Why Do We Eat Food?

in Healthy Steem9 months ago (edited)



What do you understand by the word "Food"?

Food is anything that is edible and can be used as nourishment for the body. To be a little more elaborate on this, Food is any substance that is consumed for it's nourishment and can be classified into different groups based on their nutritional composition, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals."

Show us some foods in your locality and what they bring to the body.
IMG_20230819_132033~3.jpgRice is one of the staple food in my community, you may have heard of the Nigerian jollof rice, Packed with carbohydrates for energy
IMG_20220421_113621~2.jpg Tapioca is starchy food from fermented cassava. It's a good source of energy. Cassava could also be processed into garri, the number one staple in Nigeria
IMG_20230510_113219~2.jpg The coastal areas provide a lot of sea foods like fish, prawns, periwinkle and other shell foods like clams, they provide the needed protein
IMG_20230619_200622~2.jpg we also have a wide variety of fruits loaded with vitamins and minerals. We have apples, mango, banana, pineapple, watermelon and a lot more
Why is food so important to living creatures? Give and explain 3 reasons.

Food is essential for life! Feeding is an important characteristic of every living thing as the food we ingest provides the needed energy for everyday work and some nutrients needed to regulate various functions and for growth. We measure the energy obtained from our food in calories, the higher the calorie, the more energy the food provides.
Other compounds needed by our body besides those providing the energy are classified as nutrients, and this includes vitamins and minerals mostly used for repairs and maintenance.

Food provides energy
Without eating food, a living thing would eventually run out of energy and would be unable to function properly. Carbohydrates is the fuel that runs out body.

Food helps with maintenance
Proteins for an example can be broken down into smaller units known as amino acids. A deficiency of this proteins will result in the malfunctioning of our body's vital functions. Proteins are really important for living things as it helps in the process of maintenance, the tissue formation and in the overall function of the body. Our body needs various proteins to build tissues and organs, and are instrumental in the growth and development of muscles, in the production of hormone and how they are regulated. They are also involved in the production of enzymes in our digestive track,

Food helps with a smooth running of the body
The vitamins and minerals we get from fruits work together to keep the body running smoothly. While Vitamins are organic compounds that are needed in small amounts for normal growth and development. They're essential for processes like blood clotting, vision, and nervous system function. Minerals, on the other hand, are inorganic elements that the body needs to perform essential functions like building bones and transmitting nerve impulses.

Do humans Eat to Live or Live to Eat? Give reason.

We "eat to live" because food is needed for survival but living to eat makes food a priority which is so odd. A basic necessity like food should not be made into a priority embodied in the phrase "...live to eat".

I will love to call on @udyliciouz @bela90 @samuelnkenta to participate in this contest and here is the Why Do We Eat Food? contest link

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#sahmie-health #steemexclusive #nigeria
#club5050 #steemhealth

 9 months ago 

Proteins are essential for maintaining the structure and function of the body. They're the building blocks of tissues and organs, and they play a role in everything from muscle growth to hormone production. Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids, which join together in chains to form different types of proteins. The body uses proteins for all sorts of processes, including repairing damaged tissue, making enzymes, and transporting nutrients. Without enough protein, the body would be unable to perform many of its essential functions.

All living things need food to provide them with the energy and nutrients they need to grow, function, and survive. The energy in our food is measured in calories, while the nutrients include things like vitamins, minerals, and other essential compounds that takes care of repairs and maintenance.

¿Utilizas algo para apoyarte en la creación de contenido?, analizando tu publicación en partes esos dos párrafos resultaron detectados con inteligencia artificial en al menos dos de los analizadores que utilizo.

Dime si eres nativo en ingles o haces traducciones...

 9 months ago (edited)

Sí, soy un hablante nativo. Todavía uso software de predicción automática, revisión ortográfica, gramática y traducción.
Aunque creo que es un caso de falso positivo.
Me encantaría reescribir el párrafo con su permiso. estoy dispuesto a seguir su recomendación.

 9 months ago 

Hola amigo, a que se refiere con software de predicción automatica? Quisiera conocer de que se trata. Recuerde que no puede hacer que los programas generen el contenido por usted.

Espero pueda editar la publicación, así evitará mayores inconvenientes.

Why I like we African is because we have a lot of foods here. And some are very simple to prepare like that of tapioca it really testy when you consume it pear or coconut.


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