SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

I hope everyone is well. I am also fine by the grace of Allah. I am going to participate in the challenge that has come up in this community and I hope that the questions that have been asked to us will be answered. We will give the name of this challenge well

SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

I am participating now and we will answer the questions accordingly so that I can share interesting information with you guys.Here are the questions we have been asked.

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Expect From The Challenge

What do you understand by the Word "Environment"?

How do our surroundings impact our well-being?

What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our health?

What are some simple actions you take every day to promote environmental health?

How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?

What do you understand by the Word "Environment"?

The word environment is a collection of all the components that are found on the earth, it means that the living beings on the earth and the objects together prefer the environment. We call it the environment.Environment plays a very important role in the development of living organisms and human relationships Ecosystem Biochemical sciences and the human environment are closely related and it is the life of a place where people or plants live or plants become part of the environment and all of them. It has a very important role in life. Ecosystem consists of many important features such as water, air, plants, animals and interacts with all of them.

How do our surroundings impact our well-being?

The environment around us has a profound effect on human life. It is obvious that if your environment is good, your life will be much better because the environment has a very close relationship with human life and without it life exists. do not have. If a person lives in a clean environment where he gets clean air, lives in a pollution-free atmosphere where there is no dirt, then his thinking and his way of thinking will be very high and his upbringing If he is living in a good enough environment, then he will become a good citizen, he will be free from all the things that cause environmental pollution, so the environment is very important for human well-being. You can take that if you live in a society where the environment is not so good, then you have a very close relationship with the society, then your upbringing will not be as good as if you live in a good society where That the people of this side will be very good, they will be educated, then you will rise and sit among those people who are very good and upper class, then you will also become the same. If the environment is good, the person will automatically be good.

What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our health?

First of all, we will understand what is pollution.Pollution refers to the inclusion of substances in the natural environment that have negative effects on human life.


  • Pollution is ruining our natural resources and the most important role is played by humanity, as the smoke of factories is polluting our air day by day and making it difficult to breathe, it also spreads diseases. It is what we call air pollution like traffic noise and traffic smoke is polluting our clean air and causing us many diseases and affecting human health.


  • And on the other hand, if we talk about water in our society, we are not getting clean drinking water, our underground water is also getting dirty day by day because of the dirty drains we have and the water that comes out of the factories with dirty chemicals. We are dumping them in rivers and streams due to which our water is getting very dirty and we are getting various water borne diseases like bacterial infection and many other water borne diseases. Because the water is naturally clean and transparent but we are making it more toxic by adding toxic chemicals to it which are causing us various diseases and this is disturbing our environment a lot.
What are some simple actions you take every day to promote environmental health?

Here are some steps we take to promote environmental health at home that we find on a daily basis:


  • First of all we keep our house clean to improve the environment of our house and to improve health so that the environment where you live should be clean and you have a good feeling.
  • We have set up our routine in such a way that every morning we go for a walk in the garden so that you can see the morning greenhouse and refresh your mind.
  • I and all my family avoid cigarette smoke very much and cigarette smoke is not even remotely considered in our house and no one smokes it because it is very harmful to health. The environment is affected a lot and your health is also affected a lot.
  • And our household water that we drink is boiled thoroughly to kill any bacteria and give us a clean and healthy water that will keep us healthy.
  • And we have made a small lawn in the house, in which we sit, flowers are planted in it, and the atmosphere of our house is the best, because the environment you create with trees is clean and it has air. They clean and absorb carbon dioxide and provide us with excellent oxygen.
How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?

Education is the best tool to promote environmental sustainability by making people aware of how to keep the environment clean and how our health will be affected if we keep the environment clean. That we should conduct various health related programs in schools and colleges and universities to keep the special environment clean and healthy and guide the environment so that people are aware of it and let us know. And in addition, special TV ads and shows should be played so that our environment can be good because if our environment is good, we will be able to develop ourselves and our children and our families.

Specific teams should be created and sent to them and programs should be made and I think education can play a great role for this because if education in society is in children and adults, then through education we can improve our quality and the environment. We are getting disturbed, our atmosphere is getting dirty, then people will become aware and we can clean it, through education, this is a great awareness system, if adopted, this system can be completely clean and also health. It will be good and our environment will also be good.

I have shared all the knowledge I had about it with you guys. Read my post and tell me in the comments how you felt. Thank you so much.

I invite @azeem22, @mubasherali @shahidalinaz to participate..

Achievement 1 Link


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 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Indeed, the environment is made up of all the natural and social elements that make life possible for all living beings. Water and air are vital in the ecosystem, allowing life to develop normally. If there is contamination of these elements, the health and well-being of people will be greatly impaired.

Happy and blessed day. Success.

Thank you so much for reading my post

@aliraza880. Your comprehensive overview of the environment's impact on human health is enlightening. Indeed, the cleanliness of our surroundings significantly influences our well-being. Your emphasis on education and awareness as tools for promoting environmental health is commendable. Together, through small daily actions and widespread awareness campaigns, we can strive for a cleaner, healthier world. Keep spreading knowledge and inspiring positive change! thumbs up

 2 months ago 

Hello dear! your emphasis on the importance of maintaining a clean environment at home through daily actions like keeping the house clean and avoiding cigarette smoke. Such practices not only promote environmental health but also contribute to personal well-being. Keep up the great work in advocating for a cleaner and healthier world.

Your point is absolutely right, cleanliness is half faith anyway and according to me every person likes a clean environment but there are some but our religion also criticizes us for keeping cleanliness.

 2 months ago 

Of course being Muslim it's the part of our eman.

 2 months ago 

Hello! Thank you for your engagement and insightful responses on the importance of the environment to our health. Your daily actions and suggestions to promote environmental health are inspiring. Keep up the great work for a healthier future for all and good luck!

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