Steemit Engagement Challenge / S13W1 - "Health and our Environment"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Healthy Steem9 months ago

Hello Steemit Friends

This time I participated in an ongoing contest in the Healthy Steem community on the topic ; Steemit Engagement Challenge / S13W1 - "Health and our Environment"

I also don't forget to invite my friends @elrazi, @azifnur86, @muhar-bd, I hope the friends I invite will participate in this contest.



For anyone who lives in this world, health is very important because so many people have the opportunity to get this health.

General health is one way that is very easy to achieve as long as you follow a few tips to get maximum results, including maintaining a clean environment, healthy food and others.

Tell us in your words what you understand about Global health.

What has been set as a link here is about global health, therefore I will provide a little understanding about it from what I know.

Global health is one aspect that covers all groups of society which is equal to what has been planned, namely about having no limits in receiving public health checks.



Many countries prioritize health for their people so that they can feel the positive impact so that life is comfortable and conditions are safe.

Which point is most important to you? Give your reasons.

The most important point in the health sector is the environment because that way it will be easier for everyone to maintain our health.



The living yard environment around us is an important role because it can create an optimal level of health for the community so that efforts to achieve comprehensive health can be felt together.

Most of the diseases experienced by humans come from an unhealthy living environment, which is dirty in all areas, so the food we eat is also contaminated and difficult to separate.

Which point is the least important to you? Give your reasons.

If we look at and study about health, all points related to health are very important, even though they are very small things, so I cannot explain this point because it goes against my heart.



In our daily lives we can do things right if we are at the desired stage, namely having physical and spiritual health so that everything will be fine and that is everyone's dream.

If you can add one more point, what will it be? Why?

Health is something very important and it is everyone's wish for them because by always being healthy you will achieve all your dreams.



By always being healthy and that comes from what we want, one of which is a healthy lifestyle, a clean living environment, fresh food and so on, so it is very important for all of us if we can apply that in our daily lives.

Thus my post this time, I hope it will be useful for all of us, especially for myself and don't forget to thank all my friends who have read my post.

Thanks to ;

Best regards always ;

👉 About me

 9 months ago 

Es sumamente importante, cuidar y organizar campañas preventivas, para cuidar la salud global, la insalubridad tiene mucho que ver con la salud, porque de ahí viene la contaminación y se propagan muchas enfermedades en el medio ambiente.

 9 months ago 

Thank you for reading my post and comments, I hope you always have success for my friends...

 9 months ago 

Global health transcends the boundaries and borders of nations. In globalized health problems, countries help each other to overcome the health crisis. In health problems, medical care must be guaranteed in all its manifestations.

The globalized health problem is a problem of all and not of some nations. Climate change affects the world's population and all countries must cooperate to solve the climatic effects.

Happy afternoon my friend.

 9 months ago 

Thank you for reading my post and comments. I hope we are all always healthy and successful...

 9 months ago 

Every health related opinion that seems relevant to the enhancement and development of global health is of importance. I sincerely agree with you on the note that every point is if advantage..
The most important you outlined which is the environmental factor. In health, our present living environment, plays a role in lifestyle. If our environment should be clean, then the rate of sicknesses won't be alarming, but if opposite, then there will be constant global health crisis ...

Thanks for sharing @ana07 and good luck with the challenge....

 9 months ago 

Thank you to my friend for reading my post and I hope that we are all always in good health...

 9 months ago 

Hal yang paling penting dalam bidang kesehatan adalah lingkungan hidup karena dengan demikian maka setiap orang akan lebih mudah menjaga kesehatannya.

Setiap orang mengatakan poin paling penting adalah lingkungan, saya pikir memang lingkungan yang bersih dan aman yang paling penting untuk kita saat ini.

 9 months ago 

Ya,, jika lingkungan hidup kita kotor dan berbau sehingga kita akan sedikit sulit dalam menjaga kesehatan,, terimakasih telah membaca postingan saya dan saya berharap jika kita semua selalu sehat walafiat....


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

Thank you for sharing your perspective on global health and the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment. Your understanding of global health highlights the significance of ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or location, has access to healthcare and the benefits of good health.

Your emphasis on the environment is well-placed. A clean living environment is crucial for promoting the health and well-being of individuals and communities. It can significantly impact the prevalence of diseases and overall quality of life. Your recognition of the role of the environment in achieving comprehensive health is important.

 9 months ago 

Regarding health I would like to say that outside food should be avoided because we don't know what they add to the food than the food we cook at home is more hygienic. There are quite a lot of benefits that if we don't have good food our health is affected by it your post is very good in this regard I hope you have a nice day

 9 months ago 

Thank you for seeing and reading my post. I hope we are all always in good health..

 9 months ago 

I strongly like your artical. You explained it very nicely, wish you best of luck.

 9 months ago 

Thank you for reading my post. I hope we are all always healthy and successful..
Best regards always...

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