SEC-S16 / W6 | The Science of Aging👩

in Healthy Steem4 months ago



Hello friends of Healthy Steem, welcome to another week of writing and reading wonderful insights on SEC. For this week, we will be reading and writing on Aging; a topic that is necessary for all human beings.

We can't write about aging without actually looking at the word Growth. No human was given birth to as an adult. We all move from baby to children to teenagers and then adults and then there is a decline.

These stages of change is what is known as growth. Humans grow old at some point in life, for some, aging comes early, but for others aging comes late. There are a lot of factors that could affect when we age and at what year. Don't steer off just yet, have a read....

What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?


There are a lot of theories when it comes to aging. People could say that the lifestyle we live could cause us age faster, others have the notion that it is genetics. But notwithstanding this facts, we know that all humans age as they grow older.

The medical term behind aging is called Senescence. It is a medical term which actually talks about the point at which the organs and tissues of the body deteriorates, thereby leading to shrinking of the body.

There is no particular chronological age for aging as people age differently, but from the age of 30 to 33, a lot of people starts the aging process.
Aging is just when we start getting old.

Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older?


I get scared of getting older, but just like all humans, it is inevitable. We will all grow old and die, just like every living thing. The challenges of aging are much and the list can go on and on. But the following are challenges that comes with aging that makes me afraid;

  • Lack of Strength; As we age, our strength declines. When I see older people and how their strength fails them, it makes me scared.

  • Sicknesses: With age, the body becomes susceptible to sicknesses of every kind. I am afraid of getting cold and sick when I grow older.

These two are reasons which makes me scared of aging.

Write any three nutritional items that can preventing aging?


We will all age at a point in life but aging can be delayed. We can still be strong and active even at old age. The food we eat daily matters a lot when it comes to aging. Eating balanced diets and nutritional foods can help us to stay younger even at an old age. These nutritional items will help to prevent aging:

  • Water: Drinking water daily helps the body to remain young and nourished. Our body needs water and we shouldn't look down on this. Clean water is essential for the body and we should try to drink the recommended litres of water daily.

  • Vegetables and Fruits: Vegetables and fruit are a source of minerals and vitamins which are needed by the body to remain healthy. Fruits like avocado pear, water melon, cucumbers are very good for the human body and can prevent aging.

  • Proteins and nuts: Proteins are body building food and will help to build cells. Proteinous food like eggs, Fish, meat are very good for the body. Nuts also play a good part in keeping us healthy. We can't live a healthy life if we don't mind the kind of food we eat.
    Stay away from smoking and excessive alcohols too. Eat healthily.

Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?


Another important thing that can make us look younger even at old age is exercise. Exercise is good for our soul, mind and body. It makes us relaxed and gives the body the energy it needs.
These three exercises are essential for the body if we want to look younger:

  • Squats: One of the best exercises that helps to keep us healthy and sound. Squats helps with our bones which will give us strength and will prevent aging.

  • Walking and Running: These two exercises are good for out breathing. It helps in preventing aging and keeping us healthy.

  • Swimming: Swimming does a lot when it comes to keeping the body healthy. Take a swim and keep your body healthy.

Additionally we have to always take a good rest and sleep when necessary..this will help us to live longer and healthier.

Aging is an aspect of the human life that can't be escaped. We will all age no matter how long we try to prevent it. All we have to do is to try and look younger than our age. Make sure we are healthier even at an old age.

Thanks for going through my post, I invite @davidmarkgeorge, @onlyonefave and @inemesitjustus to participate in this contest.

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Greetings my friend, I am here to support you and applaud you for sharing this article with us.
Many are scared of getting older, but it is better to prepare for it since it is inevitable. Fear obstructs good thinking, so remain focused. In my entry, I completely forgot about water as a nutritional item, nice one there. Walking and squatting are good exercises for both the young and the old.

Thanks for sharing

 4 months ago 

Thank you very much for reading and sharing insight on my post. I appreciate.

 4 months ago 

Hello @johnmitchel hope you are having a good day.Yes growing older is a natural part of life that we all go through. It's normal to feel a bit apprehensive about aging, but it's something we can't avoid. Challenges like losing strength and facing illnesses can be scary, but focusing on healthy habits like eating nutritious foods and exercising can help us age gracefully and yaay aging is just a part of the journey and taking care of ourselves can make the process more manageable., really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺💞.

Greetings @johnmitchel,
Aging is a natural and inescapable phenomenon that happens to people who are advanced in age. When the skin loses its elasticity and the bones begin to wear off, then aging has begin. To some people, It is an added advantage but it is a suffering period for other. This relied on how your adulthood was. You completely nailed down every points mentioned. Good luck on your post.

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