SEC-S16 / W5 | " Ancient Medicine"🌍👩⚕️

in Healthy Steem6 months ago

Hi, I am Fatima, a traditional Pakistani girl. I will take on that same new theme and join the contest.




Being a Pakistani woman, who is firmly embedded in my country’s rich legacy and diverse customs, as I am immersed in the world of ancient medicine, the unraveling of the threads of traditions, beliefs, and practices that has molded our society for centuries comes into sight. Pakistan which is the ancient place of archeological Indus Valley Civilization has been the birthplace of ancient healing arts and herbal remedies. Be it the Ayurveda inspired practices from Hindus and Buddhists earlier or the Greco-Roman influences of Alexander the Great , our land has always been a melting pot of medical wisdom. Allow me to take you on a time travel as we unearth the teachings of the past and the unbreakable heritage of primitive medicine in Pakistan.

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👩⚕️ In your country, what type of ancient medicine did they perform?



In Pakistan, our forefathers were also professionally involved in the practice of healing arts based on indigenous medicine which was extremely busy that time in our area. One of the primary types of Pakistani ancient medicine is Unani Tibb, which was derived from the philosophies of Hippocrates and Galen and eventually developed into a well-established academic model by Muslim physicians such as Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Unani Tibb gives emphasis to the equilibrium of the four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) and contention of the use of natural medications, dietary routine, and lifestyle adjustments to maintain (health) and address (diseases) these issues.

Orthodox herbal medicine style, or as it is usually called Hikmat or Tibb-e- Qadim, is really valuable one in the Pakistani traditional medicine. The process has been remodeled on the principle of disease prevention and provision of medicine using plants and their derived products. Furthermore, neem leaves which boast of their properties that fight bacteria and fungi have been used in Pakistan since long ago to deal with skin issues, like acne and eczema. Another one of the herbs widely accepted is tulsi, or holy basil, which strengthens the immune system and soothes respiratory trouble.

Besides developing as a diversified country in flora, Pakistan has also portrayed its age-old heritage of the herbal medicine. As a perfect example, the Himalayas, which are located in Pakistan, play host to a vast variety of medicinal herbs including guggul (Commiphora wightii) that protects the liver and kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa), which has numerous medicinal properties that protect the liver against diseases. This is one of the reasons that it has been utilized medicinally as long as history is documented. While it is often used for the treatment of digestive disorders and arthritis in traditional Pakistani medicine.

Moreover, Pakistani medicine owes a debt to Ayurveda from the Indian subcontinent, as depicted in the regions where there are a large number of Ayurvedic practices alongside Ayurvedic principles and drugs. The timeless medications reflect the multicultural experiences that have played a role and have left their indelible mark on the present healthcare landscape of Pakistan.
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👩⚕️ Can you give your honest opinion according to your beliefs? (your point of view is valuable to us)



In my view, the ancient Pakistani culture revealed through the use of herbal medicines show a very strong link to the plants and plant kingdom because of their elaborate inner knowledge of benefits found in the plants. This combination was not only effective in the cure of assorted diseases but also sustainable as the components were often availed locally. The use of natural remedies illustrates the holistic understanding of health which is more than just a physical aspect, for instance, health can also be seen as a whole well-being thing. Last but not least, the cultural value of some herbs like Tulsi also embodies the spiritual dimension in the healing practices which makes people aware about the holistic relationship between human beings and the nature which is the only ecosystem that supports life on the whole planet Generally the early medical practice of present Pakistan opens doors to time honored ancestral wisdom and the need for balancing the natural remedies such as plant based medicine along with the modern day health care system.
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👩⚕️Can you describe some elements they used at the time? What was the special use of each one?



In the ancient Pakistani medicine, a number of ingredients were taken advantage of for their distinctive healing properties. Here are some examples:

Neem: In ancient Pakistan medicine, neem stood supreme and was a revered healer, which was held in a high regard due to its bitter taste and powerful curative properties. It was used in the past to treat the skin problems such as acne, eczema, calms down inflammations besides purifying the body internally. Neem became a metaphor for thoughts of strength while providing an entire view of the healing process focusing on the unity of the body and nature.

Tulsi (Holy Basil): He was a sage and a mystical doctor in one. It was used by the intended people to treat different diseases like coughs, colds, asthma and even the gastrointestinal complaints and stress related disorders. Tea made from the holy basil was also believed to be as antimicrobial and a working inhibitor to the virus.

Ginger: Ginger possesses some digestive features and is supposed to give relief for nausea, indigestion, and ups sets in stomach. It was additionally used to achieve healthiness and as a preventive measure for diseases.

Garlic: The garlic was beloved due to its antimicrobial effect and was drinking in to fight off infections and strengthen the immune system. Similarly, it described the benefits of this diet such as improvement of heart health, reduction of cholesterol level.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds): It was ajwain that was mostly awarded for its digestive and along with it, carminative functions. It was believed to help digest food properly, and toward that end, it relives indigestion, bloating, and gas.

Honey: The honey was chosen because it was given credit by that it is the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It was applied to the healing of wounds and coughs and sore throats, and was ingested to be more productive, as well as for overall health benefits.
A5tMjLhTTnj4UJ3Q17DFR9PmiB5HnomwsPZ1BrfGqKbjddxD9Fg3kHuaVWbP4Qb16sPQVhqmbMKHGfo9CbxakWUnxvMrFkYT8J6YWqKqsYZwp4UDt2k8jjhEs7g4MgSFsgV9ZBuXmDB8dua7SeGk3q1wvYQRyMbSdGsugzou6V4uAJjqRabNgFsSpQWzidKK4tTXDuaHLrTX2YZ (1).jpeg

👩⚕️ Design a scenario about ''Ancient medicine''

Set in the historical Taxila, a city renowned for its intellectuals and physicians, Asad, a young man on a quest for a cure, has been getting serious headaches lately. It sounds that a village of a wise herbalist who dwells near the city has been told and now he set off on a journey to find her.

When Aryan arrived to the numb shop, she was met with a divine scented smell of herbs and myriads of tightly closed jars standing on the open shelves. The wild woman had a name, it turns out: Farah. She invites Asad to sit and to recount his trouble.

With absolute concentration, Farah begins to brew a herbal drink made of brahmi, ashwagandha and jatamansi, which are very highly regarded for their relaxation and curative functions. She tells Aruron that these herbs will help begin to work to restore peace of mind, calm stress conditions and alleviate his headaches.

As a result of Farah's recommendation, Asad sticks to the instructions utterly and a rapid improvement in his well- being becomes visible. With the huge relief following, he goes back to Farah to thank him and to obtain more information on the the ancient medical procedures that have been the cause of his recovery. Asad draws upon his experience and goes further to specialize in herbal medicine, realizing to preserve the art of healing that has annexed through the generations.
A5tMjLhTTnj4UJ3Q17DFR9PmiB5HnomwsPZ1BrfGqKbjddxD9Fg3kHuaVWbP4Qb16sPQVhqmbMKHGfo9CbxakWUnxvMrFkYT8J6YWqKqsYZwp4UDt2k8jjhEs7g4MgSFsgV9ZBuXmDB8dua7SeGk3q1wvYQRyMbSdGsugzou6V4uAJjqRabNgFsSpQWzidKK4tTXDuaHLrTX2YZ (1).jpeg



Thank you for being here.



It's good to know that in Pakistan they actively use the gifts of nature to treat diseases!

 6 months ago 

Ancient medicine refers to herbal ingredients that are naturally collected by humans. If the material collected naturally from herbal plants is used properly then our diseases are eradicated. Neem leaf is the best among herbal ingredients for me I got cured by using this neem leaf. Medicines were prepared using leaves, juice, bark, bark of plants as herbal ingredients. You are well written and knowledgeable about ancient medicine.

Jazakallah for the remarks

 6 months ago 

Hello dear @Fatima!

Your insightful exploration of ancient Pakistani medicine beautifully illustrates the deep-rooted connection between traditional healing practices and the rich biodiversity of the region. Your meticulous description of herbal remedies and their therapeutic properties showcases the invaluable wisdom passed down through generations. Keep sharing your valuable insights to enrich our understanding of traditional medicine.

Jazakallah 🙂

 6 months ago 

Pleasure ❤️

 6 months ago 

Hello dear @fatimafahim ,hope you are having a good day.Thanks for sharing about Pakistan's ancient medicine. It's good to learn how people used natural remedies like neem and tulsi. Your story about Asad seeking help from Farah is interesting. It shows the power of herbal medicine. Thanks for inviting us to join the discussion🤗🌸💖.

Thank you for appreciating my post ❤️

 6 months ago 

You are so correct..I have read articles about your country Pakistan been the birthplace of ancient healing arts and herbal remedies, which includes the Ayurveda inspired practices from Hindus and Buddhists.

I have always known that the Neem plant stood out what I didn't know was that the plant can be used to treat skin problems like acne and eczema. I have taken note.

You have a sound knowledge of these ancient medicines and I applaud you. Best wishes

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