating the air by smoke or burning of things also by inflammation, all these are practice by humans and the reverse becomes dangerous to humans health. You've vividly explained your write up and I wish you best of luck ..🤞🏽🤞

 4 months ago 

Thank you for dropping by my friend, it is true, the different pollution we have now is a collective effort of humans and collectively we can stop it or atleast curtail it as much as we started it.

 4 months ago 


 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hello friend I really enjoy reading your entry, your difination of environment is very good and I have learnt so much from it. As we take good care of our environment, our health is very safe. As we also go to school more knowledge are acquire on how to care for our surrounding. Wish you success..

 4 months ago 

Hello @megareigns, hopefully that you will be doing well. Ofcourse we should clean our environment for living a healthy life. yiu have beautifuly described the point of polluted environment. Nice post, best wishes for you.

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