A healthy diet chart

in Healthy Steem21 hours ago (edited)
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. im @danish578 from Pakistan and you are reading my bloq On steemit platform.You all are welcome here with my deep of heart.

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This is my participation in a contest A healthy diet chart organized in Healthy Steem Community
by @khursheedanwar

Make a healthy diet chart for normal adult

AsslamuAlikum I will share a healthy diet chart with you, but I would like to tell you that if we want to be healthy, we should have a balanced diet have to adopt.

Among the healthy food items, the first thing in our diet is dry bread(roti) which is easily available to everyone, it is very important. If one person eats bread (roti) meat and also eats various vegetables, while the other person eats only meat, then the one with a balanced diet will be more healthy me and you can also See this things.

We should try to avoid such things which increase weight and first of all I would recommend eating dates on an empty stomach in the morning which is good for health. It is very good and is also a tradition of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

Apart from this, you can have egg paratha for breakfast if you do heavy work, but if you do not do heavy work then skip the paratha and replace it with egg and Can keep dry bread.

Have some vegetable in the afternoon but every day be different, mix meat, pulses, vegetables. And along with this, consume fruits in the evening, like apples etc.

And eat less food at night, whatever vegetables etc. you are eating and along with it it is necessary to consume dry fruits at night.

you can see chart below.

MorningEmty stomach *3 dates *
Egg paratha (if you do heavy work) or dry roti (if you don't do heavy work)
LunchVegetable (change daily)
Meat or lentils (mixed)
EveningFruit (e.g., apple, banana)
DinnerVegetable (in smaller quantity)
Dry fruits (e.g., almonds, raisins, walnuts)
Are fruits enough to eat on daily basis?

Eating fruits regularly can provide us with vitamins and also keep us healthy, but it is wrong to say that we can be healthy only by eating fruits. If yes then this thing is not possible.

I have already told you in the first answer of the question that we need a balanced diet to stay healthy, hence along with fruits, We will also have to take all the other things like vegetables, bread, pulses, meat etc.

Which foods should be included always in a healthy diet chart?

I mean dates is such a thing which is powerful of all the things and we must include it in our balanced diet and it is also a sunnah Of prophet Muhammad (SAW) and apart from this dry bread should be kept in our routine.


I'm Inviting @aaliarubab @steemdoctor1, @malikusman1 @saintkelvin17 @pelon53 @chasad75
for participate in this contest.

My Achievement 1 Link

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