SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging👩"

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

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Through one man, sin enter into the world and aging/death spread because all have sinned. We were created with the prospect of living forever on the earth. Adam, our first parents lived 930 years to be precise and another man lived 969 years. Just imagine how long they enjoyed their young life and when they became old compared to now where many starts growing old at age 40.

Our creator didn't want a limit in our lifespan and wanted us to live forever but because of our first parent's disobedience, they lost it. We now face the consequences of such growth of which everything living in life now has lifespan. The hierarchy is........

InfancyEarly Childhood
Middle ChildhoodAdolescence
AdulthoodOld Age/Aging ✅

Ever wondered what the science of Aging is and what controls growth in living things? This post gives answers to these questions.

-What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?

Aging results from gradual changes in the four organisations of life which includes the cell, tissue, organ and system which leads to reduced physiological functions. It can be influenced by the following according to science. This is the medical process behind aging;

  • Damage in cells: Cells are the functional unit of life and damage in it from metabolic activities or mutations in DNA can impair its function which contribute to aging.

  • Changes in hormones contributes to aging in the sense that these hormones regulate bodily functions. So in a situation where there are decline levels or change, aging occurs.

  • Genetics: Like I said, our first parents passed on the blood of aging to us. So it's inbuilt in us to grow old one day. We won't remain young forever. Some genes are related to longevity and healthy aging as shown in the picture below. This is a picture of the former and current president of Nigeria. If you notice, there's a huge difference between their aging. This may be as a result of genes.

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Aging is mostly noticed as a continuous process around 40-50 years old. Everyone at one point in time do grow old but there are two types of aging, healthy aging and aging prone to factors. The picture above shows how old the current president of Nigeria is at age 72 but the former president is age 81 but still looking far better than the 72 year old president.

Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older?

I'm very much afraid of becoming older because at some point, my lifespan will set in and I'll be no more. Although it's a certainty that one day we would get old which comes with various implications, I have a hope that strengthens me which is that one day, the original purpose of our creator would be re-establish and our years of life would be like that of a tree. We won't get to see wrinkles on our faces or age in gray headedness. These are pictures of my dad then and now. He's not happy loosing his childhood looks.


The challenges that comes with growing old include the following.

Lack of strength and balance. This comes with aging no matter how healthy you are. At some point, your strength would meager. If you're above 70 and placed in a race with someone in his late 20s, you'll definitely expect a defeat as you aren't strong again compared to before.

An example is my country's current president. He finds it difficult to maintain balance for long that's why he's sometimes supported when giving speeches.

Defects in bodily functions: It's very common to see people that are aged with defects like blindness, hearing syndrome, stroke, heart disease, cancer, gray hairs, wrinkles, leg pains etc. These are the things I've always avoided although I'm looking forward to it. It went were given an opportunity to change certain things in life, it would be Aging. Just imagine how this beautiful and handsome face of mine would be when I become old. It would be terrible.


Write any three nutritional items that can preventing aging?

When it comes to nutritional items that prevents aging, I've gotten enough that would make me age healthily. My continuous use of these items will ensure this. No one plans to be old but it happens.


This is a widely known means of controlling aging as it works orally and physically. How? Eating fruits daily prevents aging as these fruits contains vitamins that boosts your hormonal glands and improve your cell and tissue growth, preventing it from retarding easily. You can also **apply these fruits such as oranges, tomatoes, lime, pineapple, cucumber etc on your face to act as anti aging materials. I usually apply it every morning to enhance my looks..

VegetablesIs essential in building up one's blood and also enhances one's looks. If you can remember the example of the three Hebrews who ordered only vegetables and rejected food from the kings table. **In less than a month, they were more healthier and fresher than those other stewards who ate in delicaciesPXL_20240324_150052885.PORTRAIT.jpg
Skincare productsThanks to advancement in the technology where some products, chemicals and compounds are reacted to solve aging problems as well. I've been using these products on my face every morning and it this gives me brighter looks.PXL_20240311_094909887.PORTRAIT.jpg
Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?

One of such is jogging/running. When you do so, you keep your cells and body active and strong. When your cells and tissues are active, it improves lifespan and it doesn't make you age fast in terms of physical appearance.

Another is scrub exercises. Early in the morning, you wake up from your bed, rinse your face, apply facial cleansing cream and then massage your face with it for 15 minutes.

After doing so, rinse it and then do natural eye stretches by placing sliced orange or cucumber on your eyes and then close your eyes and open it so the water from these fruits csn enter your eyes. You can also use it as sponge or scrub for 10 minutes and then wash off.

In conclusion, aging is of different levels. To control aging, what we do now as we're young matters a lot. I invite @basil20, @emmyjnr and @chant

All original pictures are from my phone

 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

Cells are the functional unit of life and damage in it from metabolic activities or mutations in DNA can impair its function which contribute to aging I also learn from this post that orange or cucumber on eyes can delaying in aging. Best of luck

 3 months ago 

Appreciated Boss

 3 months ago 

My pleasure dear steemit fellow

 3 months ago 


Boss, I really enjoy reading your post. And it's true that what we do now to control aging as young folks matters. Thanks for the invite and goodluck in the contest.

 3 months ago 

Appreciated Boss. Expecting your entry

 3 months ago 

Aging is a natural process. And this will happen in our lifetime as a result of normal aging people undergo various changes usually through the death of photic cells and various physical changes which you have presented very well in your post. You are never afraid of old age and you are always ready for it. We all need to do that I think we have to die sometime so we always need to be prepared. Good luck to you.

 3 months ago 

I've learnt from this comment. Thanks for sharing.

 3 months ago 

Greetings dear @bossj23

Just imagine how long they enjoyed their young life and when they became old compared to now where many starts growing old at age 40.

It's a reminder of our mortality and the consequences of choices made. Yet, amidst the inevitability of aging, there's a beauty in cherishing the time we have and striving to make the most of each moment.

I'm very much afraid of becoming older because at some point, my lifespan will set in and I'll be no more.

Embrace the beauty in the passage of time, for each wrinkle tells a story of resilience and wisdom. Your father's journey, a testament to the grace found in aging. Let us cherish memories etched in every line, knowing that the essence of our souls remains untouched by the hands of time.

This is a widely known means of controlling aging as it works orally and physically.

Fruits, with their vibrant colors and rich nutrients, nourish not only our bodies but also our skin, imbuing us with a radiant glow from within. Embrace the luscious embrace of oranges, the crispness of cucumber, and the tang of pineapple, as they dance upon your palate and grace your visage, ensuring that each day unfolds with the timeless elegance of youth.

Hi, Greetings!! Quality Contents are highly appreciated

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Curated by : <@uzma4882>

Greetings @bossj23,
We all know that aging is part of the growth process which some cells in the body weakens or diminish making the individual involved fragile or weak. With the explanation you give, I doubt that you are a chemistry student. Probably, you may have sneaked into biology classes because this explanation is top notch. Fruits is one of the nutritional items that can reduce the rate of aging. Also, jogging can helps the aged restore their strength. Good luck on your post.

 3 months ago 

You've said it all. Thanks for reading my blog

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