SEC-S13/W3 | "Bare Feet 🐾"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Healthy Steem8 months ago

Hello to all Steemians!

Each week, the Healthy Steem community presents us with a more thrilling contest as part of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. For this week, we are given the chance to express our views on the topic of walking barefoot.

I wish a joyful participation to everyone, and may this endeavor further strengthen our sense of community engagement!

Simple Halloween Presentation in Black Red Scrapbook Style.png

Edited By Canva

🕳️✅ Do you like walking barefoot? Explain your reasons.

Walking barefoot is for me much more than a simple preference, it is a real philosophy of life. There I find a deep connection with the earth and nature, an invaluable sensory experience that awakens all my senses. The simplicity of this practice is in itself an act of rebellion against the complexity of the modern world. She reminds me to slow down, take the time to appreciate every step I take, and fully feel every texture beneath my feet, whether it's soft sand, fresh grass, or rough pebbles.

By walking barefoot, I feel grounded, connected to mother earth, which gives me a deep sense of inner calm. It becomes a moving meditation, where I can let go of the worries of everyday life and focus on the present moment. It's a necessary break, a break to restore balance between my mind and my body.

Additionally, this practice is not only calming, it is also beneficial for my physical health. By walking barefoot, my feet work harder, strengthening muscles that are often neglected when we wear shoes. This has a positive impact on my posture, helping to prevent back pain and foot problems. Plus, it's a great way to develop my balance, which carries over into all facets of my life.

🕳️✅ How important is taking care of your feet?

Taking care of my feet is a priority for me, and that starts with choosing shoes. I always opt for the best brands, ensuring optimal comfort and adequate protection for my feet.


Also, during my visits to Qorbous, I discovered a new way to revitalize my feet. Immersing my feet in hot water in these baths gives me an incomparable feeling of well-being, as if I were recharging my energy. This experience becomes a soothing ritual, a well-deserved break that allows me to reconnect with myself, recharge my batteries and restore an essential balance after long active days. It is a gesture of care that transcends the physical to touch on mental and emotional well-being, a constant reminder of the importance of taking care of ourselves, including our feet which carry the weight of our busy lives.

🕳️✅ What do you think of the saying “Don't walk barefoot, parasites can get in”?

The saying "Don't walk barefoot, you may introduce parasites" reflects a common concern regarding the dangers of walking barefoot, a concern that may be justified in some cases. If you are in areas with dangerous parasites or in unclean environments, the fear of contracting parasites may be justified.

However, we must also keep in mind that walking barefoot holds many benefits for health and wellness, such as enhanced strength and muscular stability and improved sensory awareness. Therefore, it is not always necessary to avoid walking barefoot due to this concern. Instead, we must be careful and attentive to the environment in which we walk barefoot. Simple preventative measures can be taken such as cleaning feet carefully after walking and checking that the environment is safe.

Walking barefoot can be a fun and healthy experience, but you must consider the surrounding environment and take precautions to avoid any potential risks.

🕳️ ✅ What do you think of a world without shoes?

I am neutral about the idea of a world without shoes despite the fact that I recognize the importance of shoes. Shoes are constant companions in our lives, providing protection, comfort and style. They play a vital role in preserving our well-being, protecting us from bad weather and the potential dangers that we may encounter in our daily environment. Additionally, they are a way to express our individuality and personal style, adding a dimension of creativity to our appearance.


However, the idea of walking barefoot, especially in nature, also piques my interest. It allows a direct connection with the Earth, awakening our senses and our environmental awareness. This unique sensory experience provides a feeling of freedom, simplicity and a return to basics. Overall, I'm inclined to think that both approaches, with or without shoes, have their place in our lives and that their balance depends on the situations, personal preferences and desired benefits.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @radjasalman, @suboohi and @karianaporras to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,

 8 months ago 

This is an interesting discussion friend about the benefits and considerations of walking barefoot.

It's true that walking barefoot can have a positive impact on our connection with nature and physical health as you said .

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and best of luck in the competition!

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you found the discussion interesting, and I appreciate your well wishes for the competition. Best of luck to you as well, and may you continue to enjoy the benefits of walking barefoot and your connection with nature.

 8 months ago 

I tend to love the way this post is written. It's interesting to learn many things about the importance of working barefoot. When we were kids, we usually work barefoot irrespective of our parents plans to scare us of diseases. It's the motivation aspect for me. It's also true that walking barefoot helps us feel a deep sense of inner calm and it's also a way of strengthening the muscles in our feets. I'm also intrigued when you said it's healthy to work barefoot but we should be mindful of the environment as sharp objects may harm us. Wishing you best of luck in this challenge and looking forward to reading more of your posts

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience. It is indeed fascinating to rediscover the benefits of working barefoot and to reconnect with this childhood practice. Thank you for your good luck wishes!

 8 months ago 


 8 months ago 

You have presented well. A great sentence to begin with. It is true that all our senses are awakened by the touch of the feet with the ground. I feel it.

it is a real philosophy of life. There I find a deep connection with the earth and nature, an invaluable sensory experience that awakens all my senses.

Besides, I have proved how much pleasure it is to walk on green durba grass.

Your post is great, I enjoyed it. I wish you success in this competition.

Take love ❤️

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words. I am delighted that the article was able to evoke in you a deep connection with the earth and nature. Your support is invaluable, and I am grateful for your well wishes. Take care of yourself.

 8 months ago 
Hello sir, When we are young we are starting to walk barefoot. Our first walk in life was barefoot. Then as we slowly grow up we start walking with shoes on our feet. But walking barefoot awakens the senses of the body. Walking barefoot on grass, soft ground is good for the body. By walking barefoot, the body gets energy and feels hardworking. It is very important to take care of the feet. We use shoes while walking on our feet.I think you take the pacing process too seriously.
 8 months ago 

Absolutely, walking barefoot has a unique connection to our early experiences and can be beneficial for our senses and well-being. While shoes have their place, enjoying barefoot walks can indeed be a simple but rejuvenating practice. Thank you for your thoughtful perspective!

 8 months ago 

Assalamualaikum. I love the way you describe the barefoot experience as a deep connection with the earth and nature.

I also feel an inner calm when I walk barefoot on evergreen grass. You have covered the entire subject very informatively and with practical experience.

I wish your success in this challenge, dear brother.

 8 months ago 

Wa alaikum assalam! Thank you for your kind words. It's heartening to know that you resonate with the deep connection to nature through barefoot walking. I appreciate your support and well wishes.

 8 months ago 

Hello my friend ,
I think you have linked the process of walking with your feet to philosophy and acupressure. I salute your thinking.

 8 months ago 

Hi! Than kyou very much for your comment. Indeed, I sought to explore the links between walking, philosophy and acupressure. Your assessment is very encouraging.

I am happy to hear that you love walking barefoot but it's somehow strange to me because here in my country Nigeria 🇳🇬 once they see you walking barefoot they will think that you are mad 😅.
But your reason for walking barefoot is quite interesting because they are healthy benefits attached to it, like you said walking barefoot connect you to the mother earth and everything about nature itself.

By walking barefoot your feet strengthens and become more agile and active it releive you from muscle pull.
Walking barefoot remind you of the steps you take and it also make you to meditate and ease your worries.

Walking barefoot develop your balance and give you a good posture

Walking barefoot is fun but we have to consider the environment because they are dangerous instrument on the floor, walking barefoot enhances our strength and moscular stability so we should always put on our shoes to avoid germs from entering into our body through our foot.

It's very important to take good care of our feet because it's a very important part of our body and it helps us in different ways.

A world without shoes will be comfortable for you because walking barefoot draws you more closer to nature and make you feel the ground.
In as much as wearing shoes is good everyone has his own view or opinion.

Your overall presentation of your entry is really amazing sir 🤝 and I must confess that I really enjoyed reading your post as it was very educative to me do have a nice day 🤗😍.
Sending greetings from this part of the world 👏

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your thoughtful response! I understand that cultural norms and perceptions can vary, and it's interesting to hear your perspective from Nigeria. Your kind words are truly appreciated, and I'm glad to hear that you found the post educative. Greetings and well wishes to you from across the world!

Thank you very much sir 🤝💯🙏

 8 months ago 

Good morning sir, is good to read your post once again. Walking bare-footed really gives a very smooth and wonderful sensation to us because we feel natural while doing so as we connect out feet to the earth.

Am glad you do put your leg inside the hit water which made you feel good. We really need to take good care of our feets daily so that they can always be hygienic and healthy.

I love the way you presented your entry for this contest sir. Have a nice day and I wish you a happy new month.

 8 months ago 

Aunque expone muchos beneficios al caminar descalzo no estoy muy de acuerdo con usted pero respeto mucho la opinión de cada persona y usted a expuesto muy buenas razones para caminar descalzos primero que nada porque siente una gran conección con la naturaleza al caminar descalzo

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