"Dental Care- Where Healthy Habits Shine!"

in Healthy Steem9 months ago

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Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, I am @megareigns, so, today, I will be participating in this contest titled "Dental Care- Where Healthy Habits Shine!". Sometimes, ignorantly or knowingly, we have been creating problems for ourselves by doing a lot of things that damages our teeth and at the end, we spend what we are not supposed to have spent in the hospital. I will be sharing with you all how I have managed to keep a healthy dental life.

What Do You Think Are Essential Steps For Cleanliness Of Teeth?


Let me list some of the essential steps to cleanliness of teeth;

• Brush your mouth atleast twice a day.

• Be sure to floss in-between your teeth with enough water.

• Use a recommended toothpaste by a dentist for brushing of mouth.

• Cut the intake of sugar

• Always visit a dentist when you observe any abnormality in your teeth.

By so doing this, we will have less to worry about in respect of our teeth health.

What Kind Of Food Is Harmful For Teeth Health


There are so many harmful foods and substances that poses threats to our teeth, but for the sake of this contest, permit me to mention few of them;

• Excessive intake of sugar

• Tobacco intake

• Smoking of cigarette

• Alcohol beverage

• Soda Beverage

• Hard food ( like hard bones)

• Candies.

There are so many others that can make our teeth unhealthy but for the sake of this contest, I just listed the few above.

Is There Any Traditional Or Modern Technique You Use For Your Teeth (Either Your Answer Is Yes Or No Give Your Reasons)


"Yes", I have both traditional and modern method for cleaning my teeth. For the Traditional technique, I use activated charcoal to clean my teeth once in a month, I do buy them or when I visit my village, I will get them as much as I can. The charcoal helps remove all the external stains because of it abrasive nature on the teeth leaving sparkling. This method has helped so many times, my grandmother told me this and she has been using this till her demise, her teeth was always shiny.

After applying the charcoal, I will let it be for like 5 minutes before washing it off. I may decide to just use toothpaste or wash it just like that.

Secondly, the Modern Technique, I use Sensodyne to brush my mouth, sometimes I might decide to use the powder form or the paste. This helps remove the inner dirts as well as strengthening the gum. I have been using it over 5 years now and of a truth, it is just the best.

Describe If You Have Any Dental Problems And If Not, Give Some Suggestions To Maintain Healthy Teeth.

Inorder to have and maintain a healthy health, be sure to just do what I will be listing now;

• Limit your soda/carbonated drinks intake

• Limit alcohol intake

• You can use honey as a replacement for sugar

• Brush Your Teeth atleast twice a day

• Do not attempt to break hard materials or bones with your teeth.

• Take candies once a blue moon.

• Have a regular dental checkup with a certified Dentist.

If you can do these, believe me, you will enjoy the best of a healthy teeth life.

I want to invite @bossj23, @goodybest, @chant, @udyliciouz and @etette to participate in this contest.

To know about me, visit my introduction post


Thanks for reading

 9 months ago 

Nice content bro. Most people don't care about what their dentist say or advice, instead they do it their own way. Following our dentist guidelines on how to keep our teeth keep will always help, thanks for bringing this on. Goodluck 🤗

 9 months ago 

It is true my friend, we have to always follow the dentist instruction to maintain a healthy dental life.
Thank you for dropping by.

 9 months ago 

Hola, voy a darte una sugerencia, el carbón activado es un aliado para eliminar un poco las manchas el esmalte recomiendo usarlo por tiempo limitado, si lo utilizas continuamente por ser abrasivo puede desgastar el esmalte, causar sensibilidad, puedes usarlo pero máximo unos 15 días luego descansa, es mejor y desgasta menos el no comer alimentos que puedan manejar el diente como el café, las bebidas oscuras, el vino tinto, los alimentos que contengan colorantes como el amarillo #5 o el rojo, por que al usar el carbón desgastas la capa más externa del esmalte, lo expones a que se manche más rápido, entonces te recomiendo usarlo por poco tiempo cualquier duda puedes escribirme soy odontóloga y estoy para aclarar tus dudas.

 9 months ago 

Oh, okay, I am very happy to get this information from a professional like you.
So what then should I cling onto for removal of stains?

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