Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W3 - "Hereditary Diseases"

in Healthy Steemlast year (edited)

Greetings My Dearest Friends!..

It's another awesome moment to join the Steemit engagement challenge week 3 of the season 8 and I'm so glad and delighted to take part. Despite the failure in electricity and poor network in my country, I will still try to be engaging in the contest of the approved 7 communities. Here's my entry below though!...

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🧬 1-Did you know that many diseases are hereditary?

Sure!, I know that many (or some) diseases are hereditary.

What is a hereditary disease?

A hereditary disease could often be described as something that runs in the family and passed to generations. It can be passed down from both parents or one parent to a child, then he/she may now pass it on to his or her children.



This diseases can also be known as "genetic disorder" or "inherited diseases" which are classified as a set of genetic diseases that are caused due to changes in one's genetic material (DNA). Then, these diseases are now inherited from parents to their children or either stated that it can be transmitted from generation to generation.

There are some diseases that are caused by mutations which are inherited from the parents and becomes present in the individual's body at birth, such diseases include Sickle cell disease. Meanwhile there are other diseases which are caused by acquired mutations in a group of genes or a single gene that occurs during a person's life. Such mutations might not come from the parents but rather occur randomly or as a result of environmental exposure Such as cigarettes smoke which could lead to cancer.

🧬 2- What are the diseases that have been triggered in your family or friends circle? explain

There's no hereditary disease in my family but I have got a friend whose family have been suffering from a particular disease (sickle cell anemia) which happens mostly to the last child of their family. Here's the story of this family gene.


My friend who has a brother suffering from sickle cell disease

Felicia is a friend of mine who is about 5years older than me, she has a family of five (5) including parents. I was moved one day to ask her why his brother (I liked) was suffering from sickle cell? She told me that it is a hereditary disease that have been running in their family for over 7 generations now. I was so shocked because I could hardly believe this guy had sickle cell and looked very healthy and sound but it was gradually weighing him down.

What is a sickle cell disease

A Sickle cell disease is known to be a hereditary disease that is mainly caused by mutations in one of the genes encoding the hemoglobin protein. The Red blood cells that has the abnormal hemoglobin protein develops a sickle shape. The disease could possibly lead to significant damage to the lungs, kidney and heart and can also lead to chronic anemia.


The guy who has sickle cell disease

She said that her brother had a 25% chance that he would get sickle cell disease because her parents have the defective gene. But if it be that her brother inherited only one copy of the defective gene from either parents, typically he wouldn't have gotten the disease, but also there is a 50% percent chance that he will carry the sickle cell trait.

🧬 3- Do you take health forecasts regarding these diseases?

I sure will take health forecast regarding this disease and the condition it have placed individuals on. There should be a quick check among the scientist on what should be done inorder to eradicate sickle cell trait aside from the mistake made by couples that both have genetyoe of AS.

🧬 4- Can hereditary diseases be cured?

Hereditary Diseases cannot be completely cured, alhough genetic therapy might be the answer, but is still in trial stages. Meanwhile, supportive care could help improve their quality of life. However, scientists have put their heads to work for decades inorder to figure out a way to modify genes or rather replace those faulty genes with the healthy ones to treat, cure and prevent medical condition or a disease.


This contest brings us all back to the main deal and talk of the day. Despite that this disease is passed on to generations, there could be a way to put an end to it ourselves by at least checking the matching blood group and genotype of the couples to marry.

Special thanks to all who have spent their time to read my blog today, I so much appreciate, thank you very much. I wish to use this medium to invite @ahbaz @estem and @yourloveguru to join the contest.

Here is the link to my Achievement 1 post

Best regards;



Hai teman baik, @chiomzy810

Terima kasih telah berbagi cerita mengenai penyakit keturunan sickle cell anemia. Saya kaget ketika mengetahui teman anda memiliki penyakit itu dan generasi sebelumnya (jauh) juga sama.

Ini adalah wawasan berharga yang saya dapatkan.

Saya berdoa semoga teman anda baik-baik saja. Semoga dia selalu sehat dan selalu bahagia 🤗



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