"Wk 23: The Diary Game and Your Health | My 8th chemo, thank God. / Mi 8va quimio, gracias a Dios.

in Healthy Steem5 months ago

Hello dear friends. Today I was finally able to have my chemotherapy #8, since due to some setbacks I had had to change the date I had to April 25th.




As always, I was accompanied by my beautiful sister, who despite not liking to get up early, does so to accompany me to chemo and help me assist with whatever I need.


They are some friends of my sister who we met by chance there, they also undergo chemotherapy and one of them rang the bell today as a sign that she has finished her treatment and symbolizes that she has already overcome Cancer.


And this is Lennys, she sees my same Oncologist doctor and she also had her treatment today, I only found out yesterday. She only needs 4 Tractuzumab to ring the bell, that means that in the month of June she must be ringing the bell of freedom from Cancer.

This was today in my treatment, many satisfactions and many joys. It must be because of that that I felt like time flew by and I finished early even though the treatment must be administered with a slow drip and that takes about 2 hours, plus the other medications such as solutions.

Today I was not able to receive the Tratuzumab treatment because the High Cost pharmacy did not give it to me, they have been without the medication for more than 15 days and buying it from a normal pharmacy would cost 1,750 dollars to buy it and in truth I do not have the money to pay even Not even 100 dollars if they sold it to me at that price. Maybe it's time to start thinking about doing Crofounding campaigns or raffles or anything where you can raise money for these unforeseen events.

@dream.socialclub @wox-helpfound


Traduccion al Español:

Hola queridos amigos. Hoy pude realizarme finalmente mi quimioterapia # 8, ya que por algunos contratiempos habia tenido que cambiar la fecha que tenia para el 25 de Abril.

Como siempre me acompaño mi hermosa hermana, quien a pesar de no gustarle levantarse temprana lo hace para acompañarme a las quimios y ayudarme a asistir en lo que yo necesite.

Ellas son unas amiga de mi hermana que nos encontramos por casualidad alli, ellas tambien se hacen quimioterapias y una de ellas toco la campana hoy en señal de que termino ya su tratamiento y simboliza que ya supero el Cancer.

Y ella es Lennys, ella se ve con mi mismo medico Oncologo y tambien le toco hoy su tratamiento, solo me entere ayer. A ella solo le faltan 4 Tractuzumab para tocar la campana, eso quiere decir que en el mes de Junio ella debe esta tocando la campana de la libertad del Cancer.

Este fue el dia de hoy en mi tratamiento, muchas satisfacciones y muchas alegrias. Debe ser debido a eso que senti que el tiempo se fue volando y termine temprano a pesar de que el tratamiento debe ser administrado con un goteo lento y eso se lleva unas 2 horas, mas los otros medicamentos como las soluciones.

Hoy no pude colocarme el tratamiento del Tratuzumab debido a que en la farmacia de Alto Costo no me la dieron, tienen mas de 15 dias sin el medicamento y comprarlo por una farmacia normal seria tener 1.750 dolares para comprarlo y en verdad no tengo para pagar ni siquiera 100 dolares si me la vendieran en ese precio. Quizas sea hora de comenzar a pensar en hacer campañas de Crofounding o rifas o cualquier cosa donde pueda recopilar dinero para estos imprevistos.


Dear Isabel, how many units of chemotherapy do you still have to undergo...? I have friends who were through with three sessions. So my hope was that you would also be able to go into reconvalescence soon...?

It must be bad if it's because of the availability - or cost - of medication that there is no further progress! We'll add you back to our pool tomorrow ;-))

 5 months ago 

From the beginning my doctor told me about 8 chemotherapies and a session of 18 Tracuzumab blockers so that the bad cells that died with the chemo would not come back. The bad thing is that the blocker is the most expensive of the medications and on this occasion they have not delivered it for approximately 15 days because these medications are brought from the capital of Venezuela, which is the city of Caracas. The doctor says that the protocol is that, 18 trastuzumab for the effect to be ideal so that the Cancer does not come back, along with an adequate diet and the elimination of sugar, canned goods, sausages and everything processed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for including me on your list again, since apart from that I have to undergo some expensive tests such as: Bone Scintigraphy, Echocardiogram and other types of studies that I will already be telling you about and giving you my feedback. costs. Thank you very much and may God repay you 7 times 7.

Desde el principio mi medico me hablo de 8 quimioterapias y una sesion de 18 bloqueadores de Tracuzumab para que las celulas malas que murieron con la quimio no vuelvan a salir. Lo malo del caso es que el bloqueador es el mas costoso de los medicamentos y en esta oportunidad tienen 15 dias aproximadamente que no lo entregan porque estos medicamentos los traen desde la capital de Venezuela que es la ciudad de Caracas. El medico dice que el protocolo es ese, 18 trastuzumab para el efecto sea el ideal para que el Cancer no vuelva a salir, junto con una alimentacion adecuada y la eliminacion del azucar, los enlatados, los embutidos y todo lo procesado. Les agradezco desde lo mas profundo de mi corazon el que me incluyan en su lista de nuevo, ya que aparte de eso me tengo que hacer unos examenes costosos como: Cintilograma Oseo, Ecocardiograma y otros tipos de estudios que ya les estare contando y dandoles sus costos. Muchas gracias y que Dios se los pague 7 veces 7.

Big hug from Germany!

 5 months ago 

Hug and kisses from me from Venezuela.

Thank you, friend!
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 5 months ago 

Stay strong! 🙏

 5 months ago 

Thank you friend.

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