"Wk 18: The Diary Game and Your Health | How do I acquire oncological medications for my chemotherapies?" / Como adquiero los medicamentos oncologicos para mis quimioterapias?

in Healthy Steem4 months ago


In Maracaibo, Venezuela there is a government institution called Social Security. It is where each company or independent worker makes their contributions so that when they turn 55, in the case of women and 60 in the case of men, they are eligible for the old-age pension that the government gives for not being able to work anymore and that has a minimum amount of 750 weeks of contributions.

By meeting these requirements you have the right to be a beneficiary of this pension of 130 bolivars per month (equivalent to 3.5 dollars per month).


This institution also covers the outer areas of the city, so you have to arrive early since when you arrive you sign up on a list through which they call to enter and go to the waiting room until you are attended to by the girls from the reception. So the earlier you arrive, the smaller the number will be in line for entry. The institution opens at 8:30, I have always had few people in line, about 50 people. But when the pharmacy is stocked with medicines, a lot of people come, about 150 people.


On my last visit to the High Cost Medication Pharmacy (3/19/24) we found these species that entertained us for a while with their presence. Inside the institution there are several Iguanas and we always see them in the trees and in the large windows in the waiting room.


When the workers and the Doctor arrive, they open the gates and we are called according to the list that has been drawn up outside and we go in to sit in that order. Inside the institution, it is not allowed to eat or take photos. A companion of the patient can enter if he really needs it, but if not, they must wait outside for the family member they are accompanying.


There are some medications that are refrigerated, so we have to bring a cellar with ice so that the medication arrives safely at our home and is not damaged.


Aprepitant is a very important chemotherapy protocol medication in the treatment since it is aimed at calming any fatigue caused by the application of chemotherapy. A 150 mg pill should be taken on the day of chemo, about two hours before. Another 80 mg pill is taken the next day after chemo and a third 80 mg pill is taken on the third day of chemotherapy. It is a 3-day protocol and its effect lasts 24 hours. Its cost is 60 Dollars (2,220 Bolivares)


This is Plaquitaxel, this is the medicine that they give me for chemo and according to what I was able to investigate about this medicine, it attacks cancer cells when other treatments have not worked, it stops the growth and multiplication of the cells and if has spread or metastasized to other places in the body. Its cost is 123.84 Dollars (4,499.60 Bolivares)


And this is the Blocker Trastuzumab that I am using, a blocker has the function of not letting more cancer cells grow. It has a cost of 1,750 Dollars (62,494.48 Bolivares)

I thank God because this institution exists that helps us a lot to acquire these expensive medications that otherwise we would not know how to do our treatments. Until now I have not had to buy any of these medications, but I have seen many people who have to do raffles, festivals, and any other fund-raising activity to be able to purchase them when the pharmacy does not have them. I remain confident in my God that it will be like this until my treatment is finished.

I invite @lavkush922 @rlcquiz @william8wayward to participate in this great initiative


Traduccion al Español:

En Maracaibo, Venezuela existe una intitucion del gobierno llamada Seguro Social. Es donde cada trabajador de empresa o independiente hace sus cotizaciones para que al cumplir sus 55 años, en el caso de la mujer y 60 en el caso del hombre, sea acreedor de la pension de vejez que da el gobierno por no poder trabajar mas y que tenga una cantidad minima de 750 semanas cotizadas.

Al cumplir con estos requisitos tienes derecho a ser beneficiario de esta pension de 130 bolivares al mes (equivalentes a 3.5 dolares al mes)

Esta institucion cubre tambien las areas foranes de la ciudad, asi que hay que llegar temprano ya que al llegar uno se anota en una lista por medio de la cual van llamando para entrar y pasar a la sala de espera hasta ser atendido por las chicas de la recepcion. Asi que entre mas temprano llegues menor sera el numero en la fila para la entrada. La institucion abre a las 8:30, a mi me ha tocado siempre conseguir poca gente en la cola, unas 50 personas. Pero cuando la farmacia es surtida de medicamentos llega mucho gente, unas 150 personas.

En mi ultima visita a la Farmacia de Medicamentos de Alto Costo (19/3/24) nos encontramos con estas especies que nos entretuvieron un rato con su presencia. Dentro de la institucion hay varias Iguanas y siempre las vemos en los arboles y en los grandes ventanales que tiene la sala de espera.

Cuando los trabajadores y la Doctora llegan, abren los portones y somos llamados segun la lista que se ha laborado afuera y vamos entrando a sentarnos por ese orden. Dentro de la institucion no se es permitido comer, tomar fotos, puede entrar un acompañante del paciente si en verdad lo necesita, pero si no deben esperar afuera al familiar que estan acompañando.

Hay algunos medicamentos que son refrigerados, asi que tenemos que llevar una cava con hielo para que el medicamento llegue con bien a nuestro hogar y no se dañe.

El Aprepitant es un medicamento de protocolo de las quimioterapias muy importante en el tratamiento ya que este va dirigido a calmar cualquier fatiga que nos cause la aplicacion de la quimioterapia. Se debe tomar una pastilla de 150 mg el dia de la quimio, unas dos horas antes. Otra pastilla de 80 mg se toma al siguiente dia de la quimio y una tercera pastilla de 80 mg al tercer dia de la quimioterapia. Es un protocolo de 3 dias y su efecto es de 24 horas. Su costo es de 60 Dolares (2.220 Bolivares)

Este es el Plaquitaxel, este es el medicamento que me aplican para la quimio y segun lo que pude investigar de esta medicina es que ataca a las celulas cancerosas cuando el otros tratamientos no han funcionado, detiene el crecimiento y multiplicacion de las celulas y si se ha propagado o ha hecho metastasi en otros lugares del cuerpo.Su costo es de 123,84 Dolares (4.499,60 Bolivares)

Y este es el Bloquador que estoy usando, un bloqueador tiene la funcion de no dejar crecer mas celulas cancerigenas. Tiene un costo de 1,750 Dolares ( 62.494,48 Bolivares)

Doy gracias a Dios porque existe esta institucion que nos ayuda en mucho a adquirir estos medicamentos tan costosos que de otra forma no sabriamos como hacer nuestros tratamientos. Hasta ahora no me ha tocado tener que comprar ningunos de estos medicamentos pero si he visto a muchas personas que tienen que hacer rifas, verbenas y cualquiel actividad de recoleccion de fondos para poder adquirirlos cuando en la farmacia no los hay. Sigo confiada en mi Dios que asi sera hasta que termine mi tratamiento.

Invito a participar en esta gran iniciativa a @lavkush922 @rlcquiz @william8wayward

 4 months ago 

Hello dear friend, I am very happy to know that you are very conscious about your health and you take your treatment and medicines on time, but when it comes to seeing the doctor, a lot of time gets wasted.
Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .

 4 months ago 

That's right, friend, here in these institutions you realize the magnitude of these diseases and the number of people who are going through the same thing as you. Thank you for coment in my blog.

I think such arrangement is a good one even though the stipends might be small.

I'm glad that could assist the older ones over there.

Sadly, some countries that even have huge amount of resources don't even think of introducing a systerm like this. I won’t mention the country, but it hurts.

I am happy to see you in good health this time and I believe you would keep recovering.

Enjoy your weekend!

 4 months ago 

Thank you for your appreciation and good wishes. I wish all countries could create these types of benefits for people, especially when you have spent your working life contributing an amount to help you in your old age. Thank you for your comment.

I also wish so too. It is sad that most countries lacks this arrangement.

Thank you, friend!
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 4 months ago 

Thank you very much.


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