SEC S20/W3 : Morphological Anemias Module 3

in Healthy Steem3 days ago

Hello Dear friends ,I am @jollymonoara from Bangladesh .

SEC S20/W3 : Morphological Anemias Module 3

This week the third module of Engagement's hematology class is running and we have a clinical that is detailed.

The main topic of this third week module is anemia. And you have been discussed in detail about anemia, so I am discussing in detail the issues about anemia morphology in some of the question answers given in the contest challenge according to my opinion.

The Organizers for the engagement third week are @dexyluz and @aalairubab.Anemia is the most common blood disorder.By types of anemia we usually mean Iron Deficiency.

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Anemia/Hemoglobin deficiency occurs according to age or sex Blood's ability to carry oxygen decreases, red cell blood cells decrease more than normal, and hemoglobin count decreases to transport oxygen.

  • Hemoglobin in the body reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen when anemia occurs.

  • Hemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte count, or hematocrit (the ratio of the total blood volume of red cells) only results in anemia when it becomes less than the normal limit.

Anemia depends on the rate at which the level of hemoglobin in the blood is present.

Normal range of hemoglobin

  • Male -13-17g/dl
  • Female- 12-15 g/dl

We can diagnose iron deficiency or anemia only if the HB in the blood is below 13 in men and 12 in women


Anemia occurs when enough iron is reduced. In that case there is blood loss and and poor iron abstraction.

Moreover, Vitamin deficiency anemia occurs

  • In that case vitamin B12 , and folic acid is at low level.
  • In this case food malnutrition or poor dietary intakes.

Defines Morphological Anemia

The word morphology comes from the ancient Greek word morph which literally means morph meaning shape form and logo meaning knowledge i.e. Something Study of Something, Research.

In 1859 the German linguist Letter named this morphology as the discipline of linguistics, originally he used the term to study the form form of words.

Determining the shape and arrangement of internal parts of organisms that have evolved their function and evolved.

Morphological Anemia classification is usually done by RBC color, depending on size and volume.

Classification of Morphological Anemia

Microcytic hypochromicNormitocyticMacrocytic
In Microcytic hypochromic anemia, Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) RBC size smaller is given by normal sizeRBC size normaland microcytic RBC size larger is given by normal
The size of the Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) will be >78 micrometers(MCV) will be 78-98 micrometers(MCV) will be >98 micrometers.
Here RBC Normal Color, Center Pallor >⅓NormalNormal
The volume of RBC Blood Circulation We can know how to diagnose MCV (Mean corpuscular volume ) Microcytic hypochromic RBC becomes less < 80flhere and more normal range 80-98 flhere and RBC increments become >100 fl
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) decrease is>30 gldlnormal (31-36)gldlnormal (31-36)gldl
These anemia diseases are iron deficiency ,thalassemia ,anemia of chronic disordernormocytic anemia diseases which are due to blood loss, anemia of chronic diseasediseases are deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Have you ever had anemia? Attach evidence

About anemia, I heard that anemia causes this disease in the body. In that case, the patient of this disease, a pregnant woman who was admitted to the hospital, had a high fever. I knew that the disease caused high fever and many times the patient died.

Problems occur in our bodies when we turn to doctors.Then the first test that Dr. lets us do is the CBC test.Any blood-related disease is diagnosed in our body.

My younger son, who is 13 now, was diagnosed with a CBC test whenever he had an illness as a child. His hemoglobin was 9 and or 10. In that case, Dr. Prescribed Ferrous Syrup. Also, the doctor used to prescribe that contain iron for food, especially vegetables,Arum, liver, furits, green bananas, and red vegetables, as well as eating foods rich in vitamin A, the problem of hemoglobin will go away.

I contracted the disease three years ago but I was unaware that I had this anemia.

Since I was a bit healthy and crossed my weight by 70, I lost 8 kg on a continuous keto diet but some physical problems showed.

  • I couldn't walk in the morning, if I walked a little louder, my heartbeat would increase and I couldn't climb the stairs.

  • My blood pressure increased and whenever I monitored the blood pressure I saw systolic 120 but diastolic 90 up, heartbeat 90+.

A healthy person's blood pressure is 120/80mmHg pulse 70

  • But every time I monitored the blood pressure I always had more diastolic pressure and pulse.

  • I felt very weakness in my body, I felt restless when I went to work. And day by day my skin color started to brighten.

Since I am a diabetic patient, I told my doctor about these problems while doing regular checkups of diabetic, then he suggested to me that I eat more Iron contains foods that increase blood in the body and also he gave me a high blood pressure tablet (Olmesartan Medoxomil 20 mg)

Prescripted the reason was that whenever I had a blood pressure check, the blood pressure was high.

For three consecutive years I consumed almi for pressure. But my palpitations always increased.

Exactly three years later, after I saw a doctor in the cardiology department at TMC's Christian Medical College Hospital in Vellore, India, I got tested and found that I had no heart or pressure problem.

When the cardiology doctor saw my CBC profile report results he asked me to profile the ferritin test/iron serum profile . After a profile test, it turned out my hemoglobin was 10 and FERRITION 5.6 (22-322 ng/ml rang.

The doctor recommended me-

I am an anemia patient,

Tablet Ferrous Fumarate + Folic Acid for 3 months.


Again after two years and a year when I want to do these tests in Bangladesh I got the same problem again.

Since I had taken tablets before, I was asked by the doctor to push four injection injections, but that was from a good physician who received four injections (Ferric Carboxymaltose 1 gm/20 ml )in a month after being hospitalized.



  • Anemia can occur in everyone from young to old. This disease is caused by anemia in the human body, especially due to nutrition. Moreover, if food irregularities and a balanced diet are excluded from the daily diet, an anemia can be affected.

  • Our diet should put every food in our diet especially carbohydrate protein fat I vitamins and minerals.
    Moreover, deficiency iron is mostly common in women because of iron deficiency in the amount of blood that occurs during women's internal problems every month.

  • Pregnant women have a little irregularity in their diet, especially many pregnant women cannot eat many types of nutritious food, they vomit a lot, so pregnant women suffer from this disease. So we should all eat nutritious and healthy food and lick the diet more or less in every food on the food chart.

Pathophysiologically, what happens with anemia?

Hemoglobin in the body is the oxygen carrier in the body. If the hemoglobin is less than the normal range, then the internal party oxygen of other bodies will reach less, if the oxygen in the brain is less or if the oxygen in the muscle is less, then the internal parts of the body cannot work properly, then the body becomes fatigued. Moreover, if the oxygen in the heart does not reach properly, it can cause chest pens and in that case it can be seen that the heart may fail.


  • Pathophysiologically, if the amount of hemoglobin needed to carry blood oxygen is low or abnormal in quantity, the blood capacity to carry oxygen to body tissues will decrease. Then fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath and dizziness in the body.
  • In addition to anemia, the number of carbon dioxide transporters also decreases, thereby disrupting the body's ability to exchange gas, thereby reducing the production of RBC.

  • Iron deficiency in negative effects on health and development from anemia that negatively affects brain development.

  • In pregnant women, plasma expands more than red blood cell growth, resulting in physiological anemia

  • Acute hematologic anemia causes anemia by diluting red blood cells into blood RBC.

Patient problems that can be given to see---

  • Wickness, fatigue, breath problems, fast and irregular heartbeat, pounding or whispering ears, cold hands and feet, chest pain, body skin color can turn pale or white. Can't walk easily.

Pathophysiologically can be divided into 3 types

Anemia Blood Loss IncreaseRBC's production Bone marrow is affected by red blood cell productionHemolytic anemia is incremented in the destruction of red blood cells
Anemia blood loss causes two types of anemia due to Acute and chronicRed blood cell production being affected due to cytoplasmic maturation defects (The result is iron deficiency and thalassemia). Nuclear Maturation Defect, (resulting in Vitamin B Twelve Folic AC Deficiency), Stem cell defect(This results in anemia of chronic disorder, bone marrow infiltration.)Intracorpuscular defect (the distraction that RBC undergoes is in blood vessels) and Extracorpuscular defect (occurs outside the blood circulation of rbc cell distraction) and other defects that are red blood cell membrane defect, enzyme deficiency, and Hemoglobinopathies.

One type of anemia that can occur is Pernicious anemia

In this case Vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed in Gastric Intestinal Tracts.

In case of Aplastic anemia,

  • the bone pole stops producing enough blood cells and forming cells in bone polar deficiency of blood.

  • The body attacks its own immune system stem cells.

Hemolylitic anemia

  • Red blood cells are broken up inside the bloodstream.
  • Thalassemia
  • Deficiency of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogen.

Anemia can occur when in the body's blood does not have enough RBC and when in the body properly RBC function does not work.

Clinical case

Anemia is morphologically classified and explains here what I understand about clinical cases so here I describe my own report as a clinical case in detail here.

ParameterResultReferance Value
Red Blood Cells Haemoglobin10.1 g/dlMan 13-17,Femal
MCV80.3 fl80-100
MCH26.2 pg26-34
MCHC32.7 g/dl31.4-36.3

This anemia is Iron -deficiency Anemia.

The friend users I would like to invite to this engagement challenge they are @aspiya, @suryanitj,@impersonal.

Thank you all on my behalf
Best Regards



Thank you for the invitation. But I'm not so knowledgeable about this topic. Regards

 3 days ago 

Ok, as you wish best of luck.

 3 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

@tipu curate


This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

Hello! This week's topic is very interesting, you have been interested in it and you have learned a lot hehe. They always tell us that we should have a balanced and healthy diet, now we know why, luckily I've never had anemia, my parents always give me folic acid and vitamin C supplements :)

Have a nice day!

 2 days ago 

Dear @sammy1109,
Thank you very much.You've published your comment.But, yes I have faced many problems after getting anemia.I'm feeling much better now.When there is a disease we take specific medicine for that particular disease.If all the foods that we eat every day are balanced foods, then from there we get vitamins and minerals and nutrients according to our body's needs.So we don't all need extra vitamin medicine.And as many vitamins as the body needs, the body retains just as many vitamins and removes the rest.

 22 hours ago 

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Smoga anda sehat dan bahagia
Salam sukses

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